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  1. kydizzle41

    Help I Need Ideas!!

    Originally Posted by meowzer IDK anything about lions, but I do know you should not mix clowns.... do you want any type of corals??? but i thought u could put true percs in with false percs? idk and im not sure i have a few zoa in right now im pretty inexperienced when it comes to coral.
  2. kydizzle41

    Help I Need Ideas!!

    Originally Posted by SALAMI TRIGGER What Kind Of Clowns...and How Big Are They.... there about an inch if that and they are false percs i heard that u could mix them with true percs and other friendly clowns and my tank has more than enough room for a couple pairs of clowns
  3. kydizzle41

    Help I Need Ideas!!

    okay so i've got a 65 gallon with 2 clowns and i wanna do somethin with this tank but i have no idea....any suggestions? could i maybe put a dwarf lion in here? also could i add another pair of clowns like a pair of pink skunk clowns or some true percs i have false percs in rite now. thanks 4...
  4. kydizzle41

    Cloudy right eye on Blue Throat trigger

    get this stuff called erythromocycin or something like that its a blueish green color in a clear bottle with a red cap its made by gel-tek you can get it from ***** my lionfish had the same thing and it was cured in a few days. soak the food in this stuff or inject it and feed every day or every...
  5. kydizzle41

    Tiny Cowfish blowing on snails!

    thats so funny and cute lol
  6. kydizzle41

    the start of my 20L adventure lol

    no its not just your computer it says he is still logged in on mine too
  7. kydizzle41

    New Rock Anemone

    i feed my pink tip anemone krill but i heard they love silversides too. as for the baby clown goby i have no idea
  8. kydizzle41

    the start of my 20L adventure lol

    looks awesome mike your lucky you get stuff on your lr mine never comes with anything LOL. but i like that green stuff on the rock it gives it a natural look.
  9. kydizzle41

    55 Future Build

    looks like a good build good luck
  10. kydizzle41

    Help me choose 1 more fish. Also please let me know what you think about my tank!

    first off the tank looks great! second a coral beauty might nip at your corals and might be a little cramped in that tank. third i like the six line wrasse you can look at them on this site they are reef safe and will fit in your tank. fourth you could get some kind of goby i like the clown...
  11. kydizzle41

    75 Reef

    hi and welcome to u could do some gobies like clown gobies and neon gobies. what are also pretty cool are the fire fish gobies especially the purple ones. u could also do like a kole tang i think im not sure but i think u can. mandarins are cool to but you need a lot of pods to...
  12. kydizzle41


    i asked that question awhile ago too. they said that upside down jellyfish are the easiest to keep becuz they dont require special tanks and that other jellies are hard to kep and that there tanks cost alot of money.
  13. kydizzle41

    Adding a Mate?

    if you got another pair yes but you could get just one black and white clown and that will pair up with your orange one and the black ones are the same as false percs just different colors.
  14. kydizzle41

    What did Santa bring for your tank?

    i got a red sea marine lab test kit and a 50 dollar gift card to *****
  15. kydizzle41

    New 55 set up

  16. kydizzle41

    New 55 set up

    nice tank looks nice and clean. what is your stock list?
  17. kydizzle41

    2 different firefish

    cool thanks chasar im goin to check out your thread right now
  18. kydizzle41

    2 different firefish

    is it possible to keep a regular firefish and a purple one in the same tank with out them fighting? it is a 60 gal tank. and has anyone ever done this?thanks for the replies.
  19. kydizzle41

    Fuge question

    it's up to u if your tank is running good and everything is healthy i wouldn't spend the money and time. but the more filtration the better.