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  1. realmling

    55gal FOWLR Stock & Schedule

    And...I'm an idiot. I've been going over so many things lately I got my clowns confused with something else. On that subject though, while I know they do ok without an anemone, it will still be ok to add one later on...or is it better when they're younger fish?
  2. realmling

    55gal FOWLR Stock & Schedule

    I'd honestly rather be over protective in my OCD than the alternative....but that's why I came here because most things I've read other places said 3 to 4 weeks in I just normally budget for the high end on things. It's easier to shorten something. Wouldn't the pairing issue on...
  3. realmling

    55gal FOWLR Stock & Schedule

    I'm doing up my outline and pricing for the 55gal FOWLR I'm planning and would just like some input if my amounts of critters and schedule is ok and on track. After cycling with live rock (substrate I want is not however long for the tank to get itself into shape...I'm in no rush...
  4. realmling

    Stand & Sump for 55gal FOWLR

    Don't know how soon we'll get going on the SW adventure, but we are going to have to relocate our 55gal freshwater tank here relatively soon (it's sitting on a temp counter top thing in the dining area)..and I figure we'll just build our own stand because it's not like we don't have enough stuff...
  5. realmling

    Stand & Sump for 55gal FOWLR

    I'm planning out my first SW tank, and I believe I've managed to nearly get a decent idea of what I'll need to make...though I've most likely overdone things....stand is currently planned at 16d x 36h x 52l (inches) My ever growing list of questions for everything else is here...
  6. realmling

    Q's on first SW and QT setup

    Back again. I think I know what I want for my skimmer....but I don't know which one would be better. The one I'm looking at is for 40-150 gal, with flow through of 225gph - is that enough for my planned 55gal FOWLR? The next one up is for 60-200 gal, with flow through of 275gph. I figure the...
  7. realmling

    Q's on first SW and QT setup

    Since I'm shamelessly bumping my own thread...figured I'd toss in a few more questions while I'm at it....because looking up more things made my brain go "Wha...." Overflow box - I came across some C-Siphon overflow boxes that have a different system from ones with tubes....has anyone seen or...
  8. realmling

    Q's on first SW and QT setup

    I'm budgeting $900-1000 for Stage 1 setup on the DT (this does not include anything for QT right now) -- now to make sure my list is forming up ok...and see what I managed to forget about already: tank test kit refractometer live & base rock substrate skimmer heater powerheads - what kind, how...
  9. realmling

    Q's on first SW and QT setup

    Does anyone know if this is a good brand of substrate? I do like the idea of a darker substrate for my FOWLR....but I'm not going to spend money on it if it isn't. Seachem Meridian Gray Coast Substrate I've only found it at one site so far...and they only had one customer review on
  10. realmling

    Q's on first SW and QT setup

    Good to know I don't have to do too many special things for the QT....though I may make it look a bit nice since I'll have to look at it all the time when I'm in my office. Should the QT have it's own little clean-up crew to keep it from getting too funky between fish or is that just inviting...
  11. realmling

    Q's on first SW and QT setup

    Hi fellow Wyoming-ite! That's what I was guessing on the rocks..just wasn't 100% sure on my first lower cost plan B. Ah well, that's what the planning stage is for anyway.
  12. realmling

    Q's on first SW and QT setup

    I was figuring on either a 10 or 20 gal QT (proabaly 20 so I don't have to set up a larger one when we move on to bigger fish??)...but then do I make my own mini wet/dry for it, or would a decent canister filter be ok? And then what all else should go in it? and the really dumb question for the...
  13. realmling

    Compatible with P. imperator?

    I'm only thinking of starting off with a smaller tank and some smaller fish as we've never done SW before. When ready, we'd do a big setup for the Emperor. That part I have commited to memory. The Emperor tank is my long term goal, but I don't know if I want to do it in our current building...
  14. realmling

    can you use home depot sand?

    Couldn't you go half & half on the sand, as with live rock and base rock? I know it would take longer to establish things, but if budget dictated you needed to cut back in some area...
  15. realmling

    Compatible with P. imperator?

    Well...we're a little limited on space for really big tanks currently. Though there is that funky alcove in the bedroom that could probably hold one. That's why I was considering a smaller SW tank to start with, but maybe a smaller FOWLR would be a better learning experience for us. I know reefs...
  16. realmling

    Compatible with P. imperator?

    Yeah, we may start with a smaller reef tank or something a bit simpler to get ourselves acclimated to SW life...and then move up to the larger system for the angel. Now I need to research some more on the other fish I'd be interested in having in a big tank. Have a list started, so I'm one step...
  17. realmling

    Compatible with P. imperator?

    I hadn't planned out any other fish yet because I wasn't sure quite where to start....but thank you for the list! I haven't settled on a tank size yet, but I have estimated around a minimum of 100 gal so far in my pre-pre-planning stage.
  18. realmling

    can you use home depot sand?

    If it's going under other material, you'd probably be fine with a less intensive rinse cycle. You will still probably want to do a dry screen to remove larger elements and the odd piece of metal like we found in ours. You could also get a set of graduated screens, then you could filter it out to...
  19. realmling

    can you use home depot sand?

    Ok, I've had another though crop up....and ya'll will just have to bear with the geology student here. Almost all sands are silicate based in one way or another (the simple fact that silicate minerals are the most abundant on the surface of the earth) - even those with higher calcitic tendencies...
  20. realmling

    can you use home depot sand?

    Aragonite is a carbonate mineral (it's a form of calcite), so it will bubble in just about any acid, though most people don't have any HCl around the house. So basically a good rule of thumb is no silicate based sand (which is what you'll commonly find in most places and is generally tan in...