
Active Member
Originally Posted by cleanrshrmpfan
new full tank shot?
Bout 3/4 of the way up from the bottom of this page.. its the newest one about 5 days old...


Your tank is really looking awesome! Mine is 6 mos now, but I only have small frags so I'll be waiting for them to grow so it will have that filled in look. Probably won't take long cuz I'm talking mushrooms, zoa's, paly's, silver-blue xenia, an acan and a favia. My ngsp, yellow polyps, and modern brain are pretty good sizes already. Since mine is a 29 biocube, too, I always love looking at others to see how they are set up. Sometimes I feel like I'm an artist creating a certain look. Then I'll end up changing something up that I can't believe I didn't do before. I love it!


Active Member
Originally Posted by Bonebrake

I want an RBTA so bad!

They are too expensive online though.

I hear ya I wouldnt of gotten this one if the LFS guy had a clue. He sold it to me for $30.00. LOL
If it splits I will keep people in mind, who are on this site.. I cant keep 2, nor would i want too.


Active Member
Originally Posted by reefernana
Your tank is really looking awesome! Mine is 6 mos now, but I only have small frags so I'll be waiting for them to grow so it will have that filled in look. Probably won't take long cuz I'm talking mushrooms, zoa's, paly's, silver-blue xenia, an acan and a favia. My ngsp, yellow polyps, and modern brain are pretty good sizes already. Since mine is a 29 biocube, too, I always love looking at others to see how they are set up. Sometimes I feel like I'm an artist creating a certain look. Then I'll end up changing something up that I can't believe I didn't do before. I love it!

Thanks... and yea, I cant tell you how many times I have changed my set up around. I like to have a landscape of corals, it makes the look of the whole tank like its moving.


How did you get your RBTA to stay up there? It's a perfect placement for the look. My little haitian purple tip was up front for several weeks and then all of a sudden moved to the back and I haven't seen it now for quite some time now.


Active Member
Its funny you asked that. I have done alot of research on Anemones, and specifically BTA's. Not that I have done tests on them but more just reading a lot of published work. So, gaining that knowledge was one of the reasons why I re-aquascaped my tank like it is now. Aside from wanting some non-photosynthetic corals. I made the cave so I would have different types of lighting available for anything I would have. Also to make a safe secure place for my anemone. Reading that they enjoy moderate flow, a rock crevis to secure their foot deep into, and available light for them to get to when ever they want. I designed this scape particularly with that in mind. The anem, actually found its place all on its own.
The kicker of this whole thing is, its under std PC lighting for the cube. My thought was that if I couldnt get this animal only a few inches from the light then I would have to relocate it. My lighting at that depth IMO is suffiecient but the deeper the animal goes the less efficient my lights are and at an alarming rate. Thats why std PC Lighting is not recomended most times. If you could have a 30 gal tank 10" deep with 100watts of PC lighting on it. Then IMO you can most definatly supply enough light for a BTA. Problem is people dont have those size tanks and because they are much deeper and we cannot control where are anemone is going to reside its considered as something not to do. So for almost 4 months now it has been there, and loves it. So I hope that has answered your question... LOL


Wow, you were quite lucky to have it find a spot that high then. I'm just going to wait until I upgrade my lights and probably get a RBTA, so it's going to be a while before that happens. Thanks!


Active Member
So, I snagged a couple of additions for my tank the other day. A Pom Pom crab which is really cool. A Pistol Shrimp, and 2 anemone shrimp. Unfortunatly the anemone shrimp were only 1/4" long each and I got them for $6 ea but when i was acclimating them they actually jumped out of the water and stuck to the side of the acclimation jar, and I didnt catch them in time
. All the others are fine and yesterday they actually came out of hiding so hopefully I will be able to get some pics of the new guys.
Originally Posted by PerfectDark
So, I snagged a couple of additions for my tank the other day. A Pom Pom crab which is really cool. A Pistol Shrimp, and 2 anemone shrimp. Unfortunatly the anemone shrimp were only 1/4" long each and I got them for $6 ea but when i was acclimating them they actually jumped out of the water and stuck to the side of the acclimation jar, and I didnt catch them in time
. All the others are fine and yesterday they actually came out of hiding so hopefully I will be able to get some pics of the new guys.
sorry for the loss


Active Member
Originally Posted by PerfectDark
So, I snagged a couple of additions for my tank the other day. A Pom Pom crab which is really cool. A Pistol Shrimp, and 2 anemone shrimp. Unfortunatly the anemone shrimp were only 1/4" long each and I got them for $6 ea but when i was acclimating them they actually jumped out of the water and stuck to the side of the acclimation jar, and I didnt catch them in time
. All the others are fine and yesterday they actually came out of hiding so hopefully I will be able to get some pics of the new guys.
Sorry to read that. Tank is looking good, though.


Active Member
Yea unless you asked for it to be tracked it wont be. They give you a separate paper for your tracking number. Its about 20 characters long all numeric. Hey and thanks for posting my address accross the boards
LOL jk jk

Ok it just told me that their system may not be updated yet so thats why its not showing. No big deal anyway... I was just killin time.


Active Member
bah ha. If you want it deleted I will.
Um but yeah I did ask them if that was the tracking number and she said ALL priority overnight mail is it should work soon I hope.