Search results

  1. girlina4x4

    What is this? and is it bad?

    Looks like Aptasia Anemones to me (although it could be Mojano Anemones). Either way, both are considered pests in your tank (spread quickly, and can kill small animals). To get rid of it, most people get a hypodermic needle filled with kalkwasser, lemon juice, or products called Joe's Juice or...
  2. girlina4x4

    Left Behind book series

    Im waiting on the fourth Eragon book too! The Left Behind series is about when Jesus comes back to Rapture his church, and what happens in the seven years between that and the Glorious Appearing. Im not a religious person, but these books are easy to understand and very fun to read
  3. girlina4x4

    Left Behind book series

    Written by Tim LaHaye and Jerry Jenkins Anyone read this before? I read them when they first came out, and am now re-reading. Just started book ten, "The Remnant". Very addictive stuff, thats why I haven't been on recently....Im a book worm!
  4. girlina4x4

    Fish I.D. please

    honey damsel
  5. girlina4x4

    Unknown worm?

    Bristleworm. This is a good example of why its good to wear gloves. The bristles will actually break off and stick in ur finger!
  6. girlina4x4

    I have been tagged----Ask Me Anything

    Can you take my History of Ireland test for me tonight?
  7. girlina4x4

    I hate my @#!@ car!

    Ha! I used to have an Amigo! It was bright blue and I covered the ******** in ZEBRA print lol. Very girly haha. Sucks about yours though.
  8. girlina4x4

    Ask Me Anything!

    How do I multi-quote?
  9. girlina4x4

    65g stocking idea

    I have a 65g as well! I think it sounds good except I would pick only one wrasse (maybe instead pick a small fish) and definatley no on the tang. Tangs need lots! lots! lots! of swimming space. Good luck!
  10. girlina4x4

    Stock list!!

    Its a 65 gallon, going to be a reef slowly but surely. Already has: 2 pj cardinals 1 firefish 1 pink spotted watchman goby 1 chalk bass 2 oscellaris w/ GBTA Inverts: hermits snails pep shrimp cleaner shrimp conch emerald crab sally light foot feather duster Want to add: black cap basslet flame...
  11. girlina4x4

    New To Sw Needing Starter Help ohio

    Originally Posted by MAYHEM_AUDIO I Think I Am Going To Buy Live Rock Salt And Some Start Up Supplies This Week And Start Them Curing In My Garage In 1 Ov The Threads For Newbies I Was Reading I Can Put An Air Bubbler In My Cure Tub For Water Movement Since I Do Not Have A Powerhead Yet And I...
  12. girlina4x4

    Ask Me Anything!

    speaking of tilapia.... I used them in a homeade aquaponics farm for a science project! What should I name my firstborn?
  13. girlina4x4

    need help purchasing tangs...

    I wouldnt put either one in a 7 gallon. You are better off getting a used 20 gallon or larger off of craigslist or freecycle. If they are super small when you get them (2 inches) put them in together. If they are larger, then get the hippo first. Remember, if you have a 125g, you will be getting...
  14. girlina4x4

    Few Fish Questions

    I vote for the Gramma. I have one in a 29 with a cleaner (does fine). He likes to stay behind the rocks and doesnt swim much unless its dinner time. I really like the colors and everyone always comments on how beautiful it is (this is my work tank)
  15. girlina4x4

    2 JUMPERS in 2 DAYS!!!

    Originally Posted by LKGRenegade22 My Diamond Goby went carpet surfing early this morning. My dog enjoyed his $35 potato chip. That sucks, but the way you said it made me LOL
  16. girlina4x4

    Tank Broke Yesterday..... :-(

    Depending on the age of the tank, there might still be a warranty. I would look into that. Sorry about your fishies
  17. girlina4x4

    What is your career?

    Originally Posted by AquaKnight Welcome back G! Haha thanks! I was MIA for a month while my computer was broken. I got a new one now though!
  18. girlina4x4

    what is your favorite goby?

    Originally Posted by daphne It is a beautiful goby, I've seen one last time I went to my LFS. I've heard they may be aggressive, any problem with yours? How big is your tank? I have a 65 gallon. No problem with mine so far...but Ive had him about 3.5 weeks now. We'll see, but so far so good.
  19. girlina4x4

    What is your career?

    Im a full time student at Florida State (GO NOLES!!) and a full time receptionist for an insurance agency. My major is Interdisciplinary Social Sciences, focusing on history and political science, with a minors in education and psychology Pretty sure I want to open a doggy daycare....
  20. girlina4x4

    Your Favorite Books/Authors?

    I like sci-fi/horror, historical fiction, and dectective novels The Pillars of the Earth and its sequel World Without End Sarum by Edward Rutherford The Rebel Angel series by Libba Bray Nectar of a Stone by Jane Guill Blue Blood by Melissa de la Cruz Harry Potter of course All Dean Koontz books...