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  1. bdhb12

    ADEE's 125

    Shouldn't comments like his be met with force of some kind? Criticism is one thing but he's just plain hostile. And I might add can't type very well.... I don't know enough about this stuff to tell you what to do but I will say I like your tank alot!! Keep it up now!
  2. bdhb12

    Puffer dead and out of this hobby

    Hey did you QT the puffer? And did/does he have a warranty?
  3. bdhb12

    Cleaner Clams
  4. bdhb12

    My First BioCube!

    Some more pics! FTS Are these pods?????? Also I found the algae I had might have been culpera! where can I find Cheato? Does SWF's copepods bag come with alot?
  5. bdhb12

    My First BioCube!

    More than i've seen buddy, more than i've seen.... But hey I put that stupid blue sponge thing back in and now I only have a few micro bubbles. But is a few bad?
  6. bdhb12

    My First BioCube!

    LOL I hear you i'm jonesing real bad just to see movement in there! you picked out a CUC yet?
  7. bdhb12

    My First BioCube!

    Can't say for sure there were 9 days between tests 2/11-2/20 I tested when I saw color in the rock.
  8. bdhb12

    My First BioCube!

    I think i'm on the lower end of my spike!! (could be why I have color on my rock?) Test result today: SG-1.026 Ammonia-0ppm Nitrite-5+ppm Nitrate-10ppm PH-7.8 So I can do CUC soon yes??
  9. bdhb12

    My First BioCube!

    In addition to the above Post, I finally have an interview for a Job So my tank will have better funding Soon!
  10. bdhb12

    My First BioCube!

    Hey I have a question, I turned on my lights today just to see how many of those stupid little bubble were running around and I noticed my rock seems to have more color. Most are turning pink and little pieces of a deep red stuff are appearing everywhere. Is this a good sign? (no I don't not...
  11. bdhb12

    My First BioCube!

    I still chuckle when I see that word even my friends down here who do SW laugh when we call each other that. Heh, Reefer..... But seriously, thank you and everyone else for the help you all have given me! Soon i'll ask for more....
  12. bdhb12

    My First BioCube!

    Oh, well in that case i'll most likely go with the sixline, thanks you've been very helpful!
  13. bdhb12

    My First BioCube!

    Does a mandarin goby have personality
  14. bdhb12

    My First BioCube!

    LoL riiiight Is a sixline a good wrasse? I am still looking at gobys though
  15. bdhb12

    My First BioCube!

    Originally Posted by redsea nice rockwork! Thanks! Glad you like it, now I can't wait for fish to be swimming round it!
  16. bdhb12

    My First BioCube!

    You tried your best at what?
  17. bdhb12

    Ugh, all fish died

    My bet is the cucumber did it, you have no other reason, a guy at my new lfs told me a story similar....
  18. bdhb12

    Ugh, all fish died

    I've been told that if a cucumber gets stressed it releases a poison that will kill everything in your tank, did you check for that?
  19. bdhb12

    coral frag pieces..

    Search in here, a guy did a whole thread with pic dunno where it is exactly though, but searching is fun!
  20. bdhb12

    My First BioCube!

    yeah it's way over the pump. When I brought the level over the max line the bubbles went away but as soon as the cheato died then the bubbles returned. Oh and I got those submersible lights from that one thread we posted in awhile ago dunno if they work yet and the cheato was already dead.