Search results

  1. girlina4x4

    what is your favorite goby?

    I have a pink spotted watchman goby. He's out ALL the time. He isnt paired with a shrimp, but he lets the cleaner shrimp hang all over him and give dental exams. He sifts most of the tank's sand too.
  2. girlina4x4

    Girlina4x4's Tank Switcharoo (65 reef!)

    Its been a while since Ive been on here! Not a whole lot going on. I bought more rock which Ive yet to put in. Im going to redo the sump in a different rubbermaid since the carbon literally turned everything black. Its going to be really simple. The overflow in the right section, a middle...
  3. girlina4x4

    Woman Card / Chickslip

    Originally Posted by Darthtang AW What the heck is a FUPA? some Jewish cuisine? Haha, I cant say here. You'd have to Google/Urban dictionary it....
  4. girlina4x4

    If you had to choose (vacation spot...)

    I picked Costa Rica for you! Ive never been there but my ex-bf had an uncle who owned a resort there and the pics were beautiful! I also have quite a few sufer friends who go there and Nicaragua. There are mountains (for the hubby), and lots of H2O for you! Sure Hawaii and the Bahamas are...
  5. girlina4x4

    How do I get rid of carbon dust?

    Oh and here is a pic! Not sure why the second pic has a strange reflection but you get the idea
  6. girlina4x4

    How do I get rid of carbon dust?

    Ok, now Im wondering....If I get a sand sifter such as a diamond goby, will the carbon harm it? Will the dust deplete with time? Can I vaccum it?
  7. girlina4x4

    90 Gallon Reef Tank

    For the return, I would suggest a Mag 9. Cuurently, there is a Mag 7 on my 65 gallon tank. As for bulkheads.... Haha, good luck though! Tank builds are fun!
  8. girlina4x4

    Girlina4x4's Tank Switcharoo (65 reef!)

    the rest of the pics...Im not done aquascaping! I still want to get more rock and make the sides look better. The middle/base part is really stable
  9. girlina4x4

    Girlina4x4's Tank Switcharoo (65 reef!)

    Pics of the gross carbon dust
  10. girlina4x4

    Woman Card / Chickslip

    Haha, I laughed when I saw the can of Skoal comment. I looked across from me and saw a can of Grizzly (NOT MINE!!) sitting on the cooler full of beer. Rule # 55A: No woman should ever show off a muffin top or FUPA. #55B: If you have a muffin top or FUPA, said woman must buy a pair of Spanxx...
  11. girlina4x4

    pocket knives

    I got my boyfriend a really nice Krenshaw for his birthday, came with a lifetime warranty. If you have a sportsmans warehouse near you they have pretty good prices
  12. girlina4x4

    Best Starter Fish?

    Clowns usually start as males while they are juveniles. As they mature, the dominant one will become larger and female. I would guess when you buy them from a store, you are getting juveniles. If you get them from an established tank, they may be a male/female pair already. I also wanted to add...
  13. girlina4x4

    How do I get rid of carbon dust?

    Ah, that really stinks. I stirred it up before aqua scaping and now its settled again....
  14. girlina4x4

    Please help me pick my next fish...

    I voted for the snapper bc you dont need another tang...I like variety!
  15. girlina4x4

    How do I get rid of carbon dust?

    I thought I rinsed there is a black coating on my new tank :(
  16. girlina4x4

    Girlina4x4's Tank Switcharoo (65 reef!)

    Originally Posted by liljay0418 Sounds like you are back on track.........I think $2o was enough as long as he did not spend all day there or anything!! Will be waiting for pics Thats good! I thought he was going to think I jipped him! I will post pics in a bit, unfortunately the genius idea...
  17. girlina4x4

    Feeding Damsels???

    Well then CONGRATS! I personally think damsels are too agressive for me, but they are cute little things with awesome colors!
  18. girlina4x4

    Girlina4x4's Tank Switcharoo (65 reef!)

    Arg! This tank is cursed (or maybe just me!)! I was finally transferring my live rock and aquascaping and some weird vodoo happened The overflow box filled up with water, and my stupid sump started filling up with water again. This time I knew to take the return pump hose out of the tank...
  19. girlina4x4

    Feeding Damsels???

    once a day or everyother day. you just started your tank, right? are damsels your first fish?
  20. girlina4x4

    Hitchhiker Sponge Care?

    I have a ton (!!!!!) of hitch hiker sponges. I havent done anything for them and they keep growing. I had a cool pink sponge as well, but when I went through cyano and bubble algea, they apparently succked the nutrients out of the sponge.