
Active Member
Originally Posted by Scopus Tang
Looking good Joe
! I feel in love with the MH when I finally got one ~ love the shimmer effect through the water. Does it show up in the biocube like a regular tank? How far above your tank does your light sit?
Thanks Scopus,
Ohhh for sure, so much so that my adjacent walls show the shimmer from the reflection. Absolutley a more natural look to the tank than any other light I had previously. I am now a Metal Halide fan, although I like T5's a lot, as far as looks are concerned MH's are awesome. My fixture sits about 3" above the water, a bit lower than my T5's did. And believe it or not I have a more stable tank temp than I ever did.


Active Member
So just a bit of an update, I have had my wild caught sumatra perc for almost 4 months now. She never looked at my anemone until I tried to pair her with another perc about a month ago. As soon as I dropped the new guy in he immediatly went for my anemone. A day later she kicked him out and assumed ownership of the anem. Then the beatings began and unfortunatly the little guy didnt pull through after moving him to a hospital tank. Right after he passed I bought another, this time a tank raised ocellaris, QT for 4 weeks, I put him in 2 nights ago. Again the beatings started, but he was smarter, he retreated to the LR for a night. And yesterday morning I saw him, a bit tattered but showing signs of submission and the larger one (assumed Female) letting him swim with her. She was nuzzeling and he was shaking, and then that night POW he was in the anemone. Yep 1 full day and a tank raised ocellaris took to my anemone. My conclusion to this is, an anemone fishes drive to seek an anemone is a learned trait. On 2 different occasions this has been prooven to me. Pics will follow...shortly.



Originally Posted by PerfectDark
So just a bit of an update, I have had my wild caught sumatra perc for almost 4 months now. She never looked at my anemone until I tried to pair her with another perc about a month ago. As soon as I dropped the new guy in he immediatly went for my anemone. A day later she kicked him out and assumed ownership of the anem. Then the beatings began and unfortunatly the little guy didnt pull through after moving him to a hospital tank. Right after he passed I bought another, this time a tank raised ocellaris, QT for 4 weeks, I put him in 2 nights ago. Again the beatings started, but he was smarter, he retreated to the LR for a night. And yesterday morning I saw him, a bit tattered but showing signs of submission and the larger one (assumed Female) letting him swim with her. She was nuzzeling and he was shaking, and then that night POW he was in the anemone. Yep 1 full day and a tank raised ocellaris took to my anemone. My conclusion to this is, an anemone fishes drive to seek an anemone is a learned trait. On 2 different occasions this has been prooven to me. Pics will follow...shortly.

Has it been "shortly" yet??

I wanna see pics!!~

and... CONGRATS! A perc and an ocellaris... who would have thunk, huh?


Active Member
Originally Posted by KAT74
Has it been "shortly" yet??

I wanna see pics!!~

and... CONGRATS! A perc and an ocellaris... who would have thunk, huh?

LOL tonight actually is "shortly", and as far as you can see they both look like ocellaris, however one was sold as a wild caught sumatra perc, the other sold as a tank raised ocellaris. Ill let the viewers decide...LOL


Originally Posted by PerfectDark
LOL tonight actually is "shortly", and as far as you can see they both look like ocellaris, however one was sold as a wild caught sumatra perc, the other sold as a tank raised ocellaris. Ill let the viewers decide...LOL



Active Member
Originally Posted by KAT74

Ahhh yes yes... LOL sorry, things have been really crazy for me lately. OK here they are... OHHH I also found my frag of fire and Ice Zoa's, cant post a pic of them yet they are a bit funky looking right now. But here are the clowns.



Active Member
Originally Posted by spanko

LOL yep she is very protective of her anemone and her man... I had to move some stuff in the tank last night and she was watching me like a hawk from inside the anem.


