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  1. phoenix az

    ich? cloudy eyes

    I don't see how it could possible be the diet considering all the red dotty ate was krill which is suppose to be good for them and he passed away already.
  2. phoenix az

    ich? cloudy eyes

    unfortunately the red dottyback just passed away. I'm doing all I can for them I just have no idea what to do. I hope frank wins his fight.
  3. phoenix az

    ich? cloudy eyes

    I'm not sure what it is. I only fed him canned tuna twice and a hot dog once over 3 months ago. other than that he eats minos silversides and krill. He's looking pretty bad today and the little dottyback is too. I don't think it could be diet if they're both getting this way and all the red...
  4. phoenix az

    ich? cloudy eyes

    I'm not going to lie he had second thoughts about the hot dog but he gulped up a half of a hot dog. I thought canned tuna would be good for him? I mean i eat it and it says it has protein. hey at least it's a varried diet right? maybe when he feels better ill take some pics/vids of him eating...
  5. phoenix az

    ich? cloudy eyes

    This is him he's looking pale. it's almost like it's going through a cycle he was looking 95 percent better than he got like this again today. I have been using a bottle of ich attack. the only other fish i have is a red dottyback but he seems to be fine and untouched. he never picks on the lion...
  6. phoenix az

    ich? cloudy eyes

    well he has tiny white dots on the clear parts of his fins. i just did a water test recently everything was at 0. maybe I should do another. will the other fish be ok with ich attack in there?
  7. phoenix az

    ich? cloudy eyes

    with this bottle of ich attack. i took out the carbon filter and have added the recomended dose daily. should i put the carbon filter back in? how much longer should i treat it for? should i do a water change and then continue to treat again? will ich attack hurt my other fish in the tank who...
  8. phoenix az

    Everything Dead!

    try to get it out with whatever they recomend then try testing it with a damsel or two for a few weeks that should let you know if it's safe or not
  9. phoenix az

    ich? cloudy eyes

    my volitan lion had ick about a week ago and i treated it and he got better and returned to normal behavior. his eyes were cloudy during it but then they almost completely cleared up untill this morning. now they are really cloudy again? can anyone tell me what i should do
  10. phoenix az

    Dampier grouper?

    I haven't had him with the humu in about 2 months now. he's by himself with the exception of the dottyback I just bought which he looks at with curiousity. i hope its just curiousity and not hunger at least ha ha
  11. phoenix az

    Dampier grouper?

    I guess we'll just see what happens then. the trigger grew very slow and never really messed with frank. are triggers immune to the lions sting? wouldn't nipping at it's fins sting the trigger?
  12. phoenix az

    Dampier grouper?

    ha ha it was 15 dollars not all that expensive. i had frank (the lion) with a trigger fish about an inch and a half smaller then the grouper and he never attempted to eat him. I will admit frank is a bottomless pit he eats anything. it's a dottyback? do they get any bigger?
  13. phoenix az

    Just picked up my 450 gallon!!

    looks like your lion has to be the center of attention just like mine. I'm starting to think they're all like that.
  14. phoenix az

    Dampier grouper?

    that's it. not really shy though usually swims around and has a interest in ppl whenever he sees someone goes to that side of the tank and gives u a 1000 yeard stare with glaring evil orange eyes. mine doesn't have those stripes though. have you heard of this species before?
  15. phoenix az

    Dampier grouper?

    I was at ***** yesterday and saw what was called a dampier grouper for sale for a reasonable price I usually don't consider ***** as a good place to go to buy fish but the fish has been there for over a month and looked very healthy. I can't find any information about these guys. how big will it...