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  1. kung fu

    Another "Whatsit" - any ideas???

    Hmm...ok thanks! I'll relax a little and keep an eye out for more! Peace...
  2. kung fu

    Another "Whatsit" - any ideas???

    Hmm...odd...I can see the pics fine myself... Here's links to the pics...perhaps that would work better... <a href="" target="_blank"></a> <a...
  3. kung fu

    Another "Whatsit" - any ideas???'s some pics of an oddball I found in the tank last night I haven't been able to identify. Looks like a small snail or other gastropod-type. Milky-clear in color with some brownish coloration on it's back, two anterior moving antennae with what looks like a probiscus of some sort in...
  4. kung fu

    Holes in returns to prevent siphon

    I need to drill holes on my returns at the waterline to prevent a siphon effect during power outages, etc. How large would you recommend these holes should be? (1/8 in., 1/4 in., etc.)? Thanks! Peace...
  5. kung fu

    Help with pea soup

    Thanks Broomer! Possibly with the overfeeding (though my wife was taking care of the tank and I left pretty specific instructions on feeding). Good note about the readings being okay due to the organics being locked up in the free floating algae....and I too assumed the slight ammonia spike was...
  6. kung fu

    Help with pea soup

    Hi everyone...sorry I haven't been around, school, family, kung fu...oh yea and TANK!!! ;) Anyway I was out of town for a conference for 10 days and while I was gone the tank seems to have experienced a pretty severe algae bloom giving me the 'green water' effect. In the past...
  7. kung fu

    Cleaner Shrimp (Male or Female?)

    I'll be darned...I guess they are hermaphroditic! ;) Peace...
  8. kung fu

    Cleaner Shrimp (Male or Female?)

    Are they hermaphroditic? A lot of crustaceans like crayfish, lobsters, and shrimp are sexed by the first set of swimmerettes (gonopods). At least I thought so... Peace...
  9. kung fu

    Stubborn Cucumber...!

    Deuce... Where is Neptune's anyway...I've heard about it but not been there (bummer too 'cause I was just down to Reef Gallery the past week to pick up a Kole Tang, a Cleaner Shrimp, and a few odds and ends...) You know I've read that hammers, frogspawn, and torch (the Euphylla spp.?) can...
  10. kung fu

    Stubborn Cucumber...!

    Yea BT...I asked the same question about my pink knobby a while back... Same deal...immediately climbed halfway up the glass to a good spot with lots of flow and has filter fed there ever since. It does seem that this spp. of cuke may be misrepresented as a filter feeder at some lfs and online...
  11. kung fu


    ak_reefer has a point...I believe I've read that blue/purple shrooms actually like a little more light the the browner spp. My purples and blues really open up huge to the light and seem to 'fight' for more light exposure...while the browner spp. seem content. Just thoughts... Peace...
  12. kung fu

    Nocturnal Cleaner Shrimp?

    Thanks everyone! (Perhaps I'll get him a pal...) Peace...
  13. kung fu

    plenum system poll

    Well...I don't pretend to be an expert at all bear with... :rolleyes: If anything...the caluerpa I keep in the sump isn't probably functioning as a true refugium...but it does allow for photosynthesis 24 hours a day (after the main tank lights kick off the lights down below kick...
  14. kung fu

    Nocturnal Cleaner Shrimp?

    Picked up a new cleaner shrimp on Friday. Seems healthy and fine but only comes out after the lights are off (like 5 min. after the last lights have kicked off). Lights come on in the am and he's back in the dark until night time... Anyone else notice this behavior with cleaner shrimp, or is...
  15. kung fu

    purple mushrooms all shriviled up

    You know I thought I read that blue/purple shrooms do better in stronger lighting while the more brown spp. prefer the darker settings... I think it was in an article by Delbeek... Any thoughts? Peace...
  16. kung fu

    plenum system poll

    I'm using a modified plenum system in my sump. Basically I've got a plenum space (about 1.5 inch) separated by screen and eggcrate. On top of that I've got an Aragonite sand bed (about 3.5 inch) seperated by another screen and eggcrate. On top of that I've got a layer of LR rubble with a...
  17. kung fu

    Cucumber on glass

    Well...from the descriptions and pics that everyone has put up (thanks everyone) it seems this is normal! BT...I guess the pink knobby's just hang out and filter feed... Cool cukes though! Peace...
  18. kung fu

    Questions on Sources of Live Rock??

    You can also get 90lbs. of Fiji LR from for ~$282.00 (about $3.13 per pound). They have other size/quantities as well but the 90lber is the one I'm familiar with (ordered it about 6 weeks ago myself). Peace...and luck with that 175! ;)
  19. kung fu

    Cucumber on glass

    bump...still hasn't moved...I tried moving the return that he sits near...wondering if he just found an easy and accessible place to feed and doesn't wish to move... No ideas out there at all?
  20. kung fu

    Great price on Reef Aquarium 1 & 2 set

    Hey just wanted to drop a note that I found a great price on The Reef Aquarium Volume 1 & 2 by Delbeek and Sprung on another site... If anyone is interested on picking these up new for $99 (for both) let me know and I'll e-mail you the addy... Peace...