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  1. keithb7

    Emergency 911

    My fish jumped into the back of the filter, i lifter it out and some carbon fell into the tank and littered the floor and the other life in there. now my anenome is looking half dead but i am not sure, i did a water change as soon a possible, what can i do or is my tank doomed?
  2. keithb7

    water problems

    nope RO. i had a gagonia in there that was given to me but it was to big and i took it out. before i took out the plant my fish were fine, i got back home and they were dead.
  3. keithb7

    water problems

    my tank was doing awesome and i even had a damsel living in it for two weeks along with snails and hermits. i added my clown and a firefish goby after a water change. all my levels were fine except the alkilinity was through the roof. any explanation my heart is broken for those two fish......
  4. keithb7

    Feeding Problems

    Thanks guys. This hobby has alot of little details, but watching your tank develop is so rewarding
  5. keithb7

    Feeding Problems

    it is not bad for the filter to turn them on and off everyday, that is what my main concern was.
  6. keithb7

    Feeding Problems

    Hey i have been a really hard time feeding my fish, origianally the food i bought was to big for the fish to eat so i bought smaller pellets, now when i drop the pellets in it goes straight to the filter, any advice on what to do?????
  7. keithb7

    Water levels

    ok thanks. That is what i figured but the LFS was saying that it was not that big of a deal. i am doing my first water change this weekend and everything is doing really well in the tank. my cycle finished very fast
  8. keithb7

    Water levels

    I went to take some water to the LFS to get tested and then i acclimated a damsel that they recommended to help speed up the cycle. Now my water level is low and the LFS told me to add RO. I really find this dumb because if i am taking saltwater out why wouldnt i put saltwater back in. Please...
  9. keithb7

    12 gallon Nano

    Wow it does look sort of like a feather duster, but i must say i was a little worried reading things about aptasia. I wish i had a good camera to take the pics with but my camera sucks. Thanks alot for the advice
  10. keithb7

    12 gallon Nano

    Thanks for your help. . I bought some more LR at my LFS because originally some rocks i bought were to big and it did not look good in the tank and now the rock have some sort of plant looking thing that comes out when the light is on and when i move the magnet cleaner they go back into the...
  11. keithb7

    Keep Your Tank Warm this Winter!!!!

    I live in Florida and it only gets cold like one week of the year and i was wondering would it be worth it for me to buy a heater? Seeing how in the night it might drop to like 50 the coldest and during the day it gets back up to like 80.
  12. keithb7

    12 gallon Nano

    NO i know i need to use RO to add water. But my question was when i am doing the acclimation for a new fish eventually what would i do to replace the water that was lost in this process. Do i add water from the LFS or do i add RO water.
  13. keithb7

    12 gallon Nano

    New tank setup. got more caves for the future fish and alot more flat surfaces for future ciral
  14. keithb7

    12 gallon Nano

    Well here is my pic. When i am doing a water change where do i go to get the extra water. I am trying to learn how to add the water without throwing off all the levels of ammonia and nitrates
  15. keithb7

    RE-...starting my 12G nanocube

    I have a JBJ nano 12 gallon also and i was also thinking that the lighting might be an issue but i hear you can just buy a timer at a hardware store and at will turn it on and off for you but you have to leave the light on the on setting i am assuming
  16. keithb7

    12 gallon Nano

    what is the best clown species to have. Also since you think those other fish might not be the best chioce what d o you recommend. BTW replying on this forum really blows it does not let me backspace. i will try to post pics today when i ghet home
  17. keithb7

    12 gallon Nano

    Hi. I just got my 12 gallon nano and i set up live rock and live sand and on the second day i have had what i believe is to be called 3 polups growing. The JBJ has awesome lighting and looks great at night and day with the different settings. I know i still have some time to wait before adding...