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  1. thetabors

    Tips On Fluval 305 Canister Filter

    Originally Posted by socal57che I just read your other thread. Looks like you got some bad advice from the LFS. Hard lesson to learn, but now you have a source for quality advice here at SWF. We are here to help, so don't hesitate to ask. So should I clean all the media on the inside of the...
  2. thetabors

    Tips On Fluval 305 Canister Filter

    see that was what i was looking for some solid advice thanks
  3. thetabors

    Anyone Else Think Obama Is The Antichrist ?

    He may be the anti-christ but It is proven he is definetly anti-american until recently when he decided to run for president. The little research I have done I cant believe that he actually has a chance to be our next president. things that struck me weird his ties with that crazy church, him...
  4. thetabors

    Tips On Fluval 305 Canister Filter

    I was wondering what are the best choices for the filters on the inside biobeads, carbon and all the others what works the absolute best 55gal 40lbs live rock 2inch substrate base getting all new fish due to the tragesy I just had if wanna know about the diagnosis of that check out the previous...
  5. thetabors

    Tragedy plese help!!!

    I do regular water changes. I use distilled water. And I dont over feed I feel like I may not feed enough if anything. And about the canister filter the pet store here said that I should change one level of the media inside it after 1 yr and then another set of the media every 3-4 months so...
  6. thetabors

    Tragedy plese help!!!

    the anemone died early this morning it was the last thing to go. th nitrate's were above 160 the test tube turned completly red cant remember the others i will test again in an hour or so. damsel was less than 2 inches. should i change the filter media to get rid of the high trates or let it...
  7. thetabors

    Tragedy plese help!!!

    I posted here when I started my aquarium earlier this year and everything went great. Thanks to all who answered the dozens of questions I asked then. I have a 55 gal Fish only with LiveRock. I had 4 damsels, two turbo snails, 2 crabs, 1 candy anemone and an everything has...
  8. thetabors

    How do I get rid of Brown Algae?

    I use tap but I put in this stuff called Amquel plus what would prevent the LMB from dying? and a larger CUC what do you suggest?
  9. thetabors

    How do I get rid of Brown Algae?

    I have this brown algae that tales over my tank My tank is 55 gal. I have 4 damsels and 3 turbo snails but about every week I have to manually clean my tank the salinity, amonia, ph, nitrates, nitrites, measure right on the mone. I have a Coralife Lunar Aqualight Compact Fluorescent Fixture...
  10. thetabors

    NASCAR Fantasy League

    Just a simple NC country boy but If we erase all the races except the last 3 (the ones I wasnt involved in) I would be 72 points ahead of 2nd place GC1 but thats ok if everything goes this good the rest of the season it could get interesting?? Anyhow how did you feel about JR that stunk. I...
  11. thetabors

    NASCAR Fantasy League

    I guess I should introduce myself to everyone I am TABOR new to saltwater but not nascar live about 20 minutes from Lowes Motor Speedway in NC. where is everyone else from??? Not bad for my 2nd race.. If you add the score for the last two races I would be in 3rd. wish I could have joined...
  12. thetabors

    Good Fish to start with?

    I have a 55 gallon FOWLR, has cycled, there are 4 damsel and 3 snails in there already. I was wondering what everyone thought would be good fish to add and can I add inverts at the same time? I want it to be peaceful non aggressive. I would like to have 2-3 of the biggest fish that can safely...
  13. thetabors

    NEW What is the best way to add water to you tank?

    Do You make a bunch of it for top off? If so how much and what do you store it in? If I dont have a R0/DI what is the best way to get the water? I hear about distilled, My LFS gave me a chemical AmQuel+ says it removes nitrate, nitrite, Ammonia, Chlorine, and Chloramines. My take is through...
  14. thetabors


    I posted a thread in disease and treatments with pictures but I have this black/dark purple stuff growing on my live rock please take the time to look and tell me what to do.
  15. thetabors

    Dark Stuff groing on live rock??? Help

    I have this black stuff growing on my live rock. I just completed my cycle and have alot of what my LFS calls brown algea. But this is new and it started yesterday and has already spread to another rock. I wiped some off and under it is white. Is this stuff bad or good??? What do I do with...
  16. thetabors

    WTB lighting for 55 gal

    Originally Posted by bioneck47 I have an extra 48" power compact that I need to get rid of. It was slightly damaged when it was shipped to me but it didn't affect the operation so I didn't even report it damaged. It's 260 watts and works perfectly. I'll let it go for $120 shipped if you live in...
  17. thetabors

    WTB lighting for 55 gal

    Originally Posted by bioneck47 I have an extra 48" power compact that I need to get rid of. It was slightly damaged when it was shipped to me but it didn't affect the operation so I didn't even report it damaged. It's 260 watts and works perfectly. I'll let it go for $120 shipped if you live in...
  18. thetabors

    WTB lighting for 55 gal

    I am looking for T-5 or MH or maybe even PC
  19. thetabors

    Which light kits to go with

    I am going to build a hood this weekend for my 55 gal I want to put my own lights in it. I was thinking of going T-5 but I really dont know. Any advice I want the option of corals in the future now my tank is FOWLR. how many lights and which retro kits to get?
  20. thetabors

    help on building a hood and lights

    I am going to build a hood and put in it T-5 Lights suggestions on the how to and which Retro Kit to go with. I have a 55 gal tank and would like the option of doing what ever i want in the future (corals and everything) I just want to get experience first.