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  1. k9_wolf

    Worm ID

    Google Search-- Bristleworm
  2. k9_wolf

    Heater exploded! ....Need advice!

    Originally Posted by metweezer Do you have a GFCI or a ground probe? Necessary equipment. the whole systems on GFCI but i don't have a ground probe yet Will get one though that would have triggered the GFCI thanks Steve
  3. k9_wolf

    Heater exploded! ....Need advice!

    And the corals
  4. k9_wolf

    Heater exploded! ....Need advice!

    OK I'm not new to the hobby but I've never had this happen before! I have a 75g reef up for about a year and two months I stuck my hand into my sump to do something and noticed the water was hot! that's when i found the heater shattered and bubbling in the corner. My question is the main tank...
  5. k9_wolf

    Getting to know your fellow hobbyist

    I'm new to the site My name is Dan I'm 48 and married to a wonderful woman who is as crazy as i am. outside of my love for SWF I am a dog trainer I have two German Shepard's and a golden retriever I also specialize in Shepard/wolf mixes that explains my user and avatar I'm looking forward to...
  6. k9_wolf

    Halloween and Scary Movies

    "Wrong Turn" you'll never drive in the mountains again
  7. k9_wolf

    How much COFFEE do you drink DAILY?

    I seriously don't think I could link enough synapses together to even find my way to work without coffee in the morning!! I drink 3/24 oz Java's during the day!
  8. k9_wolf

    Large Brittle Star

    Someone I know closed down their tank I acquired a Large brittle star about the size of a salad bowl of the green variety. My question is will It attack my fish? I read somewhere that they learn to drop down on unsuspecting fish and eat them! So do you think i should turn him into store credit...
  9. k9_wolf

    Things the dog eats

    Originally Posted by Girlina4x4 Blake- australian shepard mix Bailey- lab/pitt mix Brodie- american wiretail fox terrier Romeo- chihuahua Bentley- boston terrier Baxter- boston terrier Benny- border collie mix You could say I LOVE dogs Me too!
  10. k9_wolf

    Things the dog eats

    Originally Posted by Girlina4x4 Freckles (RIP)- would eat ANYTHING mint flavored. I had to start putting my purse up high because she would go straight for the gum. She also had a taste for cigarettes...not smoking them though! Romeo- dog poop. He is his own clean up crew! Benny- old food...
  11. k9_wolf

    Magnesium Question?

    Is it common for magnesium to drop to 1110-PPM Or is that drastic? 75/w 30 sump about 95G total. I don't have much livestock in this tank yet 4 clowns and some small corals. Its not like I have It heavily Stocked or anything! Should i raise it slowly? carbonate is 161.1 PPM Calcium is 400 PPM...
  12. k9_wolf


    Thanks Spiderwoman Oh and the twins are way too cute
  13. k9_wolf


    Originally Posted by Mr_X paoli here. welcome neighbor. Thanks Mr X I'm setting up a frag tank maybe we can trade in the future?
  14. k9_wolf


    Originally Posted by subielover Schnecksville here welcome to the boards. Thanks Subielover Schnecksville that's on Rt 309 right?
  15. k9_wolf


    Originally Posted by socal57che Welcome to SWF, Wolf-Dawg! I used to live between Harrisburg and Lancaster. Can't say I miss it. Living near Hershey... Wind from the west= smells like fresh brownies Wind from the east= smells like COW POOP! Sounds like you got the best of both worlds!
  16. k9_wolf


    Originally Posted by JerryAtrick I work in Ambler so I am in your neck of the woods a lot. We will have to start trading coral. Hit me up anytime. Will do!
  17. k9_wolf


    Originally Posted by solarbearusa Welcome to the boards K9. I am new here as well, only about a month or so but the people on here are great and very helpful. Ask away, and someone on here always has an answer or good advice. I will keep a lookout for you, I just started a 72g about 6 weeks...
  18. k9_wolf


    Originally Posted by JerryAtrick Phoenixville I used to hang out in Phonixville I know it well !
  19. k9_wolf


    Hi everyone! I'm new to the site but not to saltwater. I started out about 15 yrs ago before the Internet so all you had to was your LFS for advise. needless to say most of that advise was faulty! That's the main reason I gave up the hobby. Knowing what I know now I'm surprised that tank lasted...