Search results

  1. kingtriton

    Can I add more sand?

    I have a 10 gallon that has been sitting with nothing in it but has filtration going, 40 lbs of live sand and about 20 lbs of live rock. I was thinking on moving the rock and sand over to my 55g and just doing a poison dart frog terrarium in the 10g. Would it be ok to move the sand over? If so...
  2. kingtriton

    I D please

    those are a type of Acorn barnacle...I have a few of them in my small tank that I collected on a dive trip
  3. kingtriton

    Live Rock From Beach?

    it is illegal to take rock out of most oceans without some sort of permit, I scuba and snorkel all the time...and have done it myself, but you can get a large fine for it if you are caught....Ive always thought about just buying some base rock and putting it in the ocean for myself and leave it...
  4. kingtriton

    Need an ID and advice

    Originally Posted by Cranberry Just know that NO crab is peaceful. Even those that are listed at herbivores are actually omnivores. Every crab will eat meat... even our beloved mithrax. true that, well shall I say "as peaceful as a crab can be" lol.....they are more on the timid side of...
  5. kingtriton

    Need an ID and advice

    Originally Posted by Chele Disclaimer: Before you lecture, I didn't remove these little guys from the wild. A friend of my daughter's did yesterday and when she realized they weren't the kind sold at the Boardwalk that live in a cage, she brought them to me because I have a salt tank. We're an...
  6. kingtriton

    Do fish play games or have game related activites...

    one of my fish has a shiny nose and all of the ther fishes would laugh and call him names and they wouldnt let him play any of the fishy games little do they know he is an angler fish on a more serious fish tease my clown...for some reason they all will go over to his anemone and...
  7. kingtriton

    Quick question about lighting...

    Originally Posted by fraggle rock cant tell much from a picture, MH represenst a wide range of gas lamps, MSR/MSD, Mercury Vapor( which is really just a synonym for metal Halide. MH bulbs differ in the gas and inert element conents to give different color temp ratings. Generally speaking...
  8. kingtriton

    Quick question about lighting...

    Originally Posted by jetskiking The softies and LPS will do good most likely, but you will not have a lot of success in the SPS department. ok thanks more quick question...I went to Lowes hardware before the LFS just checking out bulbs there and I found these MH you...
  9. kingtriton

    Quick question about lighting...

    Originally Posted by jetskiking Very good example and once again proves the point that WATTS means nothing. Watts is a measure of usage not output. With a reef tank its about quality of light not just quantity. yeah thanks for the info on this....ok so honestly what sort of corals would be...
  10. kingtriton

    Quick question about lighting...

    Originally Posted by nissan577 the lights are different from pc and MH. the MH are really bright. its not the same as in having a 10g tank with 150w mh and a 10g with 150w Power compacts. example if you were to have sps in both tank. the one with the MH will be doing great and amazing! and one...
  11. kingtriton

    Quick question about lighting...

    Originally Posted by DCasey46 Lets just say that its a 100 watt lighting system. Thats about 10 watts per gallon which is good. My 12 g gets about 12.5 watts per gallon (have a 150 watt viper MH on it). I would say you should be ok, just might have a little bit of a heating issue. OK I...
  12. kingtriton

    Quick question about lighting...

    I was at my LFS just moments ago, and saw a Coralife quad 96 watt compact fluorescent light and hood for sale....My question is do you think 96 watts is overkill for a 10 gallon (20 inch long) nano? Will I fry coral or if not fry them have them growing so much they will be spewing out the sides...
  13. kingtriton

    Cleaning LR?

    Originally Posted by Flower What do you mean by excess crud? What is on the rock? well I notice there is loose debris on the rock, like I'll go to feed my sponges with the syringe and when i squirt the water onto the rocks I can see a layer of "dust" come off the rock, there's no algae but...
  14. kingtriton

    Cleaning LR?

    I was wondering if it is ok to take some of the LR I have in my tank and give it a good scrub? I wouldnt mess with any of the base rock as I do not want to disturb the sandbed. But some of the LR that has no corals attached to it, I would like to give it a good scrubbing just to get some of the...
  15. kingtriton

    Tide Pools and Mussle ID?

    those mussels are coquinas, they don't do well in the aquarium...I had brought a handful home after snorkeling one day and put them in the tank, the died pretty quick...they have a really specialized diet and need to be in the surf to filter feed. They do make good food for your fish though...
  16. kingtriton

    Night of the living snails

    Originally Posted by Cranberry Nassarius don't eat healthy specimens... he was dying. No matter where you put him in the tank, he was dying. wow really, so I guess they can detect that sort of thing...ahh well I wont buy one from that LFS again....thanks for the replies I did notice that when...
  17. kingtriton

    Night of the living snails

    so I went out yesterday and bought a serpent star, I put him in the tank and he was fine...not 30 mins later....I came and looked at the tank to see if he was OK and I notice all my nas snails rose up from their hiding in the sand bed and began eating him. They were literally inside the...
  18. kingtriton

    Most nutritional form of frozen food?

    Originally Posted by meowzer Definitely not brine....Frozen Mysis, marine cuisine, emerald a matter of fact they sell a saltwater multi pack that has the marine cuisine, emerald entree, spirulina and squid.... would live brine be ok as a form of "treat" for the fish? or is brine...
  19. kingtriton

    More than 1 blenny in same tank??

    I have 4 Molly Miller blennies in my 55 gallon and they are all perfectly fine, no fights...they all vary in size and just happily eat all the algae.
  20. kingtriton

    Can you mix saltwater and freshwater fish?

    Well it looks like someone has found a way to do it Not sure what the long term affects are but it sure does look surreal. here's some info on them...