
Active Member
Originally Posted by subielover
Anything happening

Not too much... I am hypoing my pygmy angel in my QT shes been in there 4 weeks on friday and yesterday she showed signs of possible ich. So shes there for another 4 to 6 weeks in hypo. THANK GOD FOR QT's
I have actually been working on my other tank for a while now. 36gal bow front its been consuming my time latley.


how do you keep your LR so clean.. I mean no algee on them.. i can't keep mine that clean???
please inform me.....


Active Member
Originally Posted by imfsub12
how do you keep your LR so clean.. I mean no algee on them.. i can't keep mine that clean???
please inform me.....
Hmmm not sure actually, when you say algea I am assuming you mean hair algae? I keep a pretty strict regimented daily routine, nothing is over feed and I mean NOTHING. I truley believe even people who do not think they over feed still do. I still get film algae on my tank glass, and asteria snails help out a lot but I still have to scrape it off. It took me a year to realize this. When I feed my fish I put into the tank only enough food that my fish eat before it gets half way down the tank. Then I do it again, there is absolutly no pieces of food left over for anyone. This happens every other day. So my clean up crew is extremly efficient, not lazy. And they get scraps from when I feed my corals once a week. So I keep my CUC away from starvation, my bacteria in check, and my nitrates are 0. All I can conclude to is that a combination of the above is why it looks like it does. I use the oceanic bio cube skimmer which IMO has helped sooo much. I Love it..


Active Member
Originally Posted by Hefner413
sweet. that thing looks so bright, it looks like it's glowing!
Thanks its one of my favorite corals... if the pic from top down was taken with my lights on, the tips of the tenticles would show blue.
I had wayyyyy more red and green mushrooms in my tank at one time. But I fragged a lot of them and traded them in at my LFS for credit to help get my 36gal bow front tank going. Since then I have 6 to 8 new baby ones already sprouting.


Beautiful tank! I can't wait until we get our own house and enough knowledge to invest in a nano. Please continue to post more pictures, It's wonderful watching it change over time.


Active Member
Thank you... and here I am thinking that its looking pretty empty latley because of all the mushrooms I am missing. LOL.
I am holding out for some nice aussie acans, and a neon toadstool.


Active Member
Thanks for the comments....
Well I finally got into my finished basment this weekend, and set up my storage closet for all of my maintanence stuff.
I took pics because I like to catalog every thing I do.
My sw and fw containers being airated and mixed, my buckets for filling, my rolling cart for water changes, tank cleaning and water testing. And a shelves for all my chemicals, food, and what everything else I got.



Active Member
I put my yellow clown goby and my neon goby in my tank this weekend. Today my yellow clown goby did something awesome....



Originally Posted by PerfectDark
I put my yellow clown goby and my neon goby in my tank this weekend. Today my yellow clown goby did something awesome....

OMGGGGGG!!!!! I am in LOOOOOVE with your little yellow clown goby!!
How adorable!!! Look at those eyes!! Toooo cute!!