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  1. tangirl

    How fast will Koran Angel grow.....?

    I should have clarified my first sentence. PB has been in my tank for almost 2 months with my coral beauty. The new tankmates are the trigger and the angel. ( and a lion, but NO ONE messes with the lion, he's a baby too 4")
  2. tangirl

    How fast will Koran Angel grow.....?

    Just added new tankmates to my 150 gal. this weekend. PB is about 6" and Koran is about 4- 4.5". At first PB didn't like this AT ALL! He has his caves picked out an the koran found one that the PB couldn't get into. Thank goodness. Now, the angel will swim out and around the tank but if he gets...
  3. tangirl

    ATTN: Anthem

    Had to go searching for your FAT emperor pic LOL. I just love him! I'd like to know what you feed him? I have read that their beauty can fade if they don't receive proper diet. I haven't purchased him yet, but would like to do my homework first. Specific products would be appreciated. Thanks.
  4. tangirl

    Powder Blue tand &....

    BCarp, I just had the exact same experience. Have a 150 gal, thought I could have a YT and a PB together. Hah! The YT was adorable .....(looking) then I see him beating the #ell out of my PB. Got so angry I turned my 5gal pail into an instant-QT so the little "devil" could sit their until he...
  5. tangirl

    I was thinking of adding a yellow tang i need peoples opinions

    I have a yellow tang and a powder-blue in my 150 gal FO. Although I have noticed a difference in the amount of room the PB rquire compared to the yellow, I wouldn't recommend keeping a yellow in 30gal (approx.) I hate to bring bad news, but they LOVE swim through their caves and "doing laps" ;)...
  6. tangirl

    how many is to many

    This seems like such a contraversial question around here. First, I have NEVER heard of 1" per 10 gal. You didn't mention whether you are going FO (fish only) or reef. Which makes a BIG difference. I don't think I can mention which site my info is from but your first response from Lionsohmy has...
  7. tangirl

    HELP me identify this fish, plse.

    Thanks Peasly, That is a good idea. Will he definately turn brown with the horizontal lines as an adult? How old will he be when this change happens, and how long will this fish live? So many questions...<wink> but thanks in advance!
  8. tangirl

    Tankmates for tangs

    I am starting my 150gal in the spring. Here is my colorful mix (so far. I may change my mind AGAIN:> )): With my Powder blue and possibly a purple tang I will have: 1 foxface 1 flame angel 2 perc. clowns 1 royal gramma Like you, I will have a fish-only tank, therefore we can have 1" of fish per...
  9. tangirl

    HELP me identify this fish, plse.

    Nevurrmore, you've made my day!!!! Thank you so much, that's him! Now, how do I find out how big he will get? Would it be somewhere aroung 12"? How do I specify THAT fish and not the Annularis juv. (in the pic below it)?
  10. tangirl

    HELP me identify this fish, plse.

    Thank you for the responses! Please (I hope you can) tell me the site where I can see this angel. I love it! It would add fantastic color to any tank. I'm not too fond of brown but this fish was so intruiging I want to know if my LFS can get one, but need to know it's correct name. Thank you again!
  11. tangirl

    Fish Compatability

    I would just like to comment on the inches per fish. (Alot of people say 1" per 5 gals.) I think you ARE on the right track. I don't think I can say the site I got my info from..but, the comment was: 1" per 2 gals. for a fish-only tank (with good filtration) 1" per 5 gals. for a REEF tank. I...
  12. tangirl

    HELP me identify this fish, plse.

    I saw a fish yesterday that was brown with blue stripes through it. It looked like an angel, but I can't find it on any site. Does anyone own one of these or know what it is? Thank in advance.
  13. tangirl

    Fish Compatability

    I would just like to comment on the inches per fish. (Alot of people say 1" per 5 gals.) I think you ARE on the right track. I don't think I can say the site I got my info from..but, the comment was: 1" per 2 gals. for a fish-only tank (with good filtration) 1" per 5 gals. for a REEF tank. I...
  14. tangirl

    Gobie-vs-Wrasse for cleaning

    Thanks for the suggestion. I guess I should have mentioned the clean-up crew I hope to get. 2 cleaner shrimp, 1 banded shrimp, blue-legged hermit, undecided about snails.(don't want any dreaded infestation...???) Because of the tangs (I LOVE these fish, and the fact the PB will cost over $100...
  15. tangirl

    Gobie-vs-Wrasse for cleaning

    Has anyone found a neon-goby to be as effective for parasite removal as a cleaner wrasse? I was told that a wrasse will "bite" the parasites off the fish, causing slight stress. But also the fact that they DIE, no one can keep them more than 3 months. (Is this true? In comparison to the neon...
  16. tangirl

    Fresh-water dipping

    I have not set up my tank yet, but I am curious about how effective this method of parasite removal is. I have read some claiming 5 min. dip is sufficient, others say 10-25 minutes. Any thoughts???? I know I should probably just set-up a hosp. tank but I don't know what to do for sure. I have an...
  17. tangirl

    Clean-up Crew

    I will be setting up a 150 FO, with 2 tangs , foxface, flame angel, 2 perc. clowns, and MAYBE a royal gramma. What I am wondering is how much is TOO MUCH?(for a clean-up crew) Many of these fish eat algae, so I don't want to remove all of it...??..Will the cleaner shrimp and hermit crabs bother...
  18. tangirl

    Garlic mixture for food

    How much of a concentration do you need? What oil do you use to dilute it to be able to "soak" it? Thanks.
  19. tangirl

    Dwarf angels

    I previously posted about keeping 2 tangs in a 150gal. FO tank. Which i was glad to hear is possible...but now my fellow hobbyists..:> ).....I would love to hear from those who have had sucess with keeping 2 pygmy angels in this size of a tank. Heard it was poss. but would like to hear from...
  20. tangirl

    Powder Blue tangs

    Thank you so much for your replies!! I'm glad to hear some sucess stories. Especially the fact that they have gotten along with another tang. Would love to hear from more. thanks again!