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  1. foxface2

    Water change....

    my sand bed is shallow only about 1in or a inch and a i shouldnt siphone it at all what about sturing it around?
  2. foxface2

    Water change....

    well i thought i knew how to do a water change but what is this im reading about not putting the hose in the sand!!!!what does that hurt
  3. foxface2

    Anyone from East TN out there???

    i dont know of any more lfs in town,a.c has nice fish and alright corals real nice people theres only about two there that really know there stuff,e.b is a new store there coral tanks dont look so good but they get good corals so i try to get there on ther shipment days
  4. foxface2

    Anyone from East TN out there???

    bellevue its called emrarld bay
  5. foxface2

    Anyone from East TN out there???

    I live in nashville,but just moved from knoxville i used to go to the coral reef,with chris and dave
  6. foxface2

    2 gobies

    i have a 90g reef and already have a yellow watchman gobie and want to add diamond gody,is this alright or well they fight .......please reply
  7. foxface2


    well i did add live sand and got a little exicited and turn it on quick then my tank went from crystal clear to CLOUDY!that shouldnt hurt anything should it.deos cheato need light all the time.what about some kind of invert do people put those in there
  8. foxface2


    i just purchased a hob refugium and i know you put live sand in them,but what it better touse live sand or maciral mud.what are some other things you out in them and if you have cheaot do you leave the light on all the time....and answers or ideas will help
  9. foxface2

    cleaner clams

    im a shrimp and lobster man myself and live down south in Tn. maybe just looked over them. but ill try anything once so ill look and buy a dozen,i might not eat em all. i might end up with 11 in the tank(just kidding) but i will look thanks for the replies
  10. foxface2

    cleaner clams

    live clams at the grocery,ive never seen em.are they cheaper than the fish you just through em in or acclimate em
  11. foxface2


    and juss put it in the tank and it soaks up nitrate and phosfate(oops)
  12. foxface2


    Yea that is a good point i didnt think about it,what kind of aglea or where would i get it from
  13. foxface2

    cleaner clams

    do they move or anythings,how do they help with nitrates
  14. foxface2


    would this be alright,i have a regular hob filter the factory one.would it be ok to put some cheato in both sides as apose to the carbon mhs are 10in above the tank so the cheato should have enough light.i know im cheap i dont have sump or a refiugm
  15. foxface2

    cleaner clams

    bump..........................HELP i got them in th tannk and they dont even open up like regular clams
  16. foxface2

    cleaner clams

    I order 2 cleaner clams from this site.they were shipped with bo water not even a lil bit.Are they uasully shipped that way?
  17. foxface2

    Eel gives up

    why without the heads
  18. foxface2 Sale

    What happens if you put a order in, and the next day the same iteam goes on sale? I just puurchased 2 cleaner clams thursday and then friday they went on sale half off.Is there someone i should ask on here,send a email or p.m.(i know i cant call) What should i do or am i just out of luck
  19. foxface2

    feeding DTs

    when you feed DTs do you cut off the porien skimmer?for some reason i think my skimmer gets mst of it.And how often do you feed
  20. foxface2

    MH lighting

    I have 2 400wt mh on a 90gl It is a bit much i think it is 9 watts a gal. but i have them 10inches off the water and on for only 6 hours a day.The only problem i have is keeping the temp. right it moves from 78-81