
Active Member
Originally Posted by PerfectDark
Well to answer both questions let me start with the pygmy angel in my tank. No to date she has not eatin any of my corals. I believe she nipped at one when I first introduced her to the tank as she appeared the next day with a swollen upper lip. But that was the end of it.
As for the type of angel to keep in a 24/29 IMO nothing that gets larger than 3" when fully grown. And even then make sure its not a particular type that needs a lot of roaming room dispite their size. I would stick to the Pygmy species as they are smaller and generally dont get any larger than 3". Although a Coral beauty will be ok for a while they can get up to 5" when fully grown and IMO thats too big for a tank that size.
Yes, I forgot to add that I have accommodations made for when my angel gets too large. Most likely to be replaced by another small angel, or some other kind of fish. (Very long time to plan, as my CBA is about 2.5-3").


Active Member
Originally Posted by peef
Wait a minute do I spy a roaming BTA????

Yep he was in his spot for almost 8 months and then up and decided to move.. One of the other reasons why the lighting upgrade was necessary. he is definatly getting a nice dose of light now. I suspect he will move soon... but if he doesnt thats fine.. I just hope the new clown will host him..


Hey PD, I was curious about your powerheads. I have a 29G bio too. I added one more maxi-jet 600. I found an attachment that is supposed to increase the output from the Maxijet by up to 10 times. I tried it and I had sand blowing everywhere. It was kind of a mess. Do you think it is possible to have too much flow? What powerheads do you have and How much flow? Your tank looks great! How is the Candy cane coral doing?
Also, do you supplement calcium and carbonate? if so what do you use?


Active Member
Originally Posted by nemo2
Hey PD, I was curious about your powerheads. I have a 29G bio too. I added one more maxi-jet 600. I found an attachment that is supposed to increase the output from the Maxijet by up to 10 times. I tried it and I had sand blowing everywhere. It was kind of a mess. Do you think it is possible to have too much flow? What powerheads do you have and How much flow? Your tank looks great! How is the Candy cane coral doing?
Also, do you supplement calcium and carbonate? if so what do you use?

Hi Nemo,
Yes you can have too much that I mean intensitiy. I run 2 power heads one is a nano size Hydor Korilia and the other is a Maxi Jet 30. They give a nice moderate flow, one is positioned behind my LR the other is in the front left corner pointing towards the over flow. My return line to the tank has a loc line splitter on it and one end gives current to the back left corner of the tank while the other blows accross the front and towards my gorgonian. One power head blowing too hard can disrupt the tank too much. But 2 powerheads turned down gives a nice moderate flow to the entire tank.
The candy can coral is doing awesome has 8 heads on it now from 3 when I bought it.
I do not dose anything, weekly water changes take care of replacing all of my trace elements so I have never had the need to dose.
Just as an FYI all calcium suppliments have carbonates in them, they are all calcium chloride additives. You cannot have a bottle of straight calcium without the chloride. If you find the need to dose you must test for magnesium or else the calcium supplement will be worthless if your mag levels are not up to where they should be about 1250 to 1450. Hope this helps and thanks for the comments.


Originally Posted by PerfectDark
Hi Nemo,
Yes you can have too much that I mean intensitiy. I run 2 power heads one is a nano size Hydor Korilia and the other is a Maxi Jet 30. They give a nice moderate flow, one is positioned behind my LR the other is in the front left corner pointing towards the over flow. My return line to the tank has a loc line splitter on it and one end gives current to the back left corner of the tank while the other blows accross the front and towards my gorgonian. One power head blowing too hard can disrupt the tank too much. But 2 powerheads turned down gives a nice moderate flow to the entire tank.
The candy can coral is doing awesome has 8 heads on it now from 3 when I bought it.
I do not dose anything, weekly water changes take care of replacing all of my trace elements so I have never had the need to dose.
Just as an FYI all calcium suppliments have carbonates in them, they are all calcium chloride additives. You cannot have a bottle of straight calcium without the chloride. If you find the need to dose you must test for magnesium or else the calcium supplement will be worthless if your mag levels are not up to where they should be about 1250 to 1450. Hope this helps and thanks for the comments.
Thank you so much for the info. I just bought my first corals yesterday, one candy cane, a mushroom leather, and green star polyp. I am excited that your candy cane's are doing so well! You have been very helpful, and I love your tank! I will post some pics soon!

Thanks again


Active Member
Originally Posted by nemo2
Thank you so much for the info. I just bought my first corals yesterday, one candy cane, a mushroom leather, and green star polyp. I am excited that your candy cane's are doing so well! You have been very helpful, and I love your tank! I will post some pics soon!

