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  1. nanoized

    Bad news for halide users!!

    I was at my LFS yesterday and they had an awesome T5 Giessmann fixture in Ferrari red. Problem was the tank full of life looked dead. No shadows. No shimmer. No T5's for me except as supplement lighting. Go with what you like.
  2. nanoized

    MH in nano???

    if you are installing MH in a stock hood. Links to retail sites are not permitted on message boards. and its expensive :-/
  3. nanoized

    protein skimmer on nano

    Originally Posted by Tang Master i dont think a skimmer is a good idea becaues of how it takes essential elements out of the water Can you point us to the articles on that?
  4. nanoized

    T5 vs MH lighting

    Another point against T5's for me is how they sit so close over the water and prevent top viewing because of the size of the fixture. A 24" tank needs a 24" fixture. The T5 fixtures are wide as well.
  5. nanoized

    T5 vs MH lighting

    Originally Posted by Bulldog123 Mh only leaves alot of shadows. So the t-5s fills in the shadows and gives me longer viewing time. If you dont want sps go with just t-5s. I find the shadows is what makes MH so desirable. Its the way a reef is suppose to look. T5's however give the tank a...
  6. nanoized

    protein skimmer on nano

    It definitely doesn't hurt and it will help with overfeeding. Get one that fits in your rear chamber like a sapphire aquatics or a tunze 9002.
  7. nanoized

    Can you keep your nitrates below 5 PPM?

    Chaeto in the fuge with a high intensity reverse lighting schedule is what keeps my nitrates down. 20% weekly water changes and the turkey baster help as well. My tank is a mixed reef.
  8. nanoized

    Goodbye everyone!

    Hey Kid, Its not good bye its just see you later. Look less into the tank and more into the school text books. That way when your older you can afford the girl, car and aquarium. ;-) Best wishes on all future endeavors.
  9. nanoized

    Do I really want a controller?

    The difference with a controller to your timers is the controller can shut off lights and turn on fans depending on temperatures...that's the clincher for me...its basically is another level of safety for my tank.
  10. nanoized

    Are you Kidding me??????????

    Usually it takes over 2530 post to see this type of breakdown
  11. nanoized

    THIS is why you need RO/DI for your reef

    I buy RO only water... I test it with a TDS meter and the readings are always 1 ppm Is that acceptable even though its not zero?
  12. nanoized

    which light for chaeto in biocube?

    scraped off the black paint over chamber 2 and used Velcro to fasten the 3.1 nanotuners 3 x 1w 6500k led light to the back of the tank. Adds no heat to tank and I get great macro algae growth.
  13. nanoized

    Viper Metal Halide

    I removed the hood on my BC14 at Christmas and hung a IceCap Spotlight Pendant. I really like being able to work on the tank (including the rear chambers) without having to play with the lid or unhooking the lighting. A quality 70w fixture I feel is enough for a BC14 without bringing on too much...
  14. nanoized

    just inhaled a bunch of tank water.

    Originally Posted by deejeff442 as long as it didnt come out your nose you will be fine. Actually it clears the sinuses
  15. nanoized

    Coolest fish out there for a nano

    Always great fish
  16. nanoized

    What salt do you use?

    for the win
  17. nanoized

    Lighting for a cube

    24" deep = 250w mh imho
  18. nanoized

    10k 14k 20k???

    I prefer 20k if there is no actinic supplementation. Yeah the growth slows but the 20k simply looks better to me. Maybe get both and start off with a 14k...get the growth you want then switch over to a 20k.
  19. nanoized

    Stock My Biocube

    Clown and a yellow watchman goby for me. I think 2 fish is the max for our BC14's Think about a refugium with chaeto in the middle rear chamber.