Search results

  1. safaripilot

    Great cleaner shrimp

    I bought mine from SWF along with a CB shrimp and they are both great to watch. The 2 damsels fight over who gets cleaned. The shrimp gets inside their gills, mouth, sides and tail. When the fish tries to leave the Shrimp makes every effort to hang on. Really neat stuff. I will get some...
  2. safaripilot

    Great cleaner shrimp

    I have a cleaner shrimp that is very active. Currently only the damsels let him do his work; however, they let him work on them for 5 minutes at a time. What a neat thing to watch. I'll try to get some pics of him doing his job.
  3. safaripilot

    Best medication for ICH?

    Other than hyposalinity of course, I would like some opnions on what has worked for any of you. I currently have no problem; however, if I would have a breakout it would be nice to have something ready. Tank has a fish, shrimp, snails, hermits, and LR only. No corals, sponges, etc... Thanks
  4. safaripilot

    I Need A Good Algae Eater!!!

    Get the Mexican turbo snails from I have 15 in my 125 and they keep the glass very clean. I put them in right after the initial cycle and you could barely see into the tank from all the algae and now it is clear only requiring the front glass cleaned every weekend. Also, buy an RO...
  5. safaripilot

    The damsel debate...leave or retrieve???

    Damsels are EVIL. Catch and kill all you can find. I am down to five and can't wait until they die. Impossible to catch and agressive to everything put in the tank. I just put in a large tomato clown and it is showing them who the dominant fish is now. I love it. I'm thinking of pulling...
  6. safaripilot

    125 All Glass with twin overflows?

    I bought a 125 with a center mounted overflow. Since rock is generally placed in this area anyway it is completely hidden and makes for a much nicer tank. Built in overflows are the way to go. You can put the tank closer to the wall as well.
  7. safaripilot

    Fiji rock quality from SWF?

    I ordered 50# from SWF to cycle my tank and was happy with it. Most of the stuff died off in the cycle; however, the purple coaline algae has made a dramatic comeback. Now that my tank is cycled I am going to add another 50# to complete the setup.
  8. safaripilot

    Replacing the CC?

    I used a 5" net to remove all 100 lbs of my CC from my 125 tank. I then poured 2 1/2 50 lb bags of Southdown sand into the tank. It clouded the tank severly for 24 hours; however, it cleared up very nice with the shrimp, fish, snails, crabs, etc. all very healty. My snails, crabs, and shrimp...
  9. safaripilot

    hair algae removal

    Mexican Turbos will mow it down and keep it clean.
  10. safaripilot

    Sand, Snails, Crabs, and shrimp

    Now that I have replaced my Crushed Coral with Southdown play sand my crabs and snails are much more active on the bottom of the tank. My cleaner and Coral Banded shrimp also take part in the bottom sifting. THe Mexican turbos are the best algae eating machines I have ever seen. So far I am...
  11. safaripilot

    Southdown sand N.E. Indiana

    I have 8 50# bags left from a pallett I bought if anyone is interested. It is $15 per bag. ( Shipping was expensive) You can buy this stuff on the East coast for $4 per bag, but there seems to be none available here. I just removed all of the CC in my 125 and added 200# of the sand and must...
  12. safaripilot

    Southdown sand N.E. Indiana

    Hello, I bought a pallet of Southdown sand and have 8 50# bags left if anyone is interested. It is $15 per bag which is about 3 times what you would pay on the East coast, but that is what I need out of it due to shipping.
  13. safaripilot

    Recent cleanup order from

    Sunday night I ordered 15 Mexican turbos, 10 Blue hermits, 10 red hermits, a cleaner shrimp, and a CB shrimp. THe order came @ 11:00 A..M. Tueday after being shipped Monday. Everything came alive and well; however, the water was very cold when it came (probably around mid 50's) and I...
  14. safaripilot

    What does everyone do for a living?

    Automobile & aircraft dealer. Commercial pilot. Gadget junkie.
  15. safaripilot

    Need help locating some sand DSB

    I have tried to find Southdown sand at HD, Lowes, and some other places with no luck. HD does carry a play sand, but it is not Southdown. Can anyone recommend an alternative sand. My tank is nearly cycled and I currently have CC which I wish I neverwould have put in. I have a 125 tank which...
  16. safaripilot

    Where to buy sand?

    My initial cycle is just about done in my 125. I made the mistake of putting in CC instead of sand. Since I only have 50# LR and 8 damsels I figured it would be a good time to replace the CC with sand. I think I saw a post where someone mentioned Lowes. I will not need live sand since the...
  17. safaripilot

    brown algae?

    I am 7 days into my new tank (125 g) and have ammonia 4+, nitrite .25 and no nitrates yet. I am breaking in the tank with 8 damsels and 50# of live rock. Over the last 48 hours I have developed a brown algae starting to cover the CC substrate and the live rock. I last cycled a different tank...
  18. safaripilot

    Best way to remove damsels?

    Thanks for all the good posts. I think I will try a combination of moving some of the top rock and do it first thing in the morning before the lights come on. I will use two nets. If that does not work, I will put 250,000 volts through the tank and float them to the top. There are many good...
  19. safaripilot

    Ideal quarantine tank?

    Hello, After reading many of these posts about ich, etc. I have decided that I better set up a quarantine tank for any new fish. I am getting back into the hobby after a 3 year break and thought I better do it right. I have a 125 gallon with wet-dry, protein skimmer, 330 watts of pc lighting...
  20. safaripilot

    Best way to remove damsels?

    Continued... I then would have to only get rid of that fish. I really don't want to move my liverock as it is sitting exactly how I want it and I doubt if I can duplicate it.