
Active Member
Originally Posted by nemo2
Hello! Kat74 told me to talk to you about anemones. I have a 29G biocube as well. It has beenup and running for about a month. I eventually ( like in 6 months) want to try an RBTA. I also want a pair of clowns. She said you have been successfull with BTA in your tank. Is this correct? What advice do you have to offer?
Here is a pic of my tank:

Well this is one case in where I would suggest to do as I say dont do as I do. LOL. I have kept a RBTA in my tank successfully for over 8 months now. Do I call that sucess? I would say no IMO, if this were the 2 year mark then I would be very happy. Here is what I did to accomodate this animal. I redid my aquascaping to include an over hang and indirect flow towards it. BTA's prefer dark secluded areas where they feel safe. Then they like to stretch wayyy out and reach for the light. I also made sure that if it chose this place to reside in that when it came out for the light it was litterally 3 inches below them. The issue now becomes making sure it doesnt want to move, I cannot guarantee this and to gamble with that is rater nerve racking. I am currently setting up a 36Gal bow front system with HO-T5 lights that this anemone will be very happy in. There is no signs of stress it has never split, its color is phenominal but IMO the lighting is lacking and I want to make sure I can sustain it long term. If your intention is to put on in a cube with stock lighting be prepared for anything including a lot of moving around. Hope this helps.


Active Member
Yeah so take some pics of your new setup. When do you think it will be up and running?
Congrats on getting the fish in. So far so good!


Active Member
Originally Posted by peef
Yeah so take some pics of your new setup. When do you think it will be up and running?
Congrats on getting the fish in. So far so good!
I just finished making the cutout I needed for the shelf the tank will sit on, that will go on top of the stand my old tank was on. The hold up now is getting my LR selection. I have my LFS holding almost all of it, it took me 3 weeks to pick it all out. They have it in a bin in their LR tank. I am leak testing the tank this week. If everything is a go I will be painting the back of it black this weekend, staining the shelf and should be ready to fill it by the end of next week. I started a thread on it a while back unfortunatly I have nothing to add to the post yet. But I will soon....



Yay!! Congrats on getting your new little angel into your DT safely and so far, so good!~
She sure is a cutie!~
Have you noticed her nipping at anything?


Active Member
Originally Posted by KAT74

Yay!! Congrats on getting your new little angel into your DT safely and so far, so good!~
She sure is a cutie!~
Have you noticed her nipping at anything?

LOL I too was worried about that.... No I havent actually witnessed anything but I know she tried. And I dont think it was a pleasant experience for her. I know almost all the pic I have of her make it look like she is tasting the menu. But believe me she isnt, I came home from work the second day she had been in the tank and noticed what I thought was cotton in her mouth. Well white tail pygmy's have white lips to begin with so it was difficult to identify what I was looking at. After further observation and feeding her, I noticed that there was nothing in her mouth she was eating fine. It was her upper lip, it was like 3 times its normal size swollen. Apparently she nipped at the wrong coral and it whacked her pretty good. Since then the swelling has gone down and all of my corals are fine. She just grazes the LR picking on algea to munch on. And she gets her daily feedings of angel formula which she loves.


awwww.... she's eating "angel formula".....

well, she definately is a cutie! I've never seen one like her!
I am just thrilled for you that she is doing well! Kudos to you though for taking those "extra" steps to get her there!~


Active Member
Originally Posted by KAT74
awwww.... she's eating "angel formula".....

well, she definately is a cutie! I've never seen one like her!
I am just thrilled for you that she is doing well! Kudos to you though for taking those "extra" steps to get her there!~

Thanks..... and yea I was looking for a color not often seen. Although its not considered a rare species which was good for my wallet.


Active Member
Wow PD, very cool angel. I like the colors on it really nicely actually. Mine didnt even test the waters, but I guess its better that it tests it out and stops, than if it just nips a lot. Mine watches me as soon as I enter the room, begging for food. Also just goes from one end of the tank to the other, nips at a rock, and goes back and repeats haha.


