it has been almost three weeks since he hatched and i added ghost shrimp they sat on top of him and died after a hr off the salt. - tried shrimp- clams-fishes-squid and he doesn't attempt to eay anything. just wait it out? my other shark i had i got rid of but he ate in acouple days after he...
not sure what the rating was on the customsea life bulbs they don't make them anymore. coralife bulbs are 6700/10000k and 420/460 for actinic thats the only way you can get them. bulbs are only a month old and hate to throw them away and buy another brand of bulbs..... i'm lost.... what to do?
10g nano been setup for over 10 years. the lights which are pc 36watters i was over due acouple months fo changing them but the animals were still doing great. but another brand of lighting since sealife went out of buisness. got corallife bulbs. ever since then i can't fight the brown and green...
i had acouple as a kid, they would always end up being pretty small and afteer bout like 6-8months one day i would find them sucked onto my filter intake for who knows how many hrs and were half dead when i would get home.
well the tank still looks cloudy and a hr after the pump was broken i found my clownfish dead...... i have had him for a year and was healthy as hell... didn't have time to go across town for some more test kits.. something went wrong, all the corals are alive but closed up.. temp is fine...
my skimmer powerheads impellar cracked straight down the middle? anyhow i went to the gym and came back in a hr and heard a loud noise. my tank was all cloudy since the skimmer was messed up. why is the tank cloudy? did the skimmer release the bad elements back into the tank?
the type i got had no horns that i remember and don't think it would get as big as you say. there is alot of different types. plus hes not sure if its a robin or the other type ( spelling)
just curious if anyone has ever heard of a cat hsark ever eating a eel. or shark for that matter. my shark is still in his egg ready to hatch any day now. :0 was bored so thought i would ask this question.