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  1. humblefishie

    what's this???

    yes i dipped it when i got it and after the 3 weeks befor putting it in to make sure no hitchhikers where in/on it.
  2. humblefishie

    what's this???

    i got some fugi lr from this site and cured it for over three weeks by itself. its been in my tank for couple months and now there is these things growing. there are white to clear bulb/stalks growing all over my tank on everything. the biggest one i can find looks like it may have tentacles on...
  3. humblefishie

    240g in wall shallow reef build

    nice setup i wish i could do something like that
  4. humblefishie

    OMG, I should feel so guilty.

    nice pic
  5. humblefishie

    Tarz's 45gal. Diary (Upgraded to 120g)

    tank is looking good
  6. humblefishie

    need help im moving!

    thats what i figured im going to look for something with wheels to help out and take all the water i can. i hope this move goes well thanks
  7. humblefishie

    need help im moving!

    i have a 55 gal. tank and im moving here in few days and had some ?'s. i plan on taken all the lr and put it in a cooler filled with my water and put the 3 fish in a 5 gal bucket of water and draining the rest till its just my sand bed with little water. does this sound ok? should i try to take...
  8. humblefishie

    acclimation help plz!

    im getting a package of crabs and was wanting to know if you can do all in the same thing or do all of them sep? im getting 10 blue leg hermits,emerald crab, halloween crab, porcelain crab, coral banded shrimp.
  9. humblefishie

    red worm with white hairs

    yes they are they will kill fish and corals. i got some rock it was infested and i had to wipe out the whole tank they got so bad. i have learn to check it and cure it befor putting anymore in my tank for that reason alone. gl
  10. humblefishie

    T-5 lights?

    i was lookin at some glass lids that fit right on the top the tank to keep everthing in. it wont work with that?
  11. humblefishie

    T-5 lights?

    i have been lookin in on the t-5 lighting system and wanted to know if u could use that with a closed lid tank? i have found a 48' setup for 110$ and was told its great for any kind of tank system im wanting. could use any feed back tyia
  12. humblefishie

    need some help!

    i plan to look around at the stores tomorrow and see what they have to offer. thanks for the feedback
  13. humblefishie

    need some help!

    i plan on getting the rock and cureing it by itself for two weeks befor putting it in the tank. and the filter its a hang on the back filter it has carbon filters and two bio skimmer wheels on it. i dont plan on the mandarin till ive gotten the tank how i like it. i plan on taken my time so not...
  14. humblefishie

    need some help!

    ill look in on the sunpod light when im out. dont those get hot? i have a closed lid because of the little guy that likes to jump at night would that be a problem? and for the corals i have yet to decide on which ones exactly. the water is good all test are where they should be. is there any...
  15. humblefishie

    need some help!

    im planing on getting another 20-25 pounds of lr in next week or two. im going to the lfs tomorrow to look around for a protein skimmer and sump/refugium any suggestions? im picking up a sun glow bulb which is good for fish coral and rocks. the plan is a coral banded shrimp some snails, hermit...
  16. humblefishie

    need some help!

    i have gotten a 55 gal. tank 3 fish and a lr on a sand bed about 2-3 in. ive been doing alot of research and reading on here which has helped a good bit but i still got ?s i have a penguin 3/1 filter/protein bio wheels a powerhead which im going to get another 1 tomorrow, the light is a flor...