Thanks again

no prob, glad to help. I look forward to seeing the pics. I am going to post some actinic pics of my corals in a little while.


Active Member
Hey PD, saw your thread in about the fish plauge. Sorry to hear that, if I could be of help I would, but I honestly dont know too much about everything. So much to learn! Good luck with it all, hope the clown ends the bad streak.


Originally Posted by Bonebrake
Looks like a great start.
The yellow gorgonia is dying though, I would take it out.
Yeah mine did the same thing and was the same size and now is about 1.5-2 inches long after having to cut it back everytime the ends started to look like his. You need to put it in a cave or not under direct light. I did that to mine and is now doing great all polyps are open every day. Anyways good luck with yours.


Active Member
Originally Posted by aloysiusii
Yeah mine did the same thing and was the same size and now is about 1.5-2 inches long after having to cut it back everytime the ends started to look like his. You need to put it in a cave or not under direct light. I did that to mine and is now doing great all polyps are open every day. Anyways good luck with yours.

LOL yea but that comment you are quoting was from about a year ago though, that gorg is long gone.... the updated pics on pages 7 and 8 are what I have in the tank now. Thanks for looking.


Active Member
Ok so I took 3 pictures today... I found my last 2 fish and waited almost a month to get them. A midas blenny was the first and although I wanted a pygmy angel I also wanted a wrasse. So taking the loss of my white tail pygmy as a sign I found an awesome Carpenters Wrasse the other day and he or she is now in my QT with the blenny. So these pics arent the best because the lighting on my QT is just a flour. single strip light. I cant wait to put these guys in my DT...

And this was my Sun Coral looking like it wanted its picture taken....


Active Member
Nice carpenters. Bet most people havent considered one of those for their tank. The sun coral is nice too. Im selling mine because I cant keep my nitrates down, and after extensive investigating I think thats the largest contributor to the spiking.
I always wanted a midas blenny!!


i too have a carp warrse and they seem to be kinda mean when its feeding time, not towards other fish but towards my fire shrimp, just beware of this when feedingd.


Midas blenny and wow, what a beautiful wrasse!

Have you added them to your DT yet?
How's your perc doing??
..... still rooting for you and your fish!!~


Active Member
Originally Posted by beenbag497
what kind of starfish is that??
Red Bali Star, Fromia milleporella sp. I had it for almost 10 months, it was doing great but it was knocking over everything in my tank so I gave it back to my LFS. They put it into their main DT.


Active Member
Originally Posted by KAT74
Midas blenny and wow, what a beautiful wrasse!

Have you added them to your DT yet?
How's your perc doing??
..... still rooting for you and your fish!!~

The perc is doing great thank you... The wrasse unfortunatly didnt make it out of my QT. He died on the 3rd day, not sure if it was acclimation shock or just stress in general. The toughest part of acclimating wrasses is stress and getting them to eat.
The Blenny is going in the DT at the end of next week, I had to get some custom cut Plexiglass for the top of my tank now that its an open top tank. The blennys are jumpers and I lost my first midas becase she jumped into the middle chamber of my cube. But she is by far one of my favorite fish...


Originally Posted by PerfectDark
The perc is doing great thank you... The wrasse unfortunatly didnt make it out of my QT. He died on the 3rd day, not sure if it was acclimation shock or just stress in general. The toughest part of acclimating wrasses is stress and getting them to eat.
The Blenny is going in the DT at the end of next week, I had to get some custom cut Plexiglass for the top of my tank now that its an open top tank. The blennys are jumpers and I lost my first midas becase she jumped into the middle chamber of my cube. But she is by far one of my favorite fish...
Sorry to hear that about your wrasse. I hope you will try another one or get a fairy wrasse. They really add a lot of color to a tank.

I had a midas blenny that I adored. Unfortunately, it was a jumper too and kept jumping into the back chambers.


New Member
i just got a 29 BioCube. what model powerfilter did you use to achieve that flow behind your LR? and I assume you're using a skimmer? if so is it the BC Nano or other?


Active Member
Originally Posted by jpg1441
i just got a 29 BioCube. what model powerfilter did you use to achieve that flow behind your LR? and I assume you're using a skimmer? if so is it the BC Nano or other?
The powerhead behind my LR is an aquaclear 30. And my skimmer is the new oceanic biocube skimmer.


New Member
Thanks. And forgot to mention what a beautiful tank you have. Are you satisfied with the Oceanic skimmer? The only alternate I'm contemplating is the SR3.