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  1. no_wedge

    lots of sps help please!

    the color would be because the Zooxanthellae has somewhat been released since in my opinion your light is not strong enough. I would raise the corals a little in the water, but first lower the lights as low as you can, right now the height is were most MH would be
  2. no_wedge

    Hillarious Video

    I happened to see something funny in my tank today and quickly grabbed the camera. I then compiled a video in a couple hours for everyones entertainment. Enjoy.
  3. no_wedge

    phosphate in DI water?

    well the tds meter i calibrated with solution and it is good, It's a handheld, and i got a new flow restrictor with the membrane, and producing about right, at 2.5g an hour for a 75gpd. so i'm leaning toward the test kit. I'm going to research it and see what i can find.
  4. no_wedge

    phosphate in DI water?

    it was right out of the di hose as it was being destributed. The Unit has all brand new filters, 1 micron sediment, CGAC cartridge, .6 Carbon block, 75g Filmtec RO, and then di. The API test kit is a year old. and the liquid kind
  5. no_wedge

    phosphate in DI water?

    i tested my 0tds di water for phosphates using my API phosphate test, and it shows what looks like .5 or 1 ppm of phosphate, is this possible, or just a fluke since the water is pure?
  6. no_wedge

    Help! Before everything dies...

    i do not dose, do about 15% water changes weekly in my 24g AP, keep sps as well. as long as parameters are good no need to supplement.
  7. no_wedge

    Help! Before everything dies...

    depends on the lfs about the water, ours is great water. plus I never had any real noticable cylce when i set up my tank, some nitrites and trates not really any amonia, but it still needs to get established. Bacteria only grows on solid surfaces IE. rock, tank, top of sand.
  8. no_wedge

    frag tank lighting?

    i've seen some really good growth with sps and metal halides though. that's what most commercial places use
  9. no_wedge

    Help! Before everything dies...

    im telling you if that anemone dies your tank will be completely gone. How long have you had the tank? anemone's are sensitive and need established tanks. It may already be dying
  10. no_wedge

    Help! Before everything dies...

    first thing get those inverts especially that bta out of there and to a healthy tank, someone local or the lfs talk to them about keeping it for a while. then work on your tank
  11. no_wedge

    frag tank lighting?

    well i was going to keep sps and high lighting creatures
  12. no_wedge

    frag tank lighting?

    I was planning out a tank probably 4feet by 2 feet, and no deper than 12 in, and was wondering what MH would be needed to light it. i was thinking 2 250 watts. but what distance, ballasts, and reflectors? I need help!
  13. no_wedge

    pulsing xenia dieing?

    xenia is real tolerant, stinks even when healthy in air. I have a piece that attached behind my rock with almost no light and it is still living for 6 months. hasn't grown though. just give it a little time to attach.
  14. no_wedge

    How do you clean a 125 G tank

    I'm sure they are 100% solid surface Polymer! so pretty strong for the money
  15. no_wedge

    Help starting aggressive FOWLR

    is there any small types of lions that will not eat small fish?
  16. no_wedge

    I am a NOOB! need advice

    really cheapest you can find you only need 1-2watts per gallon for a fish only no actnics, ,but it may bring out some color
  17. no_wedge

    Help starting aggressive FOWLR

    ok no puffers i've decided, too aggressive, anyone have a good stocking list advice?
  18. no_wedge

    Help starting aggressive FOWLR

    ok no damsels, how many small angels can go with large angels?
  19. no_wedge

    Help starting aggressive FOWLR

    Ok im putting together a stocking list, but i want angelfish to be the main focus since they are beautiful, question is how many large and dwarf can be together i've heard maybe 2 large, but how or if any dwarf. current list: Emperor Angelfish, and possibly another large angel, and a few dwarfs...
  20. no_wedge

    Help starting aggressive FOWLR

    yea i don't plan on adding any triggers and if i do it would be the last thing, but let me get a list together and I'll post it.