
wow your tank is awesome!!!
haha and u wonder y i ask you so many questions!!
any signs of the goby??
and congrats on the clown pairing with the RBTA!


Active Member
Originally Posted by jamiegrl
wow your tank is awesome!!!
haha and u wonder y i ask you so many questions!!
any signs of the goby??
and congrats on the clown pairing with the RBTA!
LOL, Thanks...I saw the green goby today, hes still snuggled in my LR. I would prefer to see him out but alive is better than dead.
I did find the yellow clown goby 4 days ago, he was tiny and I had thought that he didnt make it in my tank as he went missing after the 2nd day he was in my tank. I searched but not throughly and just assumed he had died. well 2 weeks later I was looking in the rear chamber of my tank and there he was clinging to the wall. VERY VERY Skinny, i scooped him out and put him back in the tank. I spot fed him twice a day but on the 3rd day I saw my CUC snacking on his remains. I guess he was just too weak... anyway the green one is still there so hopefully he will come out.
It took 3 months but my ocellaris finally hosted...


Active Member
So, my LFS has had this rock with Blastos on it, 5 heads to be exact. I have seen it in their frag tank for about 5 months now. Its nothing crazy but its a cool coral. It has been failing since it entered their system, for one reason or another. I talk them into letting me have it, I would rehabilitate it and once it started to grow again I would get it to where I could give them their 5 heads back but have some for me to keep. They agreed,
its not for the free coral but I enjoy rehabilitating these corals to they thrive again. Its been in my tank for 2 days now and already one head has inflated and ate a whole mysis shrimp soaked in selcon. Here is what it looks like as of last night... I will post progress pictures along the way as it gets better... or worse... I hope not.



Active Member
And.. while I was taking pics of the frag, I looked at my tank and said... hmmm this looks like a good time for a FTS... not that I dont have 50 of them already whats one more... here it is...

And lastly my Pride and joy... yep another clown and anemone pic... she loves her anemone...


If you don't mind I had some questions for you (that I hope I didn't miss in your posts). I want to get the new JBJ 28G Nano Cube HQI Aquarium and was wondering, since you got the 150 watt M/H system have you had a probelm with aquarium tempature, or do you use a chiller? And if you know, do the LEDs lights contribute anything to the aquarium besides seeing your coral at night? Do you even need them? I don't think so but with your threads numerous viewers and your knowledge I hope you can help me. Thank you


Active Member
Originally Posted by dplantz
If you don't mind I had some questions for you (that I hope I didn't miss in your posts). I want to get the new JBJ 28G Nano Cube HQI Aquarium and was wondering, since you got the 150 watt M/H system have you had a probelm with aquarium tempature, or do you use a chiller? And if you know, do the LEDs lights contribute anything to the aquarium besides seeing your coral at night? Do you even need them? I don't think so but with your threads numerous viewers and your knowledge I hope you can help me. Thank you
Nope I dont mind at all. I actually noticed a more stable temperature than I had when the std PC lights were on the tank. No, I dont use a chiller, but I have a clip on fan should I need it. Summer is comming my tank is in my basment I dont suspect I will have issues but just in case I have the fan. Typically where people get into trouble with MH lights is when they are in canopy's, the heat can build up in them and make issues. As far as the LED's on these fixtures, no they do not contribute to the corals in any way other than looks. The moon light LED's function although not necessary, help your fish to be a bit more calm at night so they can see a bit if needed. In more expensive set ups you can set white and blue leds based on the lunar cycle. If done correctly when the lunar cycle reaches full moon, if your lights are programmed correctly you can stimulate your corals to reproduce sexually by releasing sperm into the water. However the normal function on 99% of these fixtures isnt for that reason. HTH


Active Member
Looking great! That is a great idea with the blastos. Good luck to yah! If they start to really take off when its time for you to frag the LFS there 5 if you have a few extra after you get yours let me know if you feel like trading or selling!
Man your RBTA is sweet also! I can't wait to get my new tank going so I can get one with an awesome clown to host it. The LFS here has one that they are trying to sell for...are you ready for this......$500.00 and it is no bigger than yours judging by the pics in comparison to your tank size. I hate my LFS.


Active Member
Originally Posted by peef
Looking great! That is a great idea with the blastos. Good luck to yah! If they start to really take off when its time for you to frag the LFS there 5 if you have a few extra after you get yours let me know if you feel like trading or selling!
Man your RBTA is sweet also! I can't wait to get my new tank going so I can get one with an awesome clown to host it. The LFS here has one that they are trying to sell for...are you ready for this......$500.00 and it is no bigger than yours judging by the pics in comparison to your tank size. I hate my LFS.
Thanks man, yea thats a big if, since that pic they have gone downhill. I cant explain why as you can see everything in my tank is doing well. Its a mystery, but my LFS gave them to me with no expectations so thats good. And WOW Thats insane for a RBTA, I have seen them close to $ 200 in the past but $500 is just plain nonsense. Since I added my MH light my bta has grown soooo much that pic does not do it justice. It can expand all the way to the clowns nose in the pic above. Its Huge, but I love it, if and or when it splits I will be selling the clones, at a more reasonable price than $500 a piece... LOL.


Active Member
Well let me know when it splits if you are selling them! I bet that the blastos will come back. ALL of the LFS rescue corals I have showed great improvement immediatly then went downhill then came back with force. I bet yours will do the same. Expecially if the new lights are big jump. I have faith in them!


Hey PD!~

How are your clowns getting along??
as always, your tank...
the new lights made a big difference!~


Active Member
Originally Posted by KAT74
Hey PD!~

How are your clowns getting along??
Unfortunatly the small TP I had got beat on pretty bad. I took him out for hospitalization, started treating with marcyn II and for a while he looked like he was getting better. Then all of a sudden took a turn for the worse, he didnt make it. But on a positive note he taught the other one to go into the anemone. Something she didnt even look at until he was in there and went into it. Then she kicked him out and took it over.
Originally Posted by KAT74

as always, your tank...
the new lights made a big difference!~
Backatcha... LOL thank you. And yes upgrading the lights was the best thing I have dont to the tank so far. My anemone has doubled in size in the short time I have had them.


Originally Posted by PerfectDark
Unfortunatly the small TP I had got beat on pretty bad. I took him out for hospitalization, started treating with marcyn II and for a while he looked like he was getting better. Then all of a sudden took a turn for the worse, he didnt make it. But on a positive note he taught the other one to go into the anemone. Something she didnt even look at until he was in there and went into it. Then she kicked him out and took it over.
awww, bless his little heart. So sorry to hear that.
At least he served a purpose while he was here... and he'll be fondly remembered for that.

Clowns can certainly fight aggressively, that's for sure! I thought my pair were going to be goners if I didn't end up separating them and treating one in the hospital tank. The one that stayed in the DT, his lips were almost chewed off his face. It was bad. Now, they get along fine. Clowns.

Originally Posted by PerfectDark

Backatcha... LOL thank you. And yes upgrading the lights was the best thing I have dont to the tank so far. My anemone has doubled in size in the short time I have had them.
Yeah, your nem looks awwwwwesome!~
I know that I should upgrade my lighting too, at LEAST to additional PC's. It's almost "amateurish" to still have tanks with just the basic PC's now-a-days.
.... one of these days.....

scopus tang

Active Member
Looking good Joe
! I feel in love with the MH when I finally got one ~ love the shimmer effect through the water. Does it show up in the biocube like a regular tank? How far above your tank does your light sit?