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  1. kevin mcrae

    Can I have too many inverts?

    I have a ten gallon nano, been setup for about 2 years. It has 6+ hermits, 2+ snails, 2 skunk shrimp (one is small). I want to add a sexy shrimp and a emerald crab. Or do I have too much already? Thanks
  2. kevin mcrae

    Royal gamma sleeping

    Haha. Goofy fish. I'm sure I can get a pic sometime. ;)
  3. kevin mcrae

    Royal gamma sleeping

    I've noticed at night my royal gamma is often sleeping on its side. Anyone else notice this with theres? I'm sure he is fine I just thought it was interesting.
  4. kevin mcrae

    Newbie with 10 gallon

    I have two clowns and a royal gamma in my tank and its perfect! Just make sure you have lots of rock, do water changes weekly and you'll be fine. Instead of a anemone get a nice sized frogspawn coral. Clowns love it too.
  5. kevin mcrae

    Royal Gramma

    I never saw mine for a few days in my ten gallon nano when I first got him. After a week and a half of being shy poking in and out of the rocks he is almost always out now. Not shy about eating either!
  6. kevin mcrae

    10 gallon nano

    Thanks, it took the clowns under a minute literally, to host the frogspawn when put in the tank.
  7. kevin mcrae

    10 gallon nano

    Thanks! Its been running for a year and a half. Equipment AC 500, running as a fuge as well. Heater in the back. Hydor Koralia Nano Single T8 bulb - Can't remember brand off hand but it is designed for marine use, seems to work well. Couple clowns royal gamma 8 blue leg hermits couple turbo...
  8. kevin mcrae

    10 gallon nano

    Thought I would share a photo of my ten gallon nano.
  9. kevin mcrae

    Switching over tanks

    Okay, so instead I've decided to have two tanks. Great idea isn't it? Is there any way i can speed up the cycling process? Add live rock from my existing tank, water, sand? Thanks.
  10. kevin mcrae

    Switching over tanks

    Awesome, sounds great. I filled it with sand and water today. I'm going away for the weekend so I guess I'll switch it when I come home. I'm not working all next week so lots of time to watch it. ;)
  11. kevin mcrae

    Switching over tanks

    Hi, I picked up a new Fish Hotel Series 18 gallon Bowfront tank today. I want to switch my 10 gallon nano over but I had some questions. Can I simply switch the water over and move my live rock, corals, fish etc? Or should I make a complete cycle of my new tank then move everything over? Thanks.
  12. kevin mcrae

    shoulda gotten a pic

    Looks bleached from the flash probably.
  13. kevin mcrae

    That was quick

    So, on Friday I got a nice big frogspawn for my nano. Added two false percs today and within seconds they were hosting the frogspawn. Still are in it. Never though it would happen this quick, haha. Anyone else have this happen? Also, I had one clown in the tank already and he is hosting with the...
  14. kevin mcrae

    How to move tank

    Thanks. Shouldn't be a problem aslong as the tank isn't too heavy to be carried.
  15. kevin mcrae

    How to move tank

    I am buying a 10 gallon nano. Sand, live rock, corals and fish, inverts, etc. I live about 1 hour away from the guy selling. I have had no problem moving fish in bags at this distance. Whats the best way to do this? I was thinking about half emptying the tank, brining the 5 gallon pail full of...
  16. kevin mcrae

    Just picked up my 450 gallon!!

    Sweet post! Noticed the SWC skimmer. Didn't realize they sold all over, they have a shop in my town. :)
  17. kevin mcrae

    Skimmer for 90g

    So, I will be getting a 90 gallon with sump already to go. It does not come with a skimmer though. It will eventually turn into a reef. Now, I would prefer to not spend hundreds of dollars on a skimmer, something in the $100-150 range I can deal with, maybe a little more. What brand do you...
  18. kevin mcrae

    Tang Police: Is It Our Job?

    I agree with some of the above. A small tang in a 50 gallon tank is fine IMO but eventually you will need a larger tank.
  19. kevin mcrae

    1 month old 75 gal

    Originally Posted by niskyvaulter youre right i am dumb. everyone knows that a sixteen inch fish can fit in a 48x18 inch tang. its simple physics. what does it matter if it cant turn around once you put an aquascape in it (again, simple physics). Not sure what your looking at but the fish...
  20. kevin mcrae

    Tank used for Reptile

    I was under the impression the person was using an aquairum. Anyone who buys a 10 gallon "reptile tank" at a pet store for $50 instead of a 10 gallon "fish tank" for $10 is a moron. They are the same, they both hold water just fine. I've used tanks that have held reptiles for years and now have...