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  1. mblann1960

    What corals with this lighting?

    I have a 30 gal tank, live rock, two power heads, but no corals. My lighting is a Current Satellite Power Compact 96 Watt. Can I have corals, and if so, what kind? Thanks!
  2. mblann1960

    Problem or not?

    sorry for the late response. You mentioned over feeding. I only have 2 clown fish and I can assure you that they are not getting much food. Just a few flakes, once or twice a day. I think someone else mentioned overfeeding, but I know that's not my problem. Thanks for the input though! Mark
  3. mblann1960

    Problem or not?

    The tank is about 3 months old.
  4. mblann1960

    Problem or not?

    The water I top off with is Distilled water from the grocery. I don't have a test kit, but my local fish store says everything is fine with the water. I'm not near any windows, not even close. The lighting is only a month old. A 36" Current Satellite. This stuff just started showing up...
  5. mblann1960

    Problem or not?

    I know I've already posted about a week ago regarding algae problems. It hasn't really gotten any worse...but thought I would include a picture of one of my rocks...with this growth on it. Is this something to be concerned with? What should I do? It's a 30 gallon tank, with a few live rock, and...
  6. mblann1960

    "Hair Algae"

    Here's a pic of some "algae" growing on the live rock.
  7. mblann1960

    "Hair Algae"

    I have a emperor 400 filter, 30 gal tank. only 2 clowns, a few hermits and snails. Not much live rock right now. Not sure about the phosphates on my water. I don't have any test kits. Been having it tested at the LFS. On a good note, I can see red and purple coraline starting to show up. (guess...
  8. mblann1960

    "Hair Algae"

    Well, I use distilled water from the grocery store...I was told I could top my tank off with that. (30 gallon tank) Is that OK? The tank is not near any windows, but my lights were maybe on too much. I've cut down on that. Anything else to try? Thanks!
  9. mblann1960

    "Hair Algae"

    Someone told me that "Hair Algae" is not good. That it would spread and I would have big problems. I have recently noticed some algae growing on the back of my glass. It's also on a few rocks. Is this a problem? I couldn't get a good picture of it. But it "flows" in the current. Thanks, Mark
  10. mblann1960

    What is this???

    thanks, I only have 2 small clown fish right now, and a few hermits. Maybe they will be some food. huh?
  11. mblann1960

    What is this???

    so....harmless? leave them alone? or what? Thanks for the response.
  12. mblann1960

    What is this???

    ok, looked at my tank this morning, and this is what I see on the front of the glass. It's about 2 inches long. What the heck is this? Thanks, Mark
  13. mblann1960

    Identify Please?

    guess I'm not familiar with the reef club. I'm new to the saltwater side of things. I've had fresh water tanks with cichlids in it, but never saltwater fish. Thanks for your help...and input!
  14. mblann1960

    Identify Please?

    so I guess my question would be...should I get rid of it? There is only a 30 gal. And it's been there for about 8 weeks. Also, I noticed "mcbdz" you are from Louisiana! I'm from Monroe. Thanks for the response!
  15. mblann1960

    Identify Please?

    I'm new to this, so please forgive my ignorance. Can anyone tell me what this is? And is it ok to keep? Here are some pics...the best I could get of it on my live rock. It is a little larger than the button on your shirt. There is only one. Will it grow? reproduce? Thanks, Mark
  16. mblann1960

    Algae Problem? Please help

    thanks well, being new to this hobby, I wasn't sure. I think I've already gone through a "diatom" stage. brown growth on my live sand. That went away a few weeks ago. This, however, is more green in color. And it is on the rocks, sand and glass. I'm not near a window at all, but guess it's...
  17. mblann1960

    Algae Problem? Please help

    Thanks for the response. I failed to mention that I'm new to this hobby. What are "turbos"? and is this algae a problem? Thanks!
  18. mblann1960

    Algae Problem? Please help

    My 30 gal tank is only about 2 months old. I have some live rock (not much), live sand, a few hermit crabs and a few snails. Also have two clowns. I don't have any test kits yet, but the LFS is very friendly and knowledgeable, and tests my water any time I want it. They say it is fine. My tank...
  19. mblann1960

    Hermit crabs eat coraline?

    I have a 30 gallon tank, with a current satellite light fixture. I don't have much live rock, just a few pieces right now. But for weeks, it has been a pretty red color, with some dark purple areas. I noticed that some of the red is "going away" just leaving a plain rock surface. According to my...
  20. mblann1960

    Hermit crabs eat coraline?

    Do hermit crabs eat coraline? I'm new to this hobby, and I have only a few live rock, some hermit crabs and two clown fish. The dark purple stuff on my rocks, coraline? It's seems to be dissapearing. Do the crabs eat it? If so, how can I stop them? Thanks!