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  1. ottogol


    why dose my porc puffer about once a week decide to expand it self? i have a pinktail trigger housed with him but it dosent bother him he just bloats up to a full ball? :eek:
  2. ottogol

    sump $?

    just a nice little comment i would like to say to all it is nice to see everyone can keep in mind of the reason we r here and it isnt to compare yours is bigger than mine or i paid this much less than u....i think we should keep our thought or atleast our comments on our hobbies
  3. ottogol

    Free 200 Gal

    i would have to agree with dan he is right about all the"goodies" that u still get for free but to lose the investment that might go thru the cracks isnt worth the problems :rolleyes:
  4. ottogol

    When do I need a new light

    well it is a good practice to replace florecent lighting every year but i belive a little sooner wouldnt hurt i belive 6 mo. is a little premature :cool:
  5. ottogol

    Is 30 gal out of the question

    I have a 30 gal agressive tank with a pinktail trigger and a porcupine pufferfish. And it has been set up for about 4 months .granted it will require a new tank but i belive i can get away with atleast 3 more month maybe a little more but my point is u can do it .I do a water change every week...