Active Member
Originally Posted by ViceVersa
Your tank looks great! I hope mine looks at least half as decent as yours in the future!
Im sure it will, I havent done anything significant to my tank in a few months... I am waiting to add some color and weed out some frags that are over growing. Thanks for the comment.
Originally Posted by Fishy4991

what happened to your second midas blenny?
It was feeding time one night and when I took the egg crate off the top of the tank she jumped out. I didnt even realize it, I looked in the tank for her, she was no where. I thought she jumped but was shocked how fast she would have been for me not to notice. 3 minutes goes by and I start looking on the floor, sure enough I see her under the table the tank is on, laying on my carpet. I scooped her up and put her back in the tank, but, she had injured herself on the fall, and died a day later.


Active Member
Originally Posted by PerfectDark
Im sure it will, I havent done anything significant to my tank in a few months... I am waiting to add some color and weed out some frags that are over growing. Thanks for the comment.
Isnt that the truth haha. My initial frag of brownish pink palys was 5, 8 months later its up to the 40s. I havent been posting because theres nothing really worth posting about mine. Suppose I should do pics though.
Glad to see your tanks been going good though, very very nice man. Next time you and peef get ready to chop up some zoo frags, let me know. Im starting to take a liking to them. I want to add a flat rock in the back or somewhere and just cover in zoanthids, of all different morphs.


Thanks for posting those pics! It doesn't get better than that, does it?
Clowns and their nem.
Love it!


Active Member
Originally Posted by paintballer768
Isnt that the truth haha. My initial frag of brownish pink palys was 5, 8 months later its up to the 40s. I havent been posting because theres nothing really worth posting about mine. Suppose I should do pics though.
Glad to see your tanks been going good though, very very nice man. Next time you and peef get ready to chop up some zoo frags, let me know. Im starting to take a liking to them. I want to add a flat rock in the back or somewhere and just cover in zoanthids, of all different morphs.
Not a problem, I got hundreds right now... LOL. My eagle eyes and fire and ice are prob the nicest, and they arent considered rare by any means. My next purchase is some blasto's of some type, aussie acans that sort of thing. Got to thin out the hanger to make room for them though. My new tank set up slowed a bit so thats why there hasent been any significant changes lately. Thanks for the comments..

Originally Posted by KAT74

Thanks for posting those pics! It doesn't get better than that, does it?
Clowns and their nem.
Love it!
Yep, the best part of my tank right now is them... they are awesome...

scopus tang

Active Member
Originally Posted by PerfectDark
Yep, the best part of my tank right now is them... they are awesome...

Don't be surprised when they start laying eggs on you ~ buddy gets eggs on a regular basis. Can't raise them to maturity, cause he's unable to catch them when they release, but he has eggs almost continuously.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Scopus Tang
Don't be surprised when they start laying eggs on you ~ buddy gets eggs on a regular basis. Can't raise them to maturity, cause he's unable to catch them when they release, but he has eggs almost continuously.
Yea if they become a mated pair they can lay eggs quite often from what I have read. I have also read that if they do start to lay eggs and your intention is to try to raise the fry, its best to give them a flat surface to lay their eggs on so you can remove them along with mom and dad to their own tank before the fry hatches. I am definatly not interested in raising any just yet. But perhaps someday, it would be cool to try.


Active Member
Yea, I just want some zoos that are cool colored, like anything interesting. Not looking for armor of god ones, just something nice, and that wont hurt the wallet too much haha.


Active Member
Originally Posted by peef
So we have had a halo and paintballa sighting??!?!? WOA!!!!!
Who dat?
Yea Paint is in da house... LOL.
Hey Peef I dug your zoa's.. Oh never mind I will go post on your thread and tell you.

scopus tang

Active Member
Originally Posted by PerfectDark
Yea if they become a mated pair they can lay eggs quite often from what I have read. I have also read that if they do start to lay eggs and your intention is to try to raise the fry, its best to give them a flat surface to lay their eggs on so you can remove them along with mom and dad to their own tank before the fry hatches. I am definatly not interested in raising any just yet. But perhaps someday, it would be cool to try.
Yeah he gets them every so many days on the same rock every time, but after 10 days (or so ~ can't really remember), they release and float. At that point he figures most become fish food or go into the sump. Never been able to raise to hatching. I keep trying to get him to catch them at release or just prior to, but no luck so far. Why do the parents need to go with the eggs?