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  1. bigspanknasty

    Chocolate Chip Star Fish????

    ok Thank You So Much
  2. bigspanknasty

    Chocolate Chip Star Fish????

    so it will eat my mushroom and polyps?
  3. bigspanknasty

    Chocolate Chip Star Fish????

    Just curious, I heard that they can be harmful to some corals. I have a mushroom coral, some polyps, 2 BTA's and one LTA. Will it harm those?
  4. bigspanknasty


  5. bigspanknasty


    well in that case will aptasia kill my polyps, mushroom coral, and BTA? is aptasia that bad of a creature?
  6. bigspanknasty


    will aptasia kill my polyps, mushroom coral, or bubble tip anemone? I also have in my tank FOXFACE, SAILFIN TANG, LUNAR WRASSE, YELLOW WATCHMAN GOBY, NIGER TRIGGER, AND YELLOW TAIL DAMSEL. Will any of those be mean towards the peppermint shrimp? Trigger is not aggressive towards any of my fish.
  7. bigspanknasty


    i know people will say they will kill corals. all i have is one mushroom, several polyps, and a bubble tip anemone. are they in danger?
  8. bigspanknasty


    I have these aggrevating little anemones popping up. I know there is a medicine you can use, but I also heard you can get a certain kind of shrimp or fish to get rid of these is this true? If so what kind? Thank You
  9. bigspanknasty


    well i have a flamehawk and would love to have an arch eye, can i house two hawkfish. I have a 120 gal with plenty of rock work.
  10. bigspanknasty

    Feather Duster

    Thanks Everybody
  11. bigspanknasty

    Feather Duster

    I have two feather dusters in my tank. I left this morning and they were fine, but when i got home one of them has lost its feathers ( the feathers were just floating around the tank ). I dont mean to sound stupid but i dont know if its dead, they shed, or one of my fish did it. I need some help.
  12. bigspanknasty

    anemones hosting damsels???

    I have a BTA and I have a maroon clown and a black and white saddleback. It will host both clowns and i have two domino damsels that play in it also. Is that normal??????I thought only clowns could play in anemones!!!
  13. bigspanknasty

    Need Anemone removal help

    When you say melting what do you mean the base the tenacles? When its taking a poo, how long do they stay shrunk up?
  14. bigspanknasty

    Is Something Wrong??????

    I am using T5 lighting, I have only had it a couple of days. I havent tried feeding it. I was planning on that tonight. Everything is reading at zero, my water flow is great. My tank has been set up for about 2 months now.
  15. bigspanknasty

    Is Something Wrong??????

    I have a BTA and it is a pretty big anemone. This morning it was fine all layed out and pretty, now it is shrunk up and not even big enough for one clown. Is something wrong, or is this normal?
  16. bigspanknasty

    Question on Anemones

    well i have a wild maroon and a wild saddleback i guess ill see. both of them hang out together though. maybe ill get lucky.
  17. bigspanknasty

    Question on Anemones

    Can you put two anemones in one tank. I have a 120 Gal. I have heard both ways. I would just like some opinions.
  18. bigspanknasty

    Question on Anemones

    Thank You
  19. bigspanknasty

    Question on Anemones

    Will 1 Anemones host more than one Clownfish? I have a maroon clown and would like to get another clown. I have a bubble tip about 4 inches.
  20. bigspanknasty

    My 1st Fish???????

    I have a FOWLER tank 120 Gal. I have a couple yellow tail damsels. Im wanting to get my first nice fish. I want a community tank (do i need to rid of the damsels?). What would be a good first addition?