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  1. naclfish

    lol you can't be serious?

    she went into a NFL locker room anyone who have ever played foot ball or a league sport know what the locker room is this whole PC fairness caused this situation. Women were never allowed into locker rooms because its common knowledge that there are necked peps walking around. Now i know pros...
  2. naclfish

    Used ASM G2 or new Octopuss Skimmer?

    i have bh100ss and love it
  3. naclfish

    what do ya think

    yeah didnt think to rinse lol oh well figure ill let it run a few weeks then add the fuge with rubble from my sump and and macro then transfer some lr start the lights and let it hang for a couple months once its nice and happy and stable ill start thinking of a fish or 2 really would like a...
  4. naclfish

    what do ya think

    Yeah i didnt plan on putting the skimmer on but the water was so nasty the power head was making skimmate
  5. naclfish

    what do ya think

    I just set up and old tank i had in my basement a 20l i used this tank between a leak and getting a cube couple weeks tops. I drained it and put it away with sand bed intact and about 20 25lbs live rock. ls and lr was from a established tank over 5 years old it just didnt all fit in my cube and...
  6. naclfish


    well when it out grows the tank and you don't have a large set up for it sell it. or call upon the tang police to deal with dad lol
  7. naclfish

    Possible vodka dosing catastrophe?

    OMG HENRY THAT POOR KID!!!!! her mountains are not blue and that's abuse imo. srry bout your fish that sucks
  8. naclfish

    So who's burning the Koran on the 11th?

    lets all remember the dutch cartoonist who was killed in broad day light on a busy street in his own country all for portraying Allah in a cartoon... religion of peace and love huh..but we are not here to debate irrational act by religious zelots all faiths have them. As for me I'm gonna toast a...
  9. naclfish

    So who's burning the Koran on the 11th?

    no where did i post all Muslims are animals and enjoy a good flag burning..I only ment if u live in America and enjoy her freedoms you have to accept them. You dont get to threaten death and BS cause you dont like what someones doing.
  10. naclfish

    So who's burning the Koran on the 11th?

    perhaps if you served you would think otherwise.....
  11. naclfish

    So who's burning the Koran on the 11th?

    both are in bad taste jmho....but America is all about freedom. I can not feel bad about burning a Koran when it is Your right to burn a flag in that spits on hundreds of thousands of graves and is deemed a right of free speech. No one cares when these animals burn American flags.
  12. naclfish


    good luck they tend to pick at coral...and in a 29....gonna be some wooop ass try a coral beauty or a leamon peel or yellow fin but still might pick at your coral and beat up fish
  13. naclfish

    Can Hammer and Frogspawn touch?

    Henry's tank looks much better !
  14. naclfish

    live rock fresh out of ocean?

    just add them to a tank of water. there should be some die off when you transport them to your tank to help start a cycle. where is the rock from and where do u live ?
  15. naclfish

    Anyone here have a flounder?

    my tank if full of "dead rock" about 3/4 of it 1/4 was high quality live rock but i waited months to cycle and for my "dead sand" and dead rock" to become live in my cube. I rushed my 1st salt tank when i was young in college needless to say i wasted a lot of money and fish. Some of the people...
  16. naclfish

    Anyone here have a flounder?

  17. naclfish

    Chemi pure or actvated carbon?

    chem pure elite the extra couple bucks is worth it
  18. naclfish


    have a drink grab the glue and pretend its a new frag and try not to be upset...if still upset repeat the first suggestion until no longer upset
  19. naclfish

    Not "Blue Hornets" Eye it & buy it.

    I saw the size of that rock and the amount of polyps and seemed a little to good to be true
  20. naclfish

    Anyone here have a flounder?

    can u say fart on ? ... fart