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  1. nemo2

    My 29 BioCube UPDATED PICS

    Originally Posted by PerfectDark Hi Nemo, Yes you can have too much that I mean intensitiy. I run 2 power heads one is a nano size Hydor Korilia and the other is a Maxi Jet 30. They give a nice moderate flow, one is positioned behind my LR the other is in the front left corner...
  2. nemo2

    My 29 BioCube UPDATED PICS

    Hey PD, I was curious about your powerheads. I have a 29G bio too. I added one more maxi-jet 600. I found an attachment that is supposed to increase the output from the Maxijet by up to 10 times. I tried it and I had sand blowing everywhere. It was kind of a mess. Do you think it is...
  3. nemo2

    My new 29G biocube

    Originally Posted by azul1994 What other fish are you thinking of adding? I want a pair of clowns, and a blenny of some sort. Either a bi-color or a lawnmower blenny. That will probably be it. Any suggestions?
  4. nemo2

    My new 29G biocube

    Originally Posted by Snaredrum Extra power heads are a must on these tanks. I learned this the hard way with cyno. The scaping looks great! If you add more rock, look for pieces that will allow you to sit stuff on like small rocks with zoos and the such. A lot of people glue zoos straight to...
  5. nemo2

    My new 29G biocube

    Originally Posted by PerfectDark Looks good you will prob want to add a power head to the tank to add some flow but so far so good. Take is slow, its not somthing you want to hear but it will benifit you in the long run. Nice job on the aquascaping. Thanks! I added another powerhead after...
  6. nemo2

    My new 29G biocube

    Originally Posted by SaltWaterNewb I like your rockscape. I could see possibly adding just a tab bit more LR but overall, even if you don't, looks good. Thanks for the compliment!
  7. nemo2

    My 29 BioCube UPDATED PICS

    Originally Posted by PerfectDark Well this is one case in where I would suggest to do as I say dont do as I do. LOL. I have kept a RBTA in my tank successfully for over 8 months now. Do I call that sucess? I would say no IMO, if this were the 2 year mark then I would be very happy. Here is what...
  8. nemo2

    My new 29G biocube

    It has been running for just over a month. CUC: 4 scarlet hermits, 2 blue leg hermits, 2 emerald crabs, 7 nassarius snails, 5 turbo/astrea snails, one royal urchin. That is all I have so far. Thanks!
  9. nemo2

    My 29 BioCube UPDATED PICS

    Hello! Kat74 told me to talk to you about anemones. I have a 29G biocube as well. It has beenup and running for about a month. I eventually ( like in 6 months) want to try an RBTA. I also want a pair of clowns. She said you have been successfull with BTA in your tank. Is this correct? What...
  10. nemo2

    My new 29G biocube

    Here is the first picture of my tank. I would love any advice anyone would have to offer. I am adding my first fish tomorrow. Probably a Royal Gramma. I am excited to hear what everyone has to say! Thanks
  11. nemo2

    Water change?

    Originally Posted by New2Salt1 I wouldn't shorten it. I would get an aquarium brush and brush the LR with algae on it. Then I would vaccum up only the substrate overtaken by algae. Algae multiplies MUCH faster when there is significant established growth. By removing it, you diminish its...
  12. nemo2

    Water change?

    Thanks for the reply.
  13. nemo2

    KAT74's 29g Biocube Diary

    That sucks about the scooter blenny! They really are very cute. Thank you for the advice. I will definitely try a bicolor blenny. I just love the pictures of yours. Have you ever tried an anemone in your tank. I have been advised against it, however a few said I could make it work. Just...
  14. nemo2

    Water change?

    My Actinic are on a 12 hour sched. and the daylight bulbs about 9 hours. Should I shorten it?
  15. nemo2

    KAT74's 29g Biocube Diary

    Kat74, I have to compliment your tank. I have been viewing your posts and pictures and think it is great. I just started a 29G biocube myself. It has been running for just over a month. I just added a Royal Gramma last week! His name is Reggie, and he is very cute. I was wondering about...
  16. nemo2

    Water change?

    I am a little uncertain about what to donext with my 29 G Biocube. It has been set up for 1 month. It has cycled, and is reading 0 for Ammonia, nitrite, and nitrate. I have a good amount of cleaning crew, and I added my first fish, a Royal Gramma, 6 days ago. I have a significant increase in...
  17. nemo2

    My 29 Biocube

    Originally Posted by madtownman I am returned...... Everything has been going good.... Except i have added a few things since all my levels were at zero for a few weeks..... The Mushrooms i have arnt very biganymore.. It seems like they are slowely declining.. Heres my levels: Amm - 0...
  18. nemo2

    29gallon biocube mckevin's progress

    Originally Posted by mckevinfang ok so is it ok to buys some snails too? whats the best kind and how many? i'm going to my LFS tomorrow to buy 3 corals any suggestions? i know the basics like mushrooms but what color? i want the tank very colorful any suggestions? KAT said a brain whats a cool...
  19. nemo2

    29gallon biocube mckevin's progress

    I like what you have so far, What do you have for cleaning crew? I would add some easy corals for sure! I just set my biocube 3 weeks ago. I have 3 emerald crabs, 4 scarlet hermits, 4 turbo snails, 2 blue leg hermits, and 3 of the sand moving snail, I don't remember what they are called...
  20. nemo2

    My 29 BioCube UPDATED PICS

    Originally Posted by PerfectDark If I was to give my personal advise this is one of those times where I would say do as I say dont do as I do. I have been researching about SW tanks for a bit longer than a year I started my first one March of last year and my goal was to have a "nemo tank" so I...