Originally Posted by PerfectDark
Well this is one case in where I would suggest to do as I say dont do as I do. LOL. I have kept a RBTA in my tank successfully for over 8 months now. Do I call that sucess? I would say no IMO, if this were the 2 year mark then I would be very happy. Here is what I did to accomodate this animal. I redid my aquascaping to include an over hang and indirect flow towards it. BTA's prefer dark secluded areas where they feel safe. Then they like to stretch wayyy out and reach for the light. I also made sure that if it chose this place to reside in that when it came out for the light it was litterally 3 inches below them. The issue now becomes making sure it doesnt want to move, I cannot guarantee this and to gamble with that is rater nerve racking. I am currently setting up a 36Gal bow front system with HO-T5 lights that this anemone will be very happy in. There is no signs of stress it has never split, its color is phenominal but IMO the lighting is lacking and I want to make sure I can sustain it long term. If your intention is to put on in a cube with stock lighting be prepared for anything including a lot of moving around. Hope this helps.
Thanks so much for the info. Maybe I will wait on the anemone until I can upgrade my digs! It is always good to hear from someone who has tried. your tank looks great. Like your new angel!


Active Member
Originally Posted by nemo2
Thanks so much for the info. Maybe I will wait on the anemone until I can upgrade my digs! It is always good to hear from someone who has tried. your tank looks great. Like your new angel!


Active Member
What a cool Looking angel fish. It loooookkssss so TINYYYYY. how small is it ? 2 inches or less ? Well congrats on getting it into your tank finally. I hope everything goes well with it. I would like to put a pygmy angel or something real colorful in my 10 gallon when i upgrade it to 20. My 24 ap is stocked good enough so need more tanks. HEHEHE. well take care


Active Member
Originally Posted by Blazin2k6
What a cool Looking angel fish. It loooookkssss so TINYYYYY. how small is it ? 2 inches or less ? Well congrats on getting it into your tank finally. I hope everything goes well with it. I would like to put a pygmy angel or something real colorful in my 10 gallon when i upgrade it to 20. My 24 ap is stocked good enough so need more tanks. HEHEHE. well take care
Sounds like you need more tanks to me too... yea shes only about 1-1/2" so it will be cool to watch her grow.


Active Member
OK so I was sitting around saying hmmm I got these new T5 HO litghts for my new tank and I have on order a new set of T5 lights for my cube tank... I wanted to see exactly what they would make my tank look like... so I snapped some pictures.. WOW what a difference...
My sun coral

Super Green zoos and reds

My steal... a mix zoa rock I bought for $30.00 all but the fire and ice came on this rock..

Eagle Eye Zoa's


Full Tank Shot


Active Member
Sweeeet clown! Your zoos are growing like mad also! Its crazy how much tanks change. I remember when I first got on this site I was calling my wife over like WOOOOA look at this guys tank holy cow. The difference from even then to now is phenominal. Looking great man!!!!


Active Member
hey PerfectDark, Your tank is looking excellent. Love it. What do you think of your Dwarf Angel ? I was thinking about picking up a Golden Dwarf Angelfish today if its still at LFS. It was like $110 or 120. Seems to be a good deal considering they are pretty rare. Well i was just wondering if it would get along ok with my two b/w clowns and how they are with corals. I heard they pick on corals alot. Well keep up the good work.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Blazin2k6
hey PerfectDark, Your tank is looking excellent. Love it. What do you think of your Dwarf Angel ? I was thinking about picking up a Golden Dwarf Angelfish today if its still at LFS. It was like $110 or 120. Seems to be a good deal considering they are pretty rare. Well i was just wondering if it would get along ok with my two b/w clowns and how they are with corals. I heard they pick on corals alot. Well keep up the good work.
You asked for PD, but I want to chime in real fast. I have a coral beauty, and mine doesnt nip at all. Not even the montipora, which looks like a rock haha. Mine is fine, but dwarf angels tend to be 50/50 whether or not it will nip, and varies by the individual. If youre going to spend that much, make sure if it does, you can get your money back.
Guessing you have a 24/29 gallon tank also, 2 clowns and a dwarf angel might max that tank out. Up to you though.


Active Member
Well to answer both questions let me start with the pygmy angel in my tank. No to date she has not eatin any of my corals. I believe she nipped at one when I first introduced her to the tank as she appeared the next day with a swollen upper lip. But that was the end of it.
As for the type of angel to keep in a 24/29 IMO nothing that gets larger than 3" when fully grown. And even then make sure its not a particular type that needs a lot of roaming room dispite their size. I would stick to the Pygmy species as they are smaller and generally dont get any larger than 3". Although a Coral beauty will be ok for a while they can get up to 5" when fully grown and IMO thats too big for a tank that size.