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  1. wallie03

    hitchiker crab i.d?

    found this guy in my tank tonight .. has been in there for quite some time without me ever noticing him at least 2 years any way cot him and tossed him in the refuge.. i assume he is no good but just could not kill him since he has been around for some time and have not noticed any destruction...
  2. wallie03

    new 40g breader tank

    Well it was back with a vengeance today sucked all i could see and blasted of all my rock work .. I guess I will just continue to remove it when it pops up see how it goes for the next few weeks here are some more pictures some areas where starting to turn red/purple i have also notice a few air...
  3. wallie03

    new 40g breader tank

    Quote: Originally Posted by Bang Guy If it were me I wouldn't be super concerned at this stage of your tanks maturity. I wouldn't dim the lights. I would increase water flow across the sand and siphon out as much Dino as possible. I wouldn't change anything else unless the issue wasn't...
  4. wallie03

    new 40g breader tank

    I'm supper bummed i think it may be Dinoflagillates it looks like most of the pictures i have seen .. also i noticed some in my refugium that looks red/purple growing on the Caulerpa with some bubbles trapped in it as well ... there doesn't seem to be any on the LR just the sand in the DT it is...
  5. wallie03

    new 40g breader tank

    I'm cutting my lighting down a bit ... Don't want to run a black out because of the sps in this system... I'm not going to feed for a week and continue to pull as much of it out as possible and continue weekly water change any other suggestions
  6. wallie03

    new 40g breader tank

    It is probably the marine snow causing the algae growth. I would turn off pumps when feeding the snow and try target feeding coral. Also age of your bulbs? The bulbs are brand new 2 months old That looks more like Dinoflagillates vs Cyanobacter.  If it's decreased significantly in the morning...
  7. wallie03

    Testing Coral 1 month photos/growth

    looks good to me .. is there any growth around the base is it incrusting into the rock? what are you running for lighting
  8. wallie03

    new 40g breader tank

    Hi, all just wanted to post some pictures of my new 40g breeder tank and give some info...ask a couple questions and get some input I just upgraded from my 30g Nanocube .. I used all the live rock,water and about two cups of my live sand and replaced the rest of it with new sand all corals came...
  9. wallie03

    I.D Please

    Thanks guys
  10. wallie03

    I.D Please

    Quote: Originally Posted by ak_reefer Looks like a Chalice to me. Sent From my Frontal Lobes via TapaTalk!! Thanks at first that was i thought it was... The guy at the LFS said it was a brain of some sort it was $30 bucks so i bought it. the lights are out in the tank now and i was just looking...
  11. wallie03

    I.D Please

    Can any one help me id this coral, i was thinking it was a type of brain coral just my guess. Thanks for your help
  12. wallie03

    New upgrade/new fish?

    Hi all, just wanted to post a photo of my new tank, I recently upgraded from a 29g cube to a 40g breeder, hows my aqua scape? i have around 40lbs of lr in this tank. I'm looking to add another fish as well but I'm not sure on what i want but i was thinking 6line. i just want some input on a good...
  13. wallie03

    moving a tank 2294.49 miles ?

    my only problume at this point is my star polyps and a large colony of zoos that are incrusted on two large rocks i dont want to ship these huge rocks do you think they will be ok in a cooler for 3 days with water of course i will buy a battery powerd air pump.. im going to be traviling with all...
  14. wallie03

    moving a tank 2294.49 miles ?

    yea that's if i can get it all into two boxes i do have a very large colony of star polyps and zoos that are in crusted on two large pieces of Lr so i think i will be travailing with both of them.. i think they re hardy enough to make it
  15. wallie03

    moving a tank 2294.49 miles ?

    found an LFS that will house and ship them to me for around $250
  16. wallie03

    moving a tank 2294.49 miles ?

    yea there is no way i would pay that.. I'm going to stop by some more of my local LFS this week and see if they would be willing to hold then ship them to me, or see if they could help me bag them up individually with o2 and place them in a cooler for transport.. Ive also been talking with a...
  17. wallie03

    moving a tank 2294.49 miles ?

    Thanks i have been looking into that.. i also called all the lfs in my area and all the saltwater maintenance company and only on has replied this is what he said: We can provide the service. The most cost effective shipping method would be through aircargo, averages about $50 a box which...
  18. wallie03

    moving a tank 2294.49 miles ?

    yea its a huge move... i have been trying to find a local lfs in so-cal that would hold my corals and fish for 2 weeks then over night them to me.. not having very much look they all look at me like I'm an idiot... any one in the costa mesa area have an extra tank and want to make some extra...
  19. wallie03

    moving a tank 2294.49 miles ?

    Hi All, so i just got a job offer on the other-side of the us... I currently have 3 tanks 29g 3g and a 5.5g running packed with corals (sps,lps,shrooms, zoos) we are still in the beginning stages of moving but it looks like we will be renting a uhaul and driving 36 Hours we will be taking 2...
  20. wallie03

    Hair Algae

    I will not be buying halimeda ill stick with Green Gracilaria, Ulva... and Chaeto in the back of my tank.. Thanks for all the help guys