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  1. domsbuddy

    blue coraline?

    No offense - but I'm calling BS on the blue coraline. Let's see the pictures.
  2. domsbuddy

    blue coraline?

    Still waiting for the blue coraline pictures.
  3. domsbuddy

    blue coraline?

    I've never seen the blue. Can anyone post some pictures?
  4. domsbuddy

    blue coraline?

    I have nearly all lime green that I assume is coraline, (doesn't rub off / can't vacume it off / looks good ). Anyone know what determines the color of the coraline?
  5. domsbuddy

    How long is RO water good to use?

    Why does the salt water have to be used within 1 - 2 days? If I have a powerhead circulating my salt water that I prepare for a water change, why can't I use it any time I want as long as I check the salinity prior to doing the water change?
  6. domsbuddy

    There is a zoo growin in my star polyps! How did it get there!

    Originally Posted by lil.guppy I have some orange zoos on my sand bed. They look crowded but have room to grow behind them on the rest of the structure. I noticed today that a tiny orange zoo that looks alot like mine is growing right in the middle of my pink star polyps! How did it get there...
  7. domsbuddy

    Coral banded and cleaner shrimp together?

    Originally Posted by Tizzo OMG. I gotta remember that! That way, if they die together, well, I sorta said it was gonna happen where as if they are fine, then I anticipated that too! LOL!! Does your LFS guy happen to know where his own CBS came from? FWIW, mine were OK together too. I never...
  8. domsbuddy

    Just ordered clown and anemone - would appreciate advice

    Originally Posted by unleashed what type of lighting? tank height? as for spot feeding the anemone I am a firm believer in doing so..small foods such and frozen plankton,mysis shrimp.and cyclopeze. avoid using larger foods which take more time to digest.. this will cause the anemone to purge...
  9. domsbuddy

    Just ordered clown and anemone - would appreciate advice

    Originally Posted by Reeferrookie Well, you don't know these things till you ask,do you? Most other forums have tank info listed. I have had a BTA for about 3 years and have had none of the horror stories associated with them . I guess I have been lucky. I drip acclamated for about 2 hours...
  10. domsbuddy

    Accidently froze my oyster feast

    I accidently froze my oyster and phyto feast. Once I thaw it out, is it still good to use?
  11. domsbuddy

    Just ordered clown and anemone - would appreciate advice

    With all due respect reeferrookie I have done research. But I was actually looking for some personal experiences that are often more useful than standard research. I would be interested in your suggestions, as I am sure you are quite knowledgeable, but I guess you didn't have any. My tank has...
  12. domsbuddy

    Coral banded and cleaner shrimp together?

    For what it's worth, I posed the exact same question to my lfs guy, who I think is quite knowledgeable and he said you can put a cleaner with a coral banded if the coral banded is from the pacific. He said if it is from the atlantic it will kill the cleaner. Any one else here that one?
  13. domsbuddy

    How long do fish live?

    I ended up getting both my answer and a few laughs. So thanks for both.
  14. domsbuddy

    How long do fish live?

    Just curious. I have a sailfin tang and a purple tang that I have had in my tank for at least 10 years, any idea how long tangs and other common tank type fish live?
  15. domsbuddy

    Just ordered clown and anemone - would appreciate advice

    Hello, I just ordered a Bubble Tip Anemone and a Gold Stripe Maroon - Aquacultured and I would like any advice that you care to share on acclimating, feeding, placement etc. Thanks
  16. domsbuddy

    can't keep the chemicals balanced!

    I haven't read all the detail of this thread but the sense I get is that most feel you can solve your problems with more frequent water changes and you think you don't have enough time to do more frequent water changes. Is it possible that you could automate your water changes so that it is...
  17. domsbuddy

    Looking for recipe for homemade food.

    Thanks. I appreciate the help. Sounds like as long as you stay away from preservatives, it should be ok.
  18. domsbuddy

    Looking for recipe for homemade food.

    I've always been interested in making homemade, frozen food - primarily for my fish which are mostly tangs. I've been hesitant because I didn't want to make anything that screws up my tank. So let me ask for help. Anyone have an easy recipe for homemade fish food that might also be good for...
  19. domsbuddy

    Best way to thin out xenia?

    You could send some to me, I'll pay shipping.
  20. domsbuddy

    my temp keeps changing. help

    One of the best investments I've made for tank maintenance is a temperature controller. I don't believe you can control temperature, at least reliably, without one.