
Active Member
Originally Posted by KAT74
GORGEOUS tank!!~

Love it!~ Great job nursing the candy canes back to health!~

Can't believe you got the skimmer for only $35!!~ I had to pay $60 for mine and now, with the addition of the two pieces that were missing from it originally, it won't work!

Thank you and I posted an idea on your thread... not sure if it will help.


Active Member
Awesome, PD's come over to the tubastrea side! You have metal halides right? Might want to get it out of direct exposure to those, might burn it over time. Just an idea though.
Mine caught the dead fish plague but I think Ive finally overcome it. Cant wait to see the white fin pygmy angel. I got a CBA myself.


Active Member
Originally Posted by PerfectDark
Sorry to hear that... I hope things turn around quickly for you, I am anxious to see pics.. As good as my tank looks I seem to of caught the plague of the dead fish. I cannot seem to keep one alive latley.
I didnt know you got rid of your nano... I thought you were still keeping that one going too. Well I am still looking forward to seeing your pics soon, I often wonder how things are going with your new set up. Im glad to see you still make contact. Which reminds me, what ever happened to Adair? I remember she had a lot of activity here for a while and you and her lived near eachother. She had major tank woes.. but her fight to get her tanks stable was interesting to read. Then all of a sudden she stopped posting...
Thanks for the props man... I have to admit you helped me the most when I first started out.
I am glad I helped you out when you were a newbie!

I will take all the credit for how awesome your tank looks.

Sorry to hear about the fish plague - that is a major bummer... Are you going to leave it fallow for awhile and try again? Was it disease or just random deaths?
I am so lazy about posting pics - I will do it someday. It looks good, but it seems so sparsely populated with corals in comparison to my nano. I just need to be patient and give the frags time to grow out into nice sized colonies.
As far as Adair goes I just sent her text message to see how things are going and she said her clowns are doing great and have laid eggs for the third time.


Active Member
Originally Posted by paintballer768
Awesome, PD's come over to the tubastrea side! You have metal halides right? Might want to get it out of direct exposure to those, might burn it over time. Just an idea though.
Mine caught the dead fish plague but I think Ive finally overcome it. Cant wait to see the white fin pygmy angel. I got a CBA myself.
yea everyone was getting one, here I am giving advise on them and I didnt even have one yet. So now I do...

No those are the std cube lights, pwr compacts theres no issue from over exposure of lights with these, MH in a small tank like this I would use caution.
Pygmy angel is being held at my LFS I will prob pick him up tomorow, and I will post pics of him in my QT.


Originally Posted by PerfectDark
Pygmy angel is being held at my LFS I will prob pick him up tomorow, and I will post pics of him in my QT.
I am going to cross my fingers, toes and anything else that I can cross for you to have luck with this little angel! Please do post pics and keep us updated!~ I'm rooting for you and fish!

It's weird how you can have such an awesome tank, happy corals and so helpful and knowledgeable about the hobby and have such bad luck with fish.

Good luck!!~


Active Member
Originally Posted by Bonebrake
I am glad I helped you out when you were a newbie!

I will take all the credit for how awesome your tank looks.

Sorry to hear about the fish plague - that is a major bummer... Are you going to leave it fallow for awhile and try again? Was it disease or just random deaths?
I am so lazy about posting pics - I will do it someday. It looks good, but it seems so sparsely populated with corals in comparison to my nano. I just need to be patient and give the frags time to grow out into nice sized colonies.
As far as Adair goes I just sent her text message to see how things are going and she said her clowns are doing great and have laid eggs for the third time.
Naaaa i honestly believe its just a stroke of bad luck. I went around for a while on the disese forums and there was no difinitive answer. I basically stated, "how can a tank that can keep a delicate creature like an anemone alive for almost a year not keep a fish alive for more than 3 days?" The question was quite compelling as no one had any real answers. The hard evidence was the fact that my RBTA is doing great and my water chemistry aside from a trate count of about 15ppm was perfect. The suggestion of stray voltage seemed to be promising but after testing the water with a volt meter that wasnt the issue. I had reciently purchased 2 wild caught fish rather than tank raised and I believe acclimation shock was a large contributer. Although my proceedure was as recomended there is a lot of debate as to how acclimating fish should be done. Oh well, I am going to try it again and see what happens. Well its good to hear adair is keeping the tanks going, tell her i said hi although I dont think she will remember me. But for some reason when I see you around it makes me think of her.... Take care and for god sake POST PICS......


Active Member
Originally Posted by KAT74
I am going to cross my fingers, toes and anything else that I can cross for you to have luck with this little angel! Please do post pics and keep us updated!~ I'm rooting for you and fish!

It's weird how you can have such an awesome tank, happy corals and so helpful and knowledgeable about the hobby and have such bad luck with fish.

Good luck!!~

Yea its frustrating to say the least.. but Im not giving up, I really believe I was just unlucky with these 2 fish. Thanks for the crossies... LOL.


Active Member
Originally Posted by PerfectDark
yea everyone was getting one, here I am giving advise on them and I didnt even have one yet. So now I do...

No those are the std cube lights, pwr compacts theres no issue from over exposure of lights with these, MH in a small tank like this I would use caution.
Pygmy angel is being held at my LFS I will prob pick him up tomorow, and I will post pics of him in my QT.
Wait, I thought you had MHs. You mean you have all these corals under PC lighting? I couldda sworn somewhere I read you had the MHs.
Regardless, pics of the angel would be great. I could compare angels haha. My new CBA seems really really colorful and healthy. Hope yours is the same, and ends your fish plague. By the way, thanks for all the help in my thread and elsewhere. Without everyones help, to name a few you and peef, this tank would have never gotten off the ground.


