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  1. girlina4x4

    Riddle Me Again?

    Quote: Originally Posted by Flower     Hi,   Q1: What did the leapord say after it ate the man?   UMM...That hit the spot? YES!!   And mrdc, YES!!  
  2. girlina4x4

    Riddle Me Again?

    My 2 fave one liners:   Q1: What did the leapord say after it ate the man?   Q2: Whats the hardest part about skydiving?
  3. girlina4x4

    filter woes

    I would get a new bigger wet/dry, have lots of live rock, and a protein skimmer. Thats really all you need for SW filtration.   You can turn one of the chambers of the wet/dry into a refugium for even more filtration.
  4. girlina4x4

    how to keep saltwarter clean

    Quote: Originally Posted by SergIO ... i have 2 gold stripe maroon clown fish 4 hermit crabs 1 fire fish 1 mandarin dragonet and 1 anemone all in a 10 gallon tank I'm surprised nobody else is alarmed about the mandarin. They need HUGE tanks with HUGE amounts of pods to live a healthy life. I...
  5. girlina4x4

    Stabilizing Live Rock

    Quite a few people use plain old superglue
  6. girlina4x4


    Bristle worms are benficial scavengers. They aren't a problem until they get super super huge. As always though, dont touch them! Its a good idea to get aquarium gloves anyway.
  7. girlina4x4

    How much would you $ell this for?

    bulbs bought dec 2008, used through march 09 Power compact 1. Larger strip-Coralife- 4 bulbs (dont know the wattage) 2. Smaller strip- Coralife- 4x65 watts
  8. girlina4x4

    Dog feeding question.

    In the morning, leave the food down for about 20 minutes. If its eaten, great. If not, put it up until dinner time. Same thing at dinner, the dogs will learn to eat according to a schedule and view you as the pack leader.
  9. girlina4x4

    I bought the kids a pool yesterday

    Yep, Chupa for short. She only looks sweet and innocent during the day
  10. girlina4x4


    Benny sleeping...
  11. girlina4x4

    I bought the kids a pool yesterday

    Benny & Chupacabra
  12. girlina4x4

    White specs swirling in tank

    They are most likely copepods, which are beneficial scavengers and the fish like to eat them. You can prob see them on your glass/rocks as well. And fyi, ich isnt visible. The white spots you see on fish is dead skin where the parasite has burrowed in.
  13. girlina4x4

    My "Animal Room" Tour

    One big happy family!
  14. girlina4x4

    can i keep these together?

    Sorry, the tank is too small for a tang. They swim swim swim! They arent recommended for anything under 75 gallons, and quite a few species need even bigger tanks. The number of fish you have is fine, but damsels are on the agressive side and usually cause problems in the tank. They pick on...
  15. girlina4x4

    New to fish...

    Nitrite hit around 4/21/09. Should be done cycling now! A lot of people like to wait until the tank is more "established", around 6 months to a year. Then they add corals and such. You could start out with a few easy ones like mushrooms or xenia and see how those go. Get a test kit for mag and alk.
  16. girlina4x4

    BAD pods

    Great! Which fish eat them? So far my 2 clowns and firefish do not, judging by the population and size. Its a 29 fowlr
  17. girlina4x4

    BAD pods

    good, bad, or in the middle?
  18. girlina4x4

    BAD pods

    They are longer/leaner and have more legs. Here is a video. Its mostly of the pods, but shows the general disgusting state of the tank. Around the minute mark I hold up my finger for a size comparison.
  19. girlina4x4

    Biocube 8

    Your post is a little confusing. Is your tank made of glass or acrylic? If its acrylic, just get an acrylic-safe scrubber pad. Your tank is small so dont worry about a mag float.
  20. girlina4x4

    Play sand for sump??

    I THINK the vinegar test is where you add some to the sand and if it fizzes its bad. But I thought that was only for rocks or driftwood. Umm, dont take my word for it though... I just wanted to tell you that I bought pool filter sand from home depot and use it in ALL my tanks, FW and SW. Its 5...