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  1. skinless85

    Could this work?

    I have 2 tanks that i want to combine into 1. I have a mated pair of Ocellaris in one and a single Ocellaris in the other. If i added the pair into the other tank, what is the probability of them co-existing? Both tanks have been running for 5+ years and none of the 3 clowns are aggressive. 2 of...
  2. skinless85

    Removing Bioballs and Adding Refugium

    Of course not
  3. skinless85

    Removing Bioballs and Adding Refugium

    I have 20lbs of live sand and about 30-40lbs of live rock. The tank has been running for close to 3 years now.
  4. skinless85

    Removing Bioballs and Adding Refugium

    So next month i will be moving my Biocube 29 and since im breaking the tank down for the move, i wanted to replace the 2nd chamber (bioballs) with a DIY Refugium. I have the housing and LED light i made for it and was wondering if there is anything i should do to make it as quick and painless as...
  5. skinless85

    Mixing Urchins

    I have a Long Spine urchin that is doing AWESOME in one tank and a Tuxedo Urchin in another tank that isn't doing so well. Is it possible to put my Tuxedo into the tank with the Spine urchin? Any help would be greatly appreciated!! Both tanks are 29 Gallon Biocubes.
  6. skinless85

    Melting Zoos

    I forgot to add that this tank has been up for a little more than a year with no previous issues. Temp.-78.4 SG-1.024 Nitrites-0 Nitrates-10-15 Ammonia was at .25 and is now down to almost 0 Calcium-440 Ph-8.0
  7. skinless85

    Melting Zoos

    I recently had a mini-crash in my 29 Biocube and lost a couple fish, zoo frags, and mushrooms. It happened overnight after i added my blue sponge coral. My fish became lethargic and would not eat or swim at all. Water Perameters were normal except for a .25 reading for ammonia which was porbably...
  8. skinless85


    Well my clown has now moved on to a better place. The other fish seem fine but corals are still looking bad except for my candy canes and bubble coral. Is it possible my newly added blue sponge has let off some toxins? it happened overnight after i added it. it is no longer blue but more of a...
  9. skinless85


    i have the main outlet and a Koralia Nano...i havent moved the circulation for the past few months. The tank has been setup for a little more than a year.
  10. skinless85


    Went to bed last night and everything looked normal. Woke up today and my zoos, ricordia, and mushrooms looked like they were melting. Temp. and levels were normal and fish, inverts, brain coral, and bubble coral all looked fine. I did a 3 gallon instead of 2 gallon water change today so i will...
  11. skinless85

    Hitch Hiker Crab: Grey with red eyes

    I actually posted a thread about this a few months back but i had 2 of these in my tank and i ended up catching them because they were attacking my shrimp if they got too close to eachother. None of my LFS's knew what these were and had never seen one before. The other day i actually saw one of...
  12. skinless85

    Candy Cane Skeleton

    The powerhead thing might actually be the problem. I moved one of the powerheads to direct more flow to my torch so it could be the change that messed the candy cane up. He looked much better last night and ive been feeding him a little mysis every night and dosing my tank with marine snow. I...
  13. skinless85

    Candy Cane Skeleton

    The rest of the tank is doing fine so ill just wait and see what happens with it. It looks worse at night when it extends itself (skeleton is more visible on the shaft and on the head) but the tenticles still come out and it still takes in food when i feed it. During the day there is only 1 spot...
  14. skinless85

    Candy Cane Skeleton

    Thanks for all the help. Ill just keep doing what i have been and see what happens. I havent seen anything picking at it and i feed them every other day or so. So will the flesh grow back after a while?
  15. skinless85

    Candy Cane Skeleton

    Within the last couple days, 1 head of my candy canes has started to show his skeleton. Its under PC's in a 29 biocube but about 2 or 3 inches from the surface. Ive had them for about 4 months now and no problems up until now. It still opens at night and eats so should i be worried? PH is 8...
  16. skinless85

    Crab I.D. help needed.

    Im curious to know as well. Mine doesnt come out much from his hole. I only see his legs every so often but it resembles this one a lot.
  17. skinless85


    Its under the rock so its actually in a shaded area but in an area where i can still see it. Ill keep any eye on it and thanks again for the help.
  18. skinless85


    Ill do a little more research on it now that i know the name of it. Thanks for the help. Any other advice if i decide to remove it?
  19. skinless85


    No im not sure where it came from. I just thought it was a nice piece at my LFS that had a giant hairy mushroom on it. Would the anemone harm anything?
  20. skinless85


    Anybody else?