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  1. hair-trigger

    20" queen Trigger

  2. hair-trigger

    20" queen Trigger

    How big was she when you got her?
  3. hair-trigger

    20" queen Trigger

    She is gorgeous! My queen is only 4 inches, but I can't wait until she's show size. How long have you had her?
  4. hair-trigger

    Tell me about going FO.

    I think all you have to do is put a fish in the tank. Then, it will be fish.....only?
  5. hair-trigger

    My new Stone Fish

    Careful! That thing can kill you.
  6. hair-trigger

    I believe now , triggers are trouble

    Sounds like a card carrying communist! Quite bad-mouthing triggers!
  7. hair-trigger

    Ghost tigger???????????????

    It could be a Golden Heart Trigger. I've seen then go for $300. * please do not posts pictures from other sites that have links or websites*
  8. hair-trigger

    I have an idea

    Anyone rememebr the cartoon Animaniacs? It's time for another good idea, bad idea. Good idea; truning an old hotub into a shark and ray pond. Bad idea; getting drunk and going for a dip.
  9. hair-trigger

    Queen trigger gone NUTS!

    Originally Posted by DKNewYork My Queen died before it got aggressive. When I added my Queen, it got picked on by my Niger. So I took my Niger out and put him in my QT. The Queen was still getting nips and scars. Now I know who was picking on it. My Queen got killed by my Undulated. My...
  10. hair-trigger

    queen and a blueface

    Rule of thumb: Bigger fish pick on smaller fish. it's insticnt, no matter what kind of fish it is.
  11. hair-trigger

    Queen trigger gone NUTS!

    What exeactly do you mean by "showing who's boss?" If it's just posturing, you will probablly be fine. If she's actually killing other fish, then you do have a problem. Triggers are naturally aggressive and will nip at other fish, but often that is the extent of their aggression. By the way...
  12. hair-trigger

    Need help with filtration!

    You should be fine as long as you have enough LR (45 -55lbs.). If not, you may want to buy some or at least drops some bio balls into your hang-on. Good luck.
  13. hair-trigger

    Tiny Bubbles....................

    Not sure what you mean by "filter" or the "end." The Berlin pump is about half the size of a football and has multiple intake ports. Could you possibly provide me with a little more detail, or even better a picture of your set-up?
  14. hair-trigger

    What does your triggers eat?

    What won't mine eat. She would probably eat my daughter, if she had the chance. There has been many occasions when she has snapped at my daughter's finger when she touchsd the glass. Now that my daughter know's that the queen will snap at her, she teaser her every chance that she gets.
  15. hair-trigger

    Tiny Bubbles....................

    My Berlin protien skimmer is clouding my tank with tiny bubbles. I have tried adjusting the air intake several times and cleaning it but nothing seems to work. Any suggestions?
  16. hair-trigger

    Suggestions for an aggressive 55?

    Triggers. You can not go wrong with triggers. If you do not feed them, they will climb out of the tank and find their own food.
  17. hair-trigger

    Interesting Shark Story

    Maybe it was one of the staff?
  18. hair-trigger

    Humu Humu Question

    In this case, size does matter. The bigger the better!
  19. hair-trigger

    Humu Humu Question

    Kelly, Triggers are like all animals. They each have their own personalities. Some are puppy dogs and others are blood thirsty devils. It's hit and miss whenever you buy one. I once had an undulated in a community tank and not once did it attack another fish. It's basicall the luck of the draw.
  20. hair-trigger

    Cuttlefish - Where can I find one?

    Did the research, have the set-up. Do have to put on my own scuba gear to get one?