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Nice pics finally PerfectDark. Looks like you might be copying me with those purchases from Mr X. LOL. Just kidding. Great grabs though. I cant tell if we got the same exact acan from him or not though. Mine is a little more orange than yours i think. BUt who knows. Love those tubs also. I need to get a hold a couple polyps of those. What you want of mine ? And i also am doing the exact same thing like you said. I will place a rock where i think they will grow off of the frag rock or plug and hope they will start taking over the lr. But how do you get em away from the lr once that has happened ? LOL. Almost all my frags are stuck to LR now and i dont know how to get em off without pulling out the LR and i dont want to do that.
Yea you got the orange Crush acans I got the blue with orange mouth acans.
Once your frag on your plug has placed a few polyps on your LR, you can cut the mat that connects your frag plug to your LR. You will be all set to remove the plug after that, use a sharp razor.
I need to let my new polyps multiply a bit first but when its time I will defiantly be in touch for some trades.