
Active Member
Originally Posted by KAT74
OMGGGGGG!!!!! I am in LOOOOOVE with your little yellow clown goby!!
How adorable!!! Look at those eyes!! Toooo cute!!
LOL thanks, hes becoming one of my favorites.
Originally Posted by alexa11
Thanks Alexa11
Originally Posted by peef
MAN! Your little goby is freaken SWEET! I love the way the RBTA and it look!!!
Thanks man, if there was a way to get one to you I would, my LFS has dozens all the time. I am waiting for next week my green one will be in.
Originally Posted by Hefner413

Ahhh! I want a RBTA!
Sweeet pics man.
I am hoping that it will split soon I have had it almost a year now.
Originally Posted by Hefner413

Your RBTA move around a lot?
I originally had it under the cube stock lights and it took some time to find its spot. It stayed there for almost 6 months. Then I changed out to HO-t5 lights, and it went on the move again. I just reaquascaped 3 weeks ago and he moved again, but until I change something big, he stays in one spot.
Originally Posted by p90ninja

you are going to make me go and buy a yellow clown goby. awesome.
LOL Yea they are very very cool and they hang out in everything. I am waiting for it to chill in my gorgonian again to get the purple and yellow contrast in a pic. Thanks..


Active Member
Well I have some updates... As of this morning I HAD a yellow clown goby, as of tonight I have no idea where it went
I hope it is just hiding due to the addition of my NEW LIGHTS...
Yep I got them in today my new 150watt MH Sunpod fixture...

So, I had to take some pics and here they are..


Active Member
This last pic is more dipictive than anything else. It is the after math of what 2 clownfish go through when showing dominance and submission.
The scenario is as follows.
Day one I added a smaller clown to my already established and much larger tank mate. Upon arrival the 2 swim together for about 5 mintues. From that point on the larger one showed its dominance to the smaller one. The reluctant small perc was taught the value of submission for the next 2 days. It was forced into the LR aquascape, where it resided for an additional day. On the 4th day it came out looking as this pic shows, I was ready to remove it for obvious reasons, but along came the larger one and all of a sudden the smaller one showed the typical submission signs. Took residence in my anemone, and has been fine for over 5 days now and eating well. Its tail should grow back and scrapes should heal.


Active Member
Originally Posted by peef
SWEET new lights
!!!!! Now its time to really grow out some coral!
LOL yea its about time huh... actually I had the HO t5's on there for a while but the fixture didnt fit on the tank. The T5's were actually brighter but the MH lights make everything look much more natural. I like them a alot.
Originally Posted by Coral Keeper

It looks VERY nice!! Keep up the good work!!



Active Member
wow...thats terrible and i really hope you took him out of htere to care for him...that makes me sad and mad, so how did it happen?


Wow!! Your tank looks like a whole 'nother tank! The colors just POP on it and it looks GREAT!!

I sure hope that your little goby is just hiding because of the new lights. Keep us updated on the little guy.
and poor perc!
Yeah, he'll heal up in no time, but see.... look at how hard headed he was. He should have learned within the first 5 minutes that the best thing he could have done is submit to the female right away...

Tank looks awesome, PD!~


Active Member
Originally Posted by ClownFiSH11
wow...thats terrible and i really hope you took him out of htere to care for him...that makes me sad and mad, so how did it happen?
LOL its all a part of the ritual that clownfish go through to assume dominance over one another. My intention was to remove the one that was getting beat on but it went into my LR and that scenario became impossible. So, when it came out again I was going to remove it then. However it was a different scenario and the smaller one showed submssive signs and they are buddies now. Eating and swimming together, and the larger one even looks interested in the anemone. I am confident that the smaller one will recover and it is no longer getting hurt. If the smaller one would of submittied to the larger one sooner he could of saved himself the abuse... but, apparently he was thick headed.


Active Member
Originally Posted by mojo46825
Sweet lights. You get a deal on those?

LMAO Man I was about to PM you and you beat me to it on my thread. Yep I got em... THANKS AGAIN FOR THAT SWEET DEAL. They work great, I had a meeting late this evening but as soon as I got home I put this bad boy on my tank snapped some pics and posted them here.


Active Member
Soooo the only downside to the sunpod system is all the freakin timers you need to have along with it. I like to simulate Dusk, night, dawn and daytime. So night time all the blues are on, my whites pop on at like 4pm (for now still in acclimation process) my blues shut off about 1/2 hour later. Then at 5pm my MH light kicks on and the whites shut off. Then at 9pm the whites come back on and the MH light kicks off. At 10:30 the blues kick on with the whites and a half hour later the whits shut off for the night.
On another note I woke up this morning still no yellow goby to be found...

But my large clown was hosting my anemone..
This guy was in my tank for 2 months now and never looked at the anem. I put the other perc in there last week, it hosted 3 days ago, and this morning it got kicked out and the other one was in it... BUT, the small one is not far away he is litterally nuzziling the outter part of the anem and the large one is letting it happen so I dont think it will be long before she lets him in with her.


Active Member
tank looks great!!! love the new lights and the little goby, hope he cames back around soon! hey , do you think a clown can kill a brain from hosting? one of my clowns has been hosting my open brain for a few weeks but now I notice the brain is suddenly loosing color and don't look so good
Again you'r tank looks really good


Active Member
Thanks for the comments... and yes to your question without a doubt your clown can and most definatly will kill your brain especially if you are already seeing a decline in its health. Sorry... to hear that.


very nice tank! I'm glad my little clown showed submissive behavior as soon as he hit the water. That looks like it hurt.


Active Member
Originally Posted by bs21
very nice tank! I'm glad my little clown showed submissive behavior as soon as he hit the water. That looks like it hurt.
Thanks, yea I would be lieing if I said I wasnt worried once I started seeing the damage being inflicted. It was just luck that I couldnt remove it because of where it retreated too. And then everything started to work out.


Active Member
Well the tank ate and so did my fish. It looked like it was in full bloom tonight so I took some pics. Nothing new, my new green clown goby as been MIA for over a day now but when it was new in the tank it never came out fully. So I am hopeful it will emerge soon.
