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  1. bmorefisher9

    What happened? To my Cleaner and Crab

    Well I think I found the solution! ZEBRA HERMIT crabs that have been killing the snails! I found 5 dead snails half eaten and pulled out of the shells. I need to get rid of these hermits since they have been killing the snails. The blue legged hermits are fine. The ammonia on the re-test today...
  2. bmorefisher9

    Protien Skimmer Octopus 100

    I think I found the fix to this...There is a sponge in the one half of this unit I took it apart to get to that sponge and well it was covered and gunked up with so much goo which could have been preventing the water flowing look like this is working not since I cleaned it. Should I just leave...
  3. bmorefisher9

    What happened? To my Cleaner and Crab

    So I wake up and find my cleaner and green emarld crab both dead what happend to these guys. The the cleaner has been in there for over a year and the crab about 6 months. The night before everything was fine. Water test 2 days piror nothing out of the normal level what so ever. Very weird the...
  4. bmorefisher9

    Protien Skimmer Octopus 100

    I bought the Octopus 100 HOB skimmer about 2 months ago works great up until it started filling up 5 times a day and the water level on it was about 1 cm from the top. Then it started overflowing lucky I was home at the time to prevent any bad things from happening. What is going on with this...
  5. bmorefisher9

    36 gallon bow front stock list

    Looks a little much I would try to keep it to 3 fish!
  6. bmorefisher9

    Pygmy Angels

    Looking to find advice from reefers that have had pygmy angels with coral... anyone that has a lemonpeel, yellow pygmy, flame , coral beauty info would be greatly appreciated
  7. bmorefisher9

    aggressive yellow tang

    I had this problem with a yellow tang at one point I would wake up to dead fish and to find them with cut marks and bloody.
  8. bmorefisher9

    What to add!

    Thanks this is good info I was reading a lot and seems it can be hit or miss and as long as they are fed I think it should be just fine. Has any one had any other pygmy's besides the flame and coral beauty? And info would be great...
  9. bmorefisher9

    What to add!

    I have a 55 gal with maroon clown, cleaner shrimp, star polyps, mushrooms....I really wanted to add a pygmy angel until I read a lot of them will eat coral. Some are very difficult to kept in tanks do to the fact they are not tank raised. I really wanted to add a lemonpeel until I read some not...
  10. bmorefisher9

    Which Salt are you using?

    I salt seems to have a slight bit of moisture.... in the bag slight cumps but not whole bag. I have test the water for everything after mixing and the ammonia is the only thing that is showing up there. Maybe for some reason it was the bag ...Next thing how should this salt be stored if the...
  11. bmorefisher9

    Which Salt are you using?

    Its not a test kit have 2 different ones and they are not lying! I know ammonia should be 0 and the buckets are not used for anything but saltwater mixing. I test my water before I ever will dump it in the tank and I discovered this I have ready their are brands that will have this in them so...
  12. bmorefisher9

    Which Salt are you using?

    I've have used Instant Ocean Sea Salt for a while now and when I have been doing the test, I discovered the ammonia slight above normal! I started tying to figure this one out come to find that the water after using DO filter water tested great nothing in the water. After adding Instant Ocean...
  13. bmorefisher9

    Protein Skimmer Help...I bought the Octopus

    Just a update for those thinking about getting a thing I have gotten. Works like a champ I am getting a collection of green goo and the tank is so clear! Love this thing
  14. bmorefisher9

    Protein Skimmer Help...I bought the Octopus

    Thanks I left it running over night has been on less then 24 hours, and left the air hose as is and I am getting the "green goo" seems to be working just fine amazed!!!! There was a blue sponge that came with it does anyone know where this goes? I will getting more LR to hide this pump.
  15. bmorefisher9

    Protein Skimmer Help...I bought the Octopus

    I need some help setting this thing up its a HOB Octopus 100 and I got the thing and the instructions are so vauge basically just a picture with parts. I have it on the tank and have questions: The air hose that goes to the top I am guessing that needs to be trimmed down to the water level? And...
  16. bmorefisher9

    Why You Shouldnt Use Tap Water (Part 2)

    I bought the TAP WATER filter thought I give it a shot! As said above you would not realize what's in tap water! I had a few problems with the tank and thought I give it a shot. I test tap water and wow not so great at all then tested the water after using the filter and took everything out of...
  17. bmorefisher9

    Best Protein Skimmer for 29gal

    Octopus 100!!!!
  18. bmorefisher9

    Protein Skimmer?

    Any one have any reviews on the following? -Turbo Votex 100/150 -SeaClone 150 -Jebo 180 -RedSea Prizm
  19. bmorefisher9

    Protein Skimmer?

    I have coral in my tank grew on its own and seems to be doing well...but I am want to make sure I have a skimmer to knock out anything in the water. I have a 40 gal...Any ideas ?
  20. bmorefisher9

    Protein Skimmer?

    Looking to purchase a protein skimmer....The current set up which I have is under gravel filter system, with a hang on marineland land hand on canister. The tank is 40 gal, I am looking for some recommendation on a skimmer. I would like something that would be a hang, since I do not have a sump...