
Active Member
Very cool. Looks like youve got plenty of yellow polyps as well. Midas blenny looks sooooo cool I wish I waited for one.
How goes the other tank too?


Active Member
Originally Posted by HaloStalker
wow that is so sick, i love the fish the yellow really goes well with ur orange clown in the tank=P
everything is lookin above beautiful, i like that ur anemone moved back=P.
that fish is so pretty i can't get over the yellow and the blue eyes=P. im also thinking about what fish i want in my tank once its done, its either of these mandarin,flaming pawn goby, or some kind of wrasse. and now i might just get ur fish=P(but i don't know u think she would pick on little inverts)

No shes an omnivour so they dont pick on inverts. They graze for algea and eat frozen and flake food.


Active Member
Originally Posted by paintballer768
Very cool. Looks like youve got plenty of yellow polyps as well. Midas blenny looks sooooo cool I wish I waited for one.
How goes the other tank too?
Yea this one has a fantastic personality... the other tank is awesome I am going to post pics of it today sometime. I am leak testing it and got the shelf all made stained and ready to fasten down to the stand.


Active Member
OK coral keeper requested these....
This pic was taken when I bought the gorgonian on August 1st 07.

These were taken tonight, March 2nd 08



Active Member
So in an attempt to re-stock my tank with fish after it had remained fallow for a while I took the time to search out some nice colored fish not too expensive but diverse coloring for my tank... I have 2 of the 4 I want, the pygmy angel although was awesome I thought about another one and decided to skip it. The last one is a little guy so IMO it doesnt equate to a whole fish, and the 3rd one my wife loves the color, yea I think its cool too. Here is the collage of them The Blenny and Clown are already in there and the other 2 are being sought out... havent found them yet...
Midas Blenny, Sumatra Perc..(not sure though, could be Ocellaris) Green Clown Goby and a Strawberry Pseudochromis.


AS always PD, Im impressed.
Tell me - does the clown goby and the perc have any problems with each other? Just wondering if the clown/clown thing is ever a problem. Im thinking of the addition myself///


Active Member
Originally Posted by New2Salt1
AS always PD, Im impressed.
Tell me - does the clown goby and the perc have any problems with each other? Just wondering if the clown/clown thing is ever a problem. Im thinking of the addition myself///
No relation as they are not clown fish they are gobies just look like a clown.. so there are no stated issues. It isnt recomended to mix clown gobies together. I dont have the fish yet but its on its way.


Originally Posted by PerfectDark
No relation as they are not clown fish they are gobies just look like a clown.. so there are no stated issues. It isnt recomended to mix clown gobies together. I dont have the fish yet but its on its way.

See it's funny you say that about the gobies cause my LFS - which is a highly respected salt-only shop - keeps numerous clown gobies together in one of their "not for sale" nanos.
Anyway, I really like the green guy - he looks tribal.


Active Member
Originally Posted by New2Salt1
See it's funny you say that about the gobies cause my LFS - which is a highly respected salt-only shop - keeps numerous clown gobies together in one of their "not for sale" nanos.
Anyway, I really like the green guy - he looks tribal.
Some species of clown gobies are not to be mixed with eachother. For example I have read that the green clown gobies for what ever reason shouldnt be in a tank with another green clown goby. But I too have seen the yellow clown gobies in a tank all together.
I dont know. But I do know that with Perculas or Ocellaris they can be together because they are gobies now clownfish.


Active Member
OK ok I did somthing last night that I vowed never to do... yep... I bought not one but 2 fish from *****....
. I wanted a strawberry pseudochromis, and I was in there looking at a dog door for our house. I had to walk by the SW tank stuff it drew me in like a magnent... go figure. So in 1 tank which looked to be a 5 gal tank they had a puffer and a strawberry pseudo.. in it.. The little guy was getting destroyed by the puffer... he would let him out of the corner. I wanted one so I looked at it as a rescue mission. Ironically the next tank over there was a pygmy angel in the same situation getting bullied by a yep you guessed it I bought them both.. not that I can do that every time I see that scenario happen but this time I could... They are in QT right now and will be for 3 to 4 weeks... maybe longer... these are ***** fish... LOL. Pics to come..this weekend.


Active Member
Nice on the rescue! So thats kind of weird that your RBTA went into the cave....seeking less light I guess. Weird. Did it nuke anything on its travels? Sorry to hear that your angel didn't make it. I had that string of deaths also for like 3 weeks. My newest bangaii is doing great though.


Active Member
When I changed my lights it got a little funky on me. I kinda expected it, any change can make them feel uneasy. No he didnt touch anything in my tank when he moved. Actually its not uncommon at all for a BTA to foot deep in a crevis or under shelter and then stretch wayyy out for the light. They look to the rock formations for security and safety. The pic doesnt show what he does when he comes out fully. His disk is fully out and aimed at the lights and his tenticles are inflated and he looks very happy. Its funny when he went on the move he moved from a spot that he is just a few inches away from right now. But he took a lap around the tank to the spot hes in now...


Active Member
Wonderful Pics PerfectDark, Your tank looks truly amazing ! The blenny looks so cute. And yes nice save on the ***** fish. AHHH You might need to keep them in qt for 6 weeks hahaha jk. Their fish are prone to having ick for some reason though. Well goodluck on them.