
Active Member
Originally Posted by paintballer768
LOL hes a daredevil huh? You have a TON of yellow polyps.
Dude you have no idea... I have soooooo many I wish I could get rid of them.
In my FTS you can see my Green star polyps in the back. Well the rock they are on once was also taken over by Yellow polyps too. FYI If anyone is interested GSP's are more invasive than YSP's. The mat from the greens totally covered the yellows and killed them all on that rock. Which was what I wanted, LOL.


Active Member
WOW NICE LOOKING PICS.... I love the ones with all the shrimp and fish together. The clowns look so curious with one of thems mouth open and all. HEHE. Like they are dogs panting and looking for a meal. hehe. Awesome job PD. also do you have your zoos glued to rock or just sitting there ? I know you might have told me before but i might have forgot. sorry. I just sit mine on the rock but hermits and scarlet crab knock them over all the time. is this ok to the zoos ? I mean i usually pick them up within an hour of them falling. Unless its at night and im sleep of course. Thanks if you can let me know.


Active Member
So my friend a couple of questions.
Looks like you have taken advantage of most of the footprint of the floor of the tank with rockwork to the sides and pretty much to the front. I am guessing from the pictures that you cannot clean all of the side glass is that correct?
Coral are filling in nicely. Are you seeing any "warfare" for space between the coral yet, some overrunning others, some dieing?
I wonder what kind of critters are lurking in the bowels of that rockwork you don't even know are there??
Looking good. What bulb are you running, how old is it?


Active Member
Originally Posted by Blazin2k6
WOW NICE LOOKING PICS.... I love the ones with all the shrimp and fish together. The clowns look so curious with one of thems mouth open and all. HEHE. Like they are dogs panting and looking for a meal. hehe. Awesome job PD. also do you have your zoos glued to rock or just sitting there ? I know you might have told me before but i might have forgot. sorry. I just sit mine on the rock but hermits and scarlet crab knock them over all the time. is this ok to the zoos ? I mean i usually pick them up within an hour of them falling. Unless its at night and im sleep of course. Thanks if you can let me know.
LOL thanks, yea its actually amazing how well everyone gets along with each other. The 2 shrimp will go at it once in a while but for the most part every one gets along well. I am suprised at that because the Ocellaris have claimed the anemone, typically when that happens nothing is allowed to get near it. And no I havent glued any of my plugs down. I want a few polyps to spread to nearby LR then I can remove the frags on plugs and get them to spread to other plugs with out taking from my display.


Active Member
Originally Posted by PerfectDark
Dude you have no idea... I have soooooo many I wish I could get rid of them.
In my FTS you can see my Green star polyps in the back. Well the rock they are on once was also taken over by Yellow polyps too. FYI If anyone is interested GSP's are more invasive than YSP's. The mat from the greens totally covered the yellows and killed them all on that rock. Which was what I wanted, LOL.
Haha. You know back when I got my maroon clown and my CBA, knowing they would outgrow the tank? Well that time is now. The reason why I say that is because my CBA actually annihilated all of my yellow polyps so if youre interested in getting rid of them, this little %#@%$ will be happy to eat them hahaha.


Active Member
Originally Posted by spanko
So my friend a couple of questions.
Looks like you have taken advantage of most of the footprint of the floor of the tank with rockwork to the sides and pretty much to the front. I am guessing from the pictures that you cannot clean all of the side glass is that correct?
Coral are filling in nicely. Are you seeing any "warfare" for space between the coral yet, some overrunning others, some dieing?
I wonder what kind of critters are lurking in the bowels of that rockwork you don't even know are there??
Looking good. What bulb are you running, how old is it?
Yep I have about 3" in the middle of the tank of open sand. It tapers left and right to a larger area of sand maybe 5" or so. But thats it, the rest is LR strategically placed so I have surface area for corals. I get as close as I can when cleaning the glass but no I cant get to all of it.
I purposely placed my green star polyps on a rock that had tons of yellow polyps on them. The mat from the GSP's covered the area smothering out all of the yellows this was intentional as my yellows are growing crazy. Other than that no, no other warfare has been seen.
I have no idea what could be lurking in the bowls of my tank. I do know some things I have added that have never been seen again. 1 was a pistol shrimp lasted about a month or so... never seen no shell no remains nothing. The other was a green clown goby, had it for about a month at least as far as I could tell. He never really came out in the open. Just kept to the recess of the tank. For a bout a month i would see him once a week. I havent seen him in about a month now. No remains no spikes in my levels... go figure.
My bulb is a DE 14K metal halide. Its the sunpod fixture, so I believe they use currents powerpaq HQI bulb. Its been running for about 3 months now. I think when I replace it I am going to go with a phoenix 15K.
Hope that helps, thanks for the comments.


Do you think your light upgrade was a good upgrade? I am thinking of doing this to my 29g? Check out my thread and any advice is welcome.


Active Member
Originally Posted by allen7_7
Do you think your light upgrade was a good upgrade? I am thinking of doing this to my 29g? Check out my thread and any advice is welcome.
Hey allen sorry I didnt answer you sooner. Yes the light upgrade was the best thing I ever did for my tank. I love it!!! I was debating on keeping the hood and adding lights to it. But then I said, naaaa lets go for it and get the 150W halide. I wont go back to any other light.
Well maybe T5's depending on the tank, I love T5's too.
I will go check your thread out too...


Active Member
Ok well my gorgonian is doing well and I have keeping a log of its health. Also, I am watching the growth of its frags that I started. The first pic was taken only 2 months ago. The second was taken last week. Its not miles of growth but you can definatly see that it is growing.


nano reefer

Active Member
sweet! is i a blueberry?
oh and about that sun coral, i am no longer interested. I figured i am done with trading pieces of coral because of shipping costs.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Nano Reefer
sweet! is i a blueberry?
oh and about that sun coral, i am no longer interested. I figured i am done with trading pieces of coral because of shipping costs.
No its a purple brush gorgonian, Muriceopsis flavida.
Thats cool, I was thinking because you were only in Greenwich it we could do something that wouldnt require shipping. But no worries if your still not interested. Your about 2 hours from me, an hour for you and an hour from me, we could of met half way, just a thought.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Blazin2k6
thats a wonderful and healthy looking gorgonian :) Nice job PD. Keep up the good work on it.
Ha thanks, maybe I should add that those are just the frags from the main coral. This is the main stalk.

nano reefer

Active Member
Originally Posted by PerfectDark
No its a purple brush gorgonian, Muriceopsis flavida.
Thats cool, I was thinking because you were only in Greenwich it we could do something that wouldnt require shipping. But no worries if your still not interested. Your about 2 hours from me, an hour for you and an hour from me, we could of met half way, just a thought.
quote but its 2 hrs total, which on my 12 gph truck, is like 10 gallons total, which is the same as shipping, actually more. although, i know you were interested in coming to my LFS down here....


Active Member
Originally Posted by Nano Reefer
quote but its 2 hrs total, which on my 12 gph truck, is like 10 gallons total, which is the same as shipping, actually more. although, i know you were interested in coming to my LFS down here....

LOL...Yes I am...but while the good weather is here, my A$$ is at the beach on the weekends no day trips for me. Unless its poor weather, I will keep it in mind. If and when I do decide to go, I will let you know. Thanks anyway...


Active Member
Originally Posted by rebelprettyboy
Thats pretty my girlfriend wants one but im not up to the challenge
yea honestly they really arent that bad... I had a yellow gorg, OMG it was impossible. Died in 3 months on me, this one is pretty cool.