florida joe

Well-Known Member
Just out of curiosity any reason you went with the strawberry over the orchard Pseudochromis. Oh and for the record your tank looks GREAT


Active Member
Originally Posted by florida joe
Just out of curiosity any reason you went with the strawberry over the orchard Pseudochromis. Oh and for the record your tank looks GREAT
Thank you....
And yes... the brighter purple flouresed by the actinic lighting is IMO unbelievable... As far as inexpensive vibrantly colored fish, this one IMO is at the top of the list. Although the orchard was a consideration too... ultimatly I let my wife decide.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Blazin2k6
Wonderful Pics PerfectDark, Your tank looks truly amazing ! The blenny looks so cute. And yes nice save on the ***** fish. AHHH You might need to keep them in qt for 6 weeks hahaha jk. Their fish are prone to having ick for some reason though. Well goodluck on them.

Thanks I am going to update them this weekend... since the add on of the HO-t5's my shrooms didnt take well to the change.. but everything else did.
In all honesty even though the ***** I frequent has more knowledgable hamsters when it comes to SW tanks. Their live stock is suprisingly healthy "looking" he he... little catch there. Not saying they are, and I am not saying that QT might be consdered for a year.. LOL but as far as looks go not bad IMO.
The blenny is my favorite so far... always out never hides and has buddied up with the clownfish. I will try to get a pic of them swimming together.


New Member
Perfect Dark,
I have certainly enjoyed looking at your tank and going through the information in the threads. I have a Biocube 29 as well and wanted to ask a couple of questions.
What size splitter did you use for the output elbow coming back into the tank? I thought that I saw where you used a 5/8" but online(no local fish stores here) I have only seen 1/2" and 3/4" for sale. May just need to look harder.
Also it is about time to replace my lights. I thought you were going with a higher watt pc but in the post above it looks like you got HO t5's. I would like to have t'5 but have no ability to do something that is any more than plugging them in the existing canopy. Did you have to modify your hood or did you find something that would fit right in? Can you tell me where you got them without violating any board rules?


Active Member
Originally Posted by Scout
Perfect Dark,
I have certainly enjoyed looking at your tank and going through the information in the threads. I have a Biocube 29 as well and wanted to ask a couple of questions.
What size splitter did you use for the output elbow coming back into the tank? I thought that I saw where you used a 5/8" but online(no local fish stores here) I have only seen 1/2" and 3/4" for sale. May just need to look harder.
Also it is about time to replace my lights. I thought you were going with a higher watt pc but in the post above it looks like you got HO t5's. I would like to have t'5 but have no ability to do something that is any more than plugging them in the existing canopy. Did you have to modify your hood or did you find something that would fit right in? Can you tell me where you got them without violating any board rules?

Thanks for the comments...
I will start with the Loc Line attachment. I believe I did use a 5/8 dia connection and the company name is "Loc Line" maybe if you google that it will open up more options for you. However because ID vs OD and thickness of plastic from Oceanic parts to Loc Line parts I had to do some filing and sanding to get them to click together. It didnt take long just a little TLC and it worked well.
As for the lights I was going to go with a higher wattage PC light but knowing that higer wattage doesnt mean farther penetration through the water I decided to go with a more intense light. You can find what I used if you google Nova Sundial, or Current USA, I have the 24" set, yea they hang over the sides of my tank but I dont mind. You have to be prepared to ditch your hood and run an open top tank. The lights have legs that hold them above your tank. I love them.... Hope this helps good luck.


Active Member
Ok so I took some pictures tonight..some of my DT fish that were just hanging out together.. And one of my Blenny in one of her many different color morphs. This one is probably my favorite one and she turns this color when she is completly relaxed and at ease.

Blenny BLUE !!!

This is my New Strawberry Pseudochromis.. she is still in QT so the pics arent that great.. but this is my ***** rescue..


Active Member
Ok this is my QT tank. I cant recall ever seeing someone post pics of what their QT looks like, well here is mine along with a crappy pic of my pygmy angel.
I have 2 small HOB filters, 1 heater, and 1 PH. Only one actinic light if needed it goes on, and a small lamp i turn on when I need to observe the fish. I made a plexiglass tank separator, by cutting it to size and drilling holes in it to allow water and current passage. I use this if I want to get more than one fish at a time and dont want them to interact. It works suprisingly well. And with the 2 HOB filters both sides benifit from filtration.
Here it is..


Hey PD!~

Bumping your thread back up to check on any new updates? How are your little rescues doing?


Active Member
Originally Posted by KAT74
Hey PD!~

Bumping your thread back up to check on any new updates? How are your little rescues doing?
Thanks for the bump KAT, they are doing great.... in fact I have one more week for them in QT and they will be entering the display. I reaquascaped last night in celebration of my 1 yr anniversary of the tank being set up.
when the lights come on tonight I will be taking pictures and posting them later.
Originally Posted by HaloStalker

cool plate coral my LFS had some for 35 buckz and i didn't now if i should get it or if i had room in my tank.
When I bought mine the carbonate skeletal base was the size of a dime. When it inflated it was the size of a quarter. I need to check my posts but if I was to guess its been about 8 months since I've had it and although it has grown a lot its not enormous. I would say now the hard portion is the size of a quarter, and when it inflates its about 2+" in diameter. The short tenticle plates seem to do better in our systems than the long tenticle ones.


Active Member
The last pic was taken approx 3 weeks after the tank was set up.... the first pics are from TODAY!!
Here are pics taken TODAY!!


So glad you updated your thread here too, to show everyone how much you've been able to accomplish during your first year! I'm in awe... truly amazing transformation!~


Active Member
Originally Posted by caseysimp7
good job on the tank!! it looks really nice.
Originally Posted by KAT74

So glad you updated your thread here too, to show everyone how much you've been able to accomplish during your first year! I'm in awe... truly amazing transformation!~

Thanks KAT... Yours is nothing short of a masterpiece itself....


sweet nano. i just looked at some other threads along with yours and all the nanos here are crazy....job well done!