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  1. stormyday76

    Blue Planet Tonight (Sun 01/27 9 ET/PT Discovery)

    Trust me, we put that on our "To Do" list As #1 chore for the day! Guess no one will be on the board from 9 to 10, huh? But at 10:01 every one will be on telling how good or bad it was!!! <img src="graemlins//angel.gif" border="0" alt="[angel]" /> ENJOY FELLOW HOBBIESTS!!!!
  2. stormyday76

    List of Species HIGHLY prone to ick

    Puffer fish are also VERY prone to ick! <img src="graemlins//angel.gif" border="0" alt="[angel]" />
  3. stormyday76

    FREE Yellow tang if your in the ...

    HEY, DALUMINUM, You say to get a bigger tang to even out the tank for REN, right? Well, you also have to consider the size of the tank. He need a pretty big tank to house 3 tangs. If he were to put them all in lets say a 90 that might just make matters worse, am I wrong? When I bought My Purple...
  4. stormyday76

    FREE Yellow tang if your in the ...

    Well,hummmmm... Now that I think about UNCLE lives in Bakersfield!! I think he can fishsit for me till I get Out there in DECEMBER!LOL! JK!!Why don't you try to see if the lfs guy will let you trade him? If he's a healthy fish, he might let you! And yeah, the red sea is nicer! I got one...
  5. stormyday76

    Hi :) New member and new tank here

    Well, Congratulations on your new tank and my condolences on the dead blenny! So far, it sounds like you have a case of the can't waits! I was the same and kept adding fish after fish till I ended up with 5 dead tangs and a VERY unhappy feeling! From what I have been told and have read on this...
  6. stormyday76

    what is hyposalinity?

    Well, I figured it was you! I just didn't want to make an @$$ of myself. Tell them to correct what ever they put up wrong, cuz then you will also get the negative review if something goes wrong with something. So far, though, it looks GOOD! Keep it up! You help my Red Sea Purple Tang live...
  7. stormyday76

    Saltwater books

    I've heard alot of members tell others to invest in books on saltwater. Ive been to MANY book stores looking for a pretty thorough book on SWF, but all the ones I've found are very pre-school. Does anyone recommend any particular book that has helped them out? And don't promote it just cuz you...
  8. stormyday76

    faviort lion fish

    NICE!!! :D How big is he?
  9. stormyday76

    what is hyposalinity?

    I'm so sorry about that, I don't know what the problem is! How about I give the direct link? <a href="" target="_blank"></a> I hope it works! Sorry ,again! ;)
  10. stormyday76

    just got my first fish

    Happy for you! Just take it slow and don't get impatient like we did. I bought a fish like every week or so and ended up just killing them all cuz I didn't know about quarantine tanks and how VERY Important they are! So be calm and QUARANTINE, QUARANTINE, QUARANTINE! And no more than 1 "BABY"...
  11. stormyday76

    what is hyposalinity?

    I got my info on hyposalinity at <a href="'s" target="_blank">'s</a> very specfic. IMO,they have a great site going there. I just don't konw if you can ask questions there like you can here. Good Luck! ;)
  12. stormyday76

    faviort lion fish

    Well, from what I'v eheard: the Volitan is one of the most popular and hardiest of lions. And you can put more than one in a tank as long as they're about the same size. I'd just hate to get stung by one. They're next on my "To buy" list! :D
  13. stormyday76

    Please give me your advice on this mix?

    From what I understand, you can't have anything in with a lionfish that's smaller than his mouth..or it's history! I might be wrong!? And please don'tget misguided thinking all those snails will completely clean the tank, you'll still have work to do. I thought the same thing and ended up...