
Active Member
Originally Posted by jpg1441
Thanks. And forgot to mention what a beautiful tank you have. Are you satisfied with the Oceanic skimmer? The only alternate I'm contemplating is the SR3.
Yes absolutely I love the skimmer especially for the price. I am not into modding my cube out to spend tons of money on what IMO it should already be able to do. So this was what I think to be a good compromise.


Active Member
Originally Posted by PerfectDark
Yes very much so thank you... everything seems to be going back to normal... (knock on wood).
Good stuff. I remember seeing a thread a while back where you were trying to find out why your tank was fallow. Did anything ever come of it?
PS congrats on page 11!!


Active Member
Originally Posted by paintballer768
Good stuff. I remember seeing a thread a while back where you were trying to find out why your tank was fallow. Did anything ever come of it?
PS congrats on page 11!!

Apparently, I was cursed with 2 fish that died from acclimation shock and another that had a bacterial infection from where I bought it from. The last fatality was from a colony of xenia in my tank that melted and I hadnt noticed it. It fouled my tank pretty good and my pygmy angel couldnt handle it.


Active Member
Originally Posted by PerfectDark
Apparently, I was cursed with 2 fish that died from acclimation shock and another that had a bacterial infection from where I bought it from. The last fatality was from a colony of xenia in my tank that melted and I hadnt noticed it. It fouled my tank pretty good and my pygmy angel couldnt handle it.
Ah ok. So I bet plenty of preparation is going into making sure these beauts go in well. I saw an angel like yours today at the FS, very nice ones.


Active Member
Originally Posted by paintballer768
Ah ok. So I bet plenty of preparation is going into making sure these beauts go in well. I saw an angel like yours today at the FS, very nice ones.
Yea I want another one... I definatly did everything by the book when i added in these fish this time. My Blenny went in today, I am taking pics in a little while and I will have updates posted soon.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Coral Keeper
Nice tank!! I like your Gorgonian!! What kind of Gorgonian is it?

Thanks, its a purple brush gorgonian, Muriceopis flavida. They are photosynthetic but not high light demanding. They are eaiser to care for because they dont require as frequent feedings as the non photo ones do. I love it, it has brown polyps but the outter skin of it is bright bright purple.


is the purple stuff growing on ur glass coraline?? and how can you get that in your tank?? cuz i think it looks cool on the back


Active Member
Originally Posted by Veeraj87
is the purple stuff growing on ur glass coraline?? and how can you get that in your tank?? cuz i think it looks cool on the back

Veeraj, yes the purple stuff is coraline algea. It is a by product of a maturing tank and ideal calcium levels. 400 to 450 is the ideal range and the use of actinic lighting also helps. Its been shown that coraline algea grows faster under actinic lighting.


Active Member
Originally Posted by ClownFiSH11
like in 2-3 weeks
I wont be fragging the sun coral anytime soon, sorry. I spent a few weeks nursing it back to good health and I havent had it very long. Once it grows I have no problems fragging it but I would want it to get at least double in size before I do.
As for the Zoas, My specialty colors I dont have a lot of I need them to grow a bit more. I am starting a 36gal bow front so I want to use what I have to help supply that tank too.
Having said all that I do want to frag and trade or sell some of my stock but it hasent grown enough just yet for me to let any go. Once it has I will definatly post up and tell everyone. I love my Zoa collection I have about 7 different color morphs.


Active Member
Ok so I took some time tonight and took some pictures of my new Midas Blenny. She went into my DT tonight
my clown now has a partner. I also snapped a FTS and a couple others ENJOY!!! And comments are always welcome.
First is a FTS

Here is the new Midas Blenny.. very personable too !!



Wow!! Your tank is looking AWESOME!!~

Where did your rose anemone go? Am I missing it?
and THAT is a GORGEOUS midas blenny!! Oozes personality through the photos! Love the 2nd pic of her where she is looking at the camera like she is flirting! (that's why I say it's gotta be a "she")

Great shots, as always!~


Active Member
Thanks KAT, yea if you look at the FTS pic right in the middle of the pic where the cave is. Look at the lower right of the opening of cave you can see a few tenticles. I didnt take a real good FTS tomorrow I will though.


wow that is so sick, i love the fish the yellow really goes well with ur orange clown in the tank=P
everything is lookin above beautiful, i like that ur anemone moved back=P.
that fish is so pretty i can't get over the yellow and the blue eyes=P. im also thinking about what fish i want in my tank once its done, its either of these mandarin,flaming pawn goby, or some kind of wrasse. and now i might just get ur fish=P(but i don't know u think she would pick on little inverts)