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  1. girlina4x4

    What types of fish could i have?

    In my 29g at work I have: 2 ocellaris clowns (aka false percs) 1 lawn mower blenny 1 firefish goby 1 royal gramma 1 emerald crab hermits & snails 1 feather duster 2 peppermint shrimp 1 cleaner shrimp 1 conch In the 29 gallon at home (at its full stocklist, before the crab ate everything): 2...
  2. girlina4x4


    Last week when I used it, it wasnt working for me, so I had to go to "advanced search" which worked 50% of the time
  3. girlina4x4

    Husband bought me a mandarin-yikes

    I think you will be fine! Until you can hook up that extra tank (hopefully someone else can tell you how to plumb it into your system instead of leaving ot seperate), the mandarin will eat what pods you do have in your tank
  4. girlina4x4

    Awesome freshwater aquascaping

    Thats awesome! I made a post about a month ago regarding that type of aquascaping. Its called Dutch Style (1st pic), and Nature Style (most of the rest).
  5. girlina4x4

    do you think they'll guess what it is?

    Originally Posted by T316 Girlina...this thread is kinda old, so that's why the old pics are not showing up, but last year she wrapped a skateboard I believe. It was hillarious... Maybe she will post pics of what this year's "obvious gift" is. Aha! that figures I wouldnt look at the date, lol...
  6. girlina4x4

    Girlina4x4's Tank Switcharoo (65 reef!)

    Now im thinking of my stock list..... Currently have 2 pj cardinals and one firefish I want: flame or pygmy angel blackcap basslet velvet fairy wrasse maaaybe a pair of false percs Suggestions welcome!
  7. girlina4x4

    do you think they'll guess what it is?

    I dont see a pic!! I demand to see a pic!
  8. girlina4x4

    Rant Thread

    1. I hate my roomate 2. My bank card number was stolen over Thanksgiving weekend. Just got back my money last week. Who tries to buy $900 worth of Obama coins?! 3. I ended up paying for my own Xmas present from the bf. "What do you mean you need the money today? Well, I dont have it...." 4. Said...
  9. girlina4x4

    20th Wedding anniversary ideas

    If you're sentimental types, I would pick number 3. That way you could take a trip down memory lane! But if you aren't I would pick whichever place you havent been to before. The Keys are really nice, some great diving. The Carib would be cool, but depends on the cruise itinerary too. Alaska...
  10. girlina4x4

    Girlina4x4's Tank Switcharoo (65 reef!)

    My stupid sump
  11. girlina4x4

    Girlina4x4's Tank Switcharoo (65 reef!)

  12. girlina4x4

    Girlina4x4's Tank Switcharoo (65 reef!)

    Freshies! The water is kinda brown bc of the driftwood I put in...gotta do a water change
  13. girlina4x4

    Girlina4x4's Tank Switcharoo (65 reef!)

    Ok, well Ive made lots of progress! My LFS happened to have a 65gallon in stock, so I just bought a new one and will still reseal the old one but then sell it on CL. Less worrying! The freshies are in their new tank. The 65g has water, base rock, and LS in it, mixing with salt right now. Once...
  14. girlina4x4

    Girlina4x4's Tank Switcharoo (65 reef!)

    Originally Posted by liljay0418 For some reason I want to say mine was an "all glass" not for sure though. On another note when you get a chance could you come up here and throw a transfer case in my 4x4 went out last year and with all this snow and ice up here I sure could use it...
  15. girlina4x4

    aquascaping advice needed

    Looks good! As for the diatoms, they will go away on their own. Its just one of those things you deal with when you have a new tank. And the cyano, try siphoning it off the rocks with a gravel vac. Other things that help are less light, less feeding, and more flow. It doesnt look like you have a...
  16. girlina4x4

    My YT and CB shrimp dating...?

    Sounds like the YT wants to be cleaned, but the CB is only interested in dinner time
  17. girlina4x4

    HELP! How do I re-seal a tank?

    Ah what a crazy weekend! Well we are still going to reseal the tank but in the meantime my LFS had a new one for $150 that Im going to get. I will just sell the old one on CL. Less worrying!
  18. girlina4x4

    Girlina4x4's Tank Switcharoo (65 reef!)

    Does anyone think it would be possible to turn the bigger rubbermaid container into a sump/fuge with cutting board baffles (a la Mr. X)? If so, please give me directions, I listen well!
  19. girlina4x4

    Girlina4x4's Tank Switcharoo (65 reef!)

    Originally Posted by liljay0418 Is it leaking around the silicone? If so I would scrape out all the old silicone and re-seal. Let silicone sit for @ least 24 hrs (then fill with h2o and let sit for another 24 hrs.) to make sure there are no more leaks!! JMO.... I had a 90 gal. re- sealed and...
  20. girlina4x4

    Girlina4x4's Tank Switcharoo (65 reef!)

    Salties and rock