Active Member
Originally Posted by paintballer768
Wait, I thought you had MHs. You mean you have all these corals under PC lighting? I couldda sworn somewhere I read you had the MHs..
LOL nope PC lighting buddy thats all... I was going to upgrade to the 144w custom kit for the cube but that is still PC lights not MH.
Originally Posted by paintballer768

Regardless, pics of the angel would be great. I could compare angels haha. My new CBA seems really really colorful and healthy. Hope yours is the same, and ends your fish plague. By the way, thanks for all the help in my thread and elsewhere. Without everyones help, to name a few you and peef, this tank would have never gotten off the ground.
Glad I could help out.. Others have done the same for me when I first started, its kinda like Pay it forward... LOL just with fish..


Active Member
Originally Posted by PerfectDark
LOL nope PC lighting buddy thats all... I was going to upgrade to the 144w custom kit for the cube but that is still PC lights not MH.
Glad I could help out.. Others have done the same for me when I first started, its kinda like Pay it forward... LOL just with fish..

Wow man, kudos on being able to keep all those light demanding corals nicely. Your new tank has some T5s on it right? These would love you alot more to be put in there I bet


Active Member
Originally Posted by paintballer768
Wow man, kudos on being able to keep all those light demanding corals nicely. Your new tank has some T5s on it right? These would love you alot more to be put in there I bet

yep HO t5's and my intention is to use my cube tank to frag off of to stock my new tank in the future... LOL..


Active Member
Originally Posted by PerfectDark
yep HO t5's and my intention is to use my cube tank to frag off of to stock my new tank in the future... LOL..

So youre transferring this tank into the new one? If you had the room or means, Id do them both, but I love this hobby haha. Im considering a T5HO upgrade for my tank. I made a thread in the Lighting section for all my stupid questions. Ill be keepin track on your new thread too!


Active Member
Originally Posted by paintballer768
So youre transferring this tank into the new one? If you had the room or means, Id do them both, but I love this hobby haha. Im considering a T5HO upgrade for my tank. I made a thread in the Lighting section for all my stupid questions. Ill be keepin track on your new thread too!

No im keeping both just fragging out of the cube to bump start the larger tank so I dont have to go and by all my corals for it. Once I get some of everything into the larget tank I am going to move my cube tank into my office.


Active Member
Originally Posted by PerfectDark
No im keeping both just fragging out of the cube to bump start the larger tank so I dont have to go and by all my corals for it. Once I get some of everything into the larget tank I am going to move my cube tank into my office.

Very nice. I would hate to have to buy all new corals for a tank after putting effort and money into a tank like yours. You should hope your anemone splits soon


Active Member
Originally Posted by paintballer768
Very nice. I would hate to have to buy all new corals for a tank after putting effort and money into a tank like yours. You should hope your anemone splits soon

yea I could only wish that... I never realized how expensive rose BTA's are. In either case I will be moving it to the new tank. One because its larger and 2 because even though I got lucky and it resides literally 2 inches below the surface so it gets the most intense lighting my set up can offer, there is no guarantee that it will stay there. I have been lucky for about 6 months now, but it will be happier in my other tank.
If that anem splits I will be selling the clones no doubt they fetch a pretty penny..


Active Member
Originally Posted by PerfectDark
yea I could only wish that... I never realized how expensive rose BTA's are. In either case I will be moving it to the new tank. One because its larger and 2 because even though I got lucky and it resides literally 2 inches below the surface so it gets the most intense lighting my set up can offer, there is no guarantee that it will stay there. I have been lucky for about 6 months now, but it will be happier in my other tank.
If that anem splits I will be selling the clones no doubt they fetch a pretty penny..
Yea your anemone will love those new T5s. The only anemone I have in my tank is a really really tiny aiptasia I never got around to nuking. My LFS had local LR for sale when I got it, and I looked up aiptasia varieties. The kind that grows here isnt like the Pacific variant, which overruns your whole tank. He hasnt grown so Im not concerned.
If I ever got an anemone, like bought one, it would probably go on a marathon and sting everything in the tank
. Nothing like that for me. I also might be picking up the same T5 fixture that you have. Once funds permit :)


Active Member
Originally Posted by paintballer768
Yea your anemone will love those new T5s. The only anemone I have in my tank is a really really tiny aiptasia I never got around to nuking. My LFS had local LR for sale when I got it, and I looked up aiptasia varieties. The kind that grows here isnt like the Pacific variant, which overruns your whole tank. He hasnt grown so Im not concerned.
If I ever got an anemone, like bought one, it would probably go on a marathon and sting everything in the tank
. Nothing like that for me. I also might be picking up the same T5 fixture that you have. Once funds permit :)
Good deal..
Yea its best IMO if you are going to get an anemone, to get it while your tank is still relativly empty. Allowing it to settle where it wants although there is still no guarantee it will stay put, your chances are slightly better.


Active Member
Originally Posted by PerfectDark
Good deal..
Yea its best IMO if you are going to get an anemone, to get it while your tank is still relativly empty. Allowing it to settle where it wants although there is still no guarantee it will stay put, your chances are slightly better.
Yea, I only would hope to have a brain. And then if space permits, I might be willing to try a montipora close to the surface, but only if I had great results with the brain. SPS under T5s seems debated, but I have to research it more to even entertain the monti idea.


Active Member
So... my white tail pygmy angel has been in my QT tank for a week now. I dont want to jinx anything and say I am in the clear but so far so good.
I tried to get a couple of pics of her, it wasnt easy but here they are....



Active Member
I had some zoa's break free and they have been floating around my tank so this weekend I thought I would make them legitimate frags and give them plugs.

And this was my anemone that got lucky.. apparenty my shrimp molted and its molt found its way into its tenticles. So, I guess I can add one more thing to my anems diet..