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  1. shwstpr88

    Does anyone here do P90X?

    Just curious if I am the only one here on the program or insanity or on beachbody products?
  2. shwstpr88

    Need a replacement for the Sedra 3500 on my ASM Skimmer

    Yeah I was looking to see if I can use somthing other than the sedra brand pump?
  3. shwstpr88

    Depressed - Venting

    Joe.....Your not a turtle anymore!?
  4. shwstpr88

    Depressed - Venting

    Nope water quality in my tank is prestine, and yes the cowfish is dead as well. I may have mis spoke of "ich". Anyway I think it was the cowfish this is an established tank over 2 years old. I have been successful in saving my hippo, one clown, firefish, scooter and so far my spotted puffer.
  5. shwstpr88

    Depressed - Venting

    Be afraid be veeeeeeeeery afraid!
  6. shwstpr88

    Need a replacement for the Sedra 3500 on my ASM Skimmer

    My motor just died and my supplier carries only Quietone pumps can somone recommoned what model to get or if they are even worth looking at? Thanks!
  7. shwstpr88

    Depressed - Venting

    Well its 1am, havent been on this site in a long time, just did a 30 percent water change after finding my cowfish having stress problems looked like emperor angelfish looking like death in a corner very faded and dark looking, one of my two clowns looking like he has cotton candy all...
  8. shwstpr88

    Leaving the hobby

    Testing new forum since I cant post a new link!~
  9. shwstpr88

    st patricks day

    Meowzer I thought you were an Irish hater? The green beer must of turned you back around or was it a Shamrock shake??
  10. shwstpr88


    Thanks aquaman!
  11. shwstpr88

    This is not going to help Toyota...

    I love that your killing me....TOYOTA! USA! USA! USA!
  12. shwstpr88

    Anyone a health insurance wiz?

    Good news everyone the doctor she wants takes her HMO sooo.... this preganancy is gonna be FREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE. My PPO while you gete more freedonm could have costed up to 2500 but I was very happy to see her OBGYN take the HMO yaaay!
  13. shwstpr88

    Anyone a health insurance wiz?

    My wife and I both have insurance she has HMO from her work, shes a teacher. I have a PPO plan from my work. Seems her's is ALOT cheaper to use but harder to find people to take where is mine is alot more but with easier use. Is it beneificial to have both? We are soon expecting our first...
  14. shwstpr88

    Porcupine Puffer has turned into serial killer.

    fibnotchi am I sensing some negativity? and for what reason?
  15. shwstpr88

    Porcupine Puffer has turned into serial killer.

    Originally Posted by Fibinotchi Looks like it's time for some Fugu over at your house. Very funny I will send you the liver to try.
  16. shwstpr88

    Porcupine Puffer has turned into serial killer.

    not good to hear, im reading things right now saying some of these fish just snap somtimes and start eating everything??? I had never seen anything like that on these guys I mean I knew they eat shell fish I would accept it if he ate some of my shrimps, but fish no I draw the line. Even this...
  17. shwstpr88

    Porcupine Puffer has turned into serial killer.

    Ok here we go....had my porc puffer since he was a baby mixed in wtih some clowns, tangs, angel, couple other clown size fish. Tank is 125 gal and never had any problems for about a year and a half. The fish recently got ich and had to put all the fish in a 55 gal hypo tank. At this point I...
  18. shwstpr88

    sick cowfish white spots

    So I put everyone back in today but really freaked out my hipp tang.....all the sudden like almost instantly WHITE SPOTS ALL OVER IT! Is this ich again or just somthing that hippos do? No one else has had any spots.
  19. shwstpr88

    sick cowfish white spots

    Originally Posted by sargeboy why cant you use hypo in a tank with LR? You will kill it.