Search results

  1. cracker4418

    Adding A Skunk Cleaner Shrimp Last?

    Feel free to add the cleaner shrimp when you want, there's no need to wait.
  2. cracker4418

    My 1st Fish???????

    get rid of the yellow tails(if you can)lol. I vote for clowns. There hardy and fun to watch.
  3. cracker4418

    aquaskaping/water changes

    just do your best and make sure you have a good clean up crew. Get some nass snails and or a diamond goby. they will keep the top layer of sand clean.
  4. cracker4418

    55 gallon reef aquarium

    yes you need sand. you dont have to buy live sand. your live rock will seed your unlive sand.
  5. cracker4418

    55 gallon reef aquarium

    clowns and royal gramma's coral beauty or flame angle fire gobies
  6. cracker4418

    Any Blue Peaceful Fish?

    coral beauty or blue chromis
  7. cracker4418

    Stingrays...Reef Safe?

    I can't think of one thats fish safe. Rule of thumb. If it fits in their mouth,they will eat it.
  8. cracker4418

    free items from

    Or maybe 2. Now how do I hide the credit card statement from my wife.
  9. cracker4418

    free items from

    I thought lagoon was the highest. I guess I have to start another aquarium.
  10. cracker4418

    Clean Up Crew Suggestions

    go 20nass snails 20astraea turbo snails to start. you will need more later.
  11. cracker4418

    Dwarf Angel poll!!!!

    google flame beauty angles and its the ninth link...
  12. cracker4418

    Dwarf Angel poll!!!!

    I found it to. Not as cool as the lemon peel and half black angel hybrid.
  13. cracker4418

    Lawnmower Blenny & Hair Algae

    what are your
  14. cracker4418

    Lawnmower Blenny & Hair Algae

    what are nitrates?
  15. cracker4418

    Clean Up Crew Suggestions

    ya they are common.
  16. cracker4418

    new tank need help

    When you recive and aquarium that was just left to died, it loses all of the microbs you want. You pretty much have to start from the beginning.
  17. cracker4418

    new tank need help

    Remove them. The amount of toxins they will release when they bread down is way more then you want your tank exsposed to. Clean and setup your tank as if it were band new. Take the rock and sand completely out of the tank and rinse the rock and sand lightly with saltwater. By doing this you will...
  18. cracker4418

    new tank need help

    Use white vingar to clean the sides and any other equipment. The sand and rock should be rinse with saltwater and can be used again.
  19. cracker4418

    Clean Up Crew Suggestions

    May i suggest 1 royal gramma 2 true percs 1 fairy wrasse 1 midas blenny and/or bicolor (they love hair algae) 2 firefish 1 Powerder Blue Tang 1 Naso Blonde Tang 1 Yellow tang instead of the butterfly-there hard to keep IMO 1 bicolor angel or Flame angle
  20. cracker4418

    Clean Up Crew Suggestions

    Originally Posted by Kevin34 How many snails total would you guys recommend for a 125g? I have MH lighting which may prduce more algae. Also how many emeralds? I was thinking 5-6 of those and about 40 nass and 30 turbo. Those numbers sound right. Have you thought about your stock list?