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  1. kaliman33

    Hippo Tang Scratching?

    Mine did that too, it was gil fluke, so make sure before you treat it for ich, all my other fish started doing it as well, when he died we cut the gills and looked under a microscope and saw them.
  2. kaliman33

    green wolf eel compatability

    I have 1 about 14 in long, he comes right to the top when it is feeding time, he is in with a dog face puffer, fox face, lion fish, blue throat trigger, and some chromis, he has eaten a few chromis i think so you might lose some damsil's. other than that he is cool and you should not have any...
  3. kaliman33

    Blue throat trigger

    My Blue throat is in with a conger eel, dog face puffer, some chromis, and a fox face. he is awesome and doe'snt bother anyone, i have had niger's and huma's and like him the best.
  4. kaliman33

    Coral Beauty / Dwarf Flame Angel

    Primee311 - Srfisher17 I took all the fish to a friend who owns a pet store and been in the fish biz for over 10 years and has owned tanks for over 30, not an amateur, we disceted the fish WITH A MICOSCOPE we saw the flukes and the damage they did to all the fishes gills, maybe i had them longer...
  5. kaliman33

    Coral Beauty / Dwarf Flame Angel

    no, that happened because i bought a fish from a dealer i dont normally buy from, it had gill fluke, gave it to all my fish, so i did'nt buck the system on that. i learned that you only buy from someone you trust.
  6. kaliman33

    Coral Beauty / Dwarf Flame Angel

    I had the coral beauty first, then after a month added the flame, they are like brothers now, the first 2 days the coral beauty chased him, never biting or nipping, then settled right down, now they swim together and never have a problem, I know people say you should'nt but i know numerous and i...
  7. kaliman33

    Coral Beauty Help

    i did'nt think these where hard fish to keep, mine ate the very first day and never had any issues, sorry for your lose, i know how it feels
  8. kaliman33

    Coral Beauty / Dwarf Flame Angel

    I have had a flame and coral beauty together for over 8 months, not one bit of problems, they really are no the same species so they will be fine
  9. kaliman33

    Gill Fluke HELP

    no, i cant really remember, except my LFS cut the gills open and scraped it with a knife and found atleast 2, they were tiny and white, he wished he had a microscope, we checked the bodies and all scales where ok, they had slime on thier bodies from stress, but i did see them, and all the fish...
  10. kaliman33

    Gill Fluke HELP

    i have been racking my brain as well, water was fine, test it all the time, it had been a total of 2 1/2 weeks sice the wrasse was added, i cant remember seeing my fish act wierd, as soon as i noticed somthing was'nt right i did a 12 percent water change, my salt was a little high, i noticed the...
  11. kaliman33

    Gill Fluke HELP

    the gill fluke stressed out the fish, so i am sure it was a factor, why would medicating the tank wipe them out? the bottle says extremly safe and highly effective, 1 dose will do the trick, but i think i caught it to late, they where rubbing on the rocks for atleast a week and thought nothing...
  12. kaliman33

    Gill Fluke HELP

    the article was helpful in telling me what they are, but can they still live in my tank with no fish? what measures did you go to to get rid of them? thanks
  13. kaliman33

    Gill Fluke HELP

    yes all are dead, we cut the gills open and saw them, i added prazilPro, i am now cleaning out the water to get all medication out, i need to keep the biological going, so i figured in about 48 hours try a couple chromis
  14. kaliman33

    Gill Fluke HELP

    I bought a fish from a diffrent LFS, my tank was perfect up to then, i brought home a bird nose wrasse, he was always at the top which we thought was weird but not unusual, within a week he died, and lost ALL my fish, a lion, emporer angel, dog face puffer, niger and huma,blue hippo, fox face...
  15. kaliman33

    Sea Hare

    I had one for a while in my reef tank and someone ate him, i was pissed but nothing happened, no toxic stuff and no die, i think my flame angel or coral beauty ate him, i hate when that happens, i think they just ate my flame scallop, and 1 emerald crab is missing a claw.
  16. kaliman33

    Hints on Lionfish tankmates

    my lion has been with my dogface puffer, huma trigger and wrasse for a long time with not one proplem, i think if you keep everyone fed and happy you wont have a problem, at feeding i dump a bunch of krill, brine shrimp, squid, and some reg. shrimp, then i throw in the siversides for the lion...
  17. kaliman33

    Hints on Lionfish tankmates

    I have my lion with a emporer angel, foxface rabbit, niger trigger, humu trigger, conger eel, hippo tang, minicus grouper, lunar wrasse, all get along great. going to look at a unicorn tang today
  18. kaliman33

    Lion won't eat

    I had a similar problem but not as long, mine would only eat rosies, but then i tried frozen siver sides, they are whole fish, i wiggle them at the water surface to get his attention and then drop them in and he chows on them, now he will even eat some krill, hope that helps
  19. kaliman33

    Is My Starfish Dead

    I had a blue starfish until today, my coral beauty started chewing/picking at his legs, then the damsils joined in, chewed him up good, i brought him back to my LFS and he is going to try to rehabilitate him, he looked bad and i'm ticked, everyone says it is unusual for a coral beauty to pick on...
  20. kaliman33

    Where the heck did the Featherduster go?

    I just layed my tubes on the sand, they actually moved around and now seemed to have found a place they like cause they are huge, my yellow tang sometimes eats some alege off the tubes, when i first got them my coral beauty would nip at them and they would hide, but now he does'nt bother them, i...