
Active Member
Originally Posted by Scout
Perfect Dark
Been following along and have continued to enjoy it. I have the BC 29 as well and have struggling with whether I wanted to get better lighting than the stock set. It has been up about a year and a half, changing the bulbs out every six months. Very happy with it and how it looks but hard to stand pat. Looks like you have enjoyed the metal halides and after bouncing back and forth I think that's what I am going to get as well. Great choice.
1) You have the Sunpod 150 HQI Metal Halides, correct?YES
2) Do you have the 20 or 24 inch lamp?Its the 20" Set
3) How many timers does it require? I have 3 timers on mine, although you can prob get away with 2
4) I saw where you got a pretty good deal on yours, I haven't looked much
yet but have found the 20 inch for $248 with free shipping. Can I do
much better?No not a whole lot better, I got mine from a private seller. It was new, but I admit I got a good deal. $248 free ship is fair IMO.
5) Anything else that I would need other than the timers? Nothing that I saw when I hooked mine up Did the fan come with it or do I need to buy a clip on? Fan is intergrated in the housing of the light Do you use yours(fan)? Yes it always turns on when the lights turn on. Additionally you may need a small clip on fan depending on your location, but I havent needed one yet.
Thanks for the helpAny time, Hope it helps.
Hi Scout,
I answered your questions above in red... Thanks for looking.


New Member
Originally Posted by PerfectDark
Hi Scout,
I answered your questions above in red... Thanks for looking.
One more question(for now anyway). Did you cover your tank? If so with what. I have a oscellaris clown, longnose hawk and yellow watchman( I have heard that at least some of the gobies are jumpers, not sure about the YM)
Thanks again


Active Member
Originally Posted by Scout
One more question(for now anyway). Did you cover your tank? If so with what. I have a oscellaris clown, longnose hawk and yellow watchman( I have heard that at least some of the gobies are jumpers, not sure about the YM)
Thanks again
Some gobies are jumpers true, I do not believe the YWM gobie is though. And I did only once when I had a Midas blenny, however when I approached the tank to feed them I took the cover off, and she jumped out anyway without me even seeing it. I found her about 3 to 5 minutes later, still alive but she got internal wounds and she died 2 days later. Since then I left the tank uncovered because I no longer have the fish that are classified as jumpers.


Active Member
Ok it has been a while I have some updated pictures... I bought a 6 line a few weeks ago, hes been in my DT for 3 days now. Doing very well and already has a cool personality. Here he is..
Yea I went a bit camera happy....



Active Member
Originally Posted by paintballer768
PD bustin out the big money zoos
. Like em man.
Thanks, LOL... yea. well the secret is I didnt spend big money on them. He he he.... Not that rare though, I will enjoy fragging and selling them...


Active Member
Yo yo yo! Like the new zoos. When you are ready to frag em off can I call first dibs on some blues and AOG?


Active Member
Originally Posted by peef
Yo yo yo! Like the new zoos. When you are ready to frag em off can I call first dibs on some blues and AOG?
Sure. Good to see your still around man. Thought we lost you for a bit. The AOG's are unreal... the color in my pics isnt even close to what they look like for real. They have a sheen on them like metallic, and they are BIG polyps.
I wish my Bam Bams were open more, they just got trampled by a hermit so the closed when I was taking pics.


Active Member
WONDERFULLLL PICS. Its so nice to see you guys with these amazing tanks taking pics. Hows your sun coral doing ? Well the new zoos are awesome. I know what you mean by the camera not showing true beauty. I got some pinks that i cant get a good pic of for nothing. Just comes out looking white. Well GREAT Pics and nice looking 6 line. COOL FISH. they eat fireworms right ? My orchid dottyback i think does as well and ill be seeing the little pokey things sticking to his mouth at times. its funny looking


Active Member
Originally Posted by Blazin2k6
WONDERFULLLL PICS. Its so nice to see you guys with these amazing tanks taking pics. Hows your sun coral doing ? Well the new zoos are awesome. I know what you mean by the camera not showing true beauty. I got some pinks that i cant get a good pic of for nothing. Just comes out looking white. Well GREAT Pics and nice looking 6 line. COOL FISH. they eat fireworms right ? My orchid dottyback i think does as well and ill be seeing the little pokey things sticking to his mouth at times. its funny looking
Sun coral is doing great, I just fed it last night. I believe 6 lines are supposed to eat worms I havent seen mine do it yet, but what a great little personality. I hope to get some desirable zoa colonies growing so I can trade and sell.... hint hint blazin...although going at the rate you are, I wouldnt be suprised if you aquire every different color morph of zoa there is. You wont need to trade... LOL.
Originally Posted by TriGa22
Wow your tank looks really nice.
Thank you..

Originally Posted by Scopus Tang

Man I love the AoG and Tub's blue are bluer than blue. Looking good PD

Yea the tubs actually look exactly like they do in my pic. I was pleasantly surprised to see that my pic gave them justice.


love the tubs blue. Youre tank looks so good, i just got a biocube 29 still waiting on the cycle. Getting me really excited to see how good yours looks. Do you use a chiller on yours? I have a 75w MH and right now during the day the tank is getting close to 90 degrees(no ac).


Active Member
Originally Posted by rushprop
love the tubs blue. Youre tank looks so good, i just got a biocube 29 still waiting on the cycle. Getting me really excited to see how good yours looks. Do you use a chiller on yours? I have a 75w MH and right now during the day the tank is getting close to 90 degrees(no ac).
Thank you...
No, I dont use a chiller. I had more temperature issues when I had the stock hood on mine with the stock lights. When I changed to Metal Halides my temp stabilized, I never see anything above or below 79 to 80.
Make sure you make a thread about your tank and post lots of pictures. Good Luck.


Is your hood raised up off your tank(how much)? I was thinking of mayby trying that to see if it helped. just dont really like the idea of having an open top, seems like you lose alot more water that way. Sorry for asking so many questions, just seems like you would know since we have the same tank.


Active Member
Originally Posted by rushprop
Is your hood raised up off your tank(how much)? I was thinking of mayby trying that to see if it helped. just dont really like the idea of having an open top, seems like you lose alot more water that way. Sorry for asking so many questions, just seems like you would know since we have the same tank.
No worries questions are always welcome. I actually have an open top tank. The light is raised about 4" off the water. I top off on average about 1 quart a day.


Active Member
Yep you know i wouldnt mind trading. Actually have never did it but once these get growing we can do it. I got some cool frags in this week but not many are opening yet :( I think i'ma just continue to buy at the LFS and not sites online. LOL. Seems like shipping is very stressful on zoos. i THINK i actually got some AOGs in the order but they arent opening all the way yet and cant tell. And also some long skirt blue ones. Maybe they are. wILL Post pics on my thread when they are open. But hey your tank is looking AMAZING....... Will be happy to trade with ya when we can. Later


Active Member
Well time for a bit of an update...
First is my newest frags from MR_X GREAT SELLER FYI...
I bought a frag of Merletti Blastos and Blue with orange mouth acans.
The blastos havent opened fully yet but here they are.

Here are the acans, also not fully opened but they are a lot more open than they were when I got them.

This came in as a free floater in a bag, I have no idea what it is but I like it.

These were also not given to me with a name soooo I dont know what they are called.