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  1. rjpsj1

    probably a stupid question

    water circulation in what you need. If you are using a protein skimmer, you are adding all the oxygen you need. My 90 gal has no airstones, never has. The skimmer makes its bubbles to attract the proteins and also generates the oxygen in the water. My filter retun outlet is 3/4 sbmerged, leaving...
  2. rjpsj1

    live rock question

    My rock took about 1 month and then there was something new on it every day. I did buy cured rock though, so timing could be diferent.
  3. rjpsj1

    Hello, New member here with a few Questions :)

    As Bang Guy said, read, read, read. I bought 7 books and read them cover to over before I bought anything. I run 3 other freshwater tanks and now an the proud owner of a 90 gal salt tank. I bought the tank used for a song. The hobby is expensive,but rewarding. When you decide the size tank you...
  4. rjpsj1

    Buy a wet/dry?

    Based on the size of the tank you have now and your plans, what you seems fine. I have a 90 gal tank with sump, and its great. I also have 100 lbs of live rock. I use the sump as a space saver, not having hanging on the tank. If you really want a small sump, they do make ones that hang on the...
  5. rjpsj1

    Desiding on Pump Driving is Driving me Crazy!

    Hey Zack- I use rio 2100 in my sump. I have 90 gal reef tank. This is to only one return but it does a great job. In the tank i have 2 ocillating 125 gal/hr power heads. I get plenty of water movement, without increased heat. The thought of using two returns off aT, you may wish to go to the...
  6. rjpsj1

    Anemone is dyin, i think?

    Hey Beak, I have a pink tip H. Malu, does the same thing. I am told the color change is actually the anemone getting rid of its poisons and excretions. I freaked the first time this too. I have not seen Melafix cause a problem with this anemone but my hard corals were adversly affected. I...
  7. rjpsj1

    125 gal on the second floor

    with approx 100lb of live rock, filters, pumps and the water, you should be up around 1500 lbs. The plywood sheet below the base is good, I have it below my 90. I have a 200 year old house. I'm sure your apt floor will hold this. If your tank is 5ft long x 2ft wide, you have 10 square feet of...
  8. rjpsj1

    lyretail hawk/popeye

    Thanks for the response Beth, 90 gal tank, wet dry filter, no charcoal. Popeye showed up shortly after I did an extensive filter cleaning. Also noticed a slight red slime algae growth after the cleaning, so I surmise this is bacterial. I am treating the fish individually in the reef tank. I...
  9. rjpsj1

    parasite pictures? need id help

    yes, ichiro, the pods are good. favorite food for the mandarin.
  10. rjpsj1

    lyretail hawk/popeye

    been on tetracycline 1 wk, no results..any recommendations??
  11. rjpsj1

    Veggie Clips (other ideas)

    Dear vkesu-- go to the drug store and buy a box of rubber surgical gloves. about 5 bucks. Theres over 100 in the box, will last a long time.
  12. rjpsj1

    Hey friends...just joined here. 100g setup

    Hey L&L, welcome back to the hobby. Have been in it 30yrs, but this year I went salt as well. Its awesome. Dont be afraid to buy a few books. They have great info and are a super reference in the future. My fresh tanks are 10,20,55 and the salt is a 90. Have 100 lbs lr, 40 lbs ls, 40lbs